Open AmyLi0728 opened 7 months ago
Hi AmyLi0728! Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We will investigate and if we require further information we will reach out in one business day. Please use this link to escalate if you don't get replies.
Best regards, Teams Platform
Hello @AmyLi0728 - Thanks for raising your query. We will look into it and let you know the updates.
Hi @AmyLi0728, We have raised the bug, and we will keep you posted on the updates.
Steps to reproduce
Issue description: Screenreader announcing "list with one item" when moving back from "like" emoji to "Approve with comments" button!
Browser: Chrome - Version 114 (Official Build) (64-bit) Screenreader - JAWS - Version 2023.2303.144
Card json: { "type": "AdaptiveCard", "$schema": "", "version": "1.5", "refresh": { "action": { "type": "Action.Execute", "verb": "approvalCardRefresh", "data": { "code" : "refresh", "cardSourceTxId": "352629", "cardCategory": "EC_PENDING_WORKFLOW_APPROVAL", "needCode":"true", "targetUserId": "82096", "cardTitle": "Location Change", "cardTypeLabel": "BITE_LAYER_APPROVAL_CARD_TYPE_LABEL" } } }, "body": [ { "type": "ColumnSet", "columns": [ { "type": "Column", "width": "stretch", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Location Change", "wrap": true, "weight": "Bolder", "size": "Large", "fontType": "Default", "style": "heading" } ] } ] }, { "type": "ColumnSet", "spacing": "Small", "columns": [ { "type": "Column", "width": "stretch", "items": [ { "type": "Table", "columns": [ { "width": "230px" }, { "width": 1 } ], "rows": [ { "type": "TableRow", "cells": [ { "type": "TableCell", "backgroundImage": { "url": "data:image\/PNG;base64,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", "fillMode": "RepeatHorizontally" }, "horizontalAlignment": "Center", "minHeight": "32px", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "wrap": true, "horizontalAlignment": "Center", "color": "Warning", "text": "Approval Pending" } ], "verticalContentAlignment": "Center" }, { "type": "TableCell" } ], "horizontalCellContentAlignment": "Center", "verticalCellContentAlignment": "Center" } ], "firstRowAsHeaders": false, "showGridLines": false } ] } ] }, { "type": "Container", "items": [ { "type": "ColumnSet", "columns": [
], "actions": [
], "msteams": { "width": "Full" } }
Expected behavior
Ensure to remove list implementation on the "Approve with comments" button
Actual behavior
Screenreader announcing "list with one item" when moving back from "like" emoji to "Approve with comments" button
Error details
No response