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Rendering issues with Adaptive Cards in Channels 2.0 #8091

Closed srikanth2042 closed 2 months ago

srikanth2042 commented 1 year ago

With the introduction of Channels 2.0, the rending of Adaptive Cards is going for a toss. We observed the following major issues:

Please fix these bugs

ghost commented 1 year ago

Hi srikanth2042! Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We will investigate and if we require further information we will reach out in one business day. Please use this link to escalate if you don't get replies.

Best regards, Teams Platform

Nivedipa-MSFT commented 1 year ago

@srikanth2042 - Thanks for reporting your issue. Could you please share your adaptive card Json to test at our end?

srikanth2042 commented 1 year ago

@Nivedipa-MSFT here is the json input:

    "$schema": "",
    "type": "AdaptiveCard",
    "version": "1.3",
    "msTeams": {
        "width": "full"
    "body": [
            "type": "TextBlock",
            "wrap": true,
            "text": "Cardscanhaveactionsetsinthemiddleoftheirbody."
            "type": "ActionSet",
            "actions": [
                    "type": "Action.ShowCard",
                    "title": "ShowCard",
                    "card": {
                        "type": "AdaptiveCard",
                        "body": [
                                "type": "TextBlock",
                                "text": "Thisisashowcard"
                    "type": "Action.OpenUrl",
                    "title": "OpenUrl",
                    "url": ""
            "type": "TextBlock",
            "wrap": true,
            "text": "Therearealsostill\"actions\"atthebottomofthecard"
    "actions": [
            "type": "Action.ShowCard",
            "title": "ShowCard",
            "card": {
                "type": "AdaptiveCard",
                "body": [
                        "type": "TextBlock",
                        "text": "Thisisashowcard"
            "type": "Action.OpenUrl",
            "title": "OpenUrl",
            "url": ""

And rendered adaptive card in Channels 2.0 mode: image


Normal Teams(Channels 1.0) mode: image

Nivedipa-MSFT commented 1 year ago

@srikanth2042 - We have tested this in Channel 2.0. We are getting collapsed adaptive card but the image is not showing at our end. image

And how you have changed it to Channel 1.0? We are getting only Channel 2.0 option like below. image

ghost commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has been marked as requiring author feedback but has not had any activity for 3 days. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within 3 days of this comment.

srikanth2042 commented 1 year ago

@Nivedipa-MSFT though you can't reproduce the weird image issue, I still feel cards getting collapsed automatically is an issue. The reason we chose Adaptive Cards over normal cards is that they won't be collapsed even though they have a huge amount of data to be displayed. Can this issue be fixed to make the look and feel is consistent across Channels 1.0 & 2.0?

Nivedipa-MSFT commented 1 year ago

@srikanth2042 - We have raised a bug for the collapsed adaptive card. We will let you know once we get any updates on it.

srikanth2042 commented 1 year ago

@Nivedipa-MSFT any update here?

Nivedipa-MSFT commented 1 year ago

@srikanth2042 - We are checking the status of the bug with engineering team. We will update you soon.

tomabg commented 1 year ago

any news? in the meantime the 2.0 is live but no correction seems available!?

Nivedipa-MSFT commented 1 year ago

@tomabg - Currently, we do not have any ETA to share. However, we want to assure you that the engineering team is actively working on resolving the bug. We understand the importance of this issue and the impact it has on your experience. Please rest assured that we will keep you informed and provide updates as soon as we have more information available.

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.

tomabg commented 1 year ago

are there any news? problem still exist

Nivedipa-MSFT commented 1 year ago

@tomabg - We are checking the status with the engineering team, we will let you know once we get any updates on it.

Nivedipa-MSFT commented 1 year ago

@tomabg - Currently we don't have any ETA to share. Engineering team is working on it. We will let you know once we get any updates on it.

lindrrow-gh commented 10 months ago

Any news? This is still a problem and adaptive card is still being auto-collapsed.

ChetanSharma-msft commented 10 months ago

Hello @lindrrow-gh - Sorry for delay in response. We are actively checking the updates with engineering team and let you know.

z3019494 commented 10 months ago

Thanks @ChetanSharma-msft - it looks like it just got fixed!


ChetanSharma-msft commented 9 months ago

We are closing this issue for now, please feel free to reopen it, if required.

WilbertWalrus commented 9 months ago

We are closing this issue for now, please feel free to reopen it, if required.

Please re-open this.

See also:

Prasad-MSFT commented 9 months ago

@z3019494 - Could you please let us know in which version you tested this and observed that its fixed as mentioned here?

havedill commented 9 months ago

I'm seeing this "see more" on my version and it sucks image


Hiding all the important information, I have to hit 'see more' on every new message


Prasad-MSFT commented 9 months ago

@WilbertWalrus , @havedill - We checked this using New Teams (Teams 2.1), and the card is rendering properly. image

srikanth2042 commented 9 months ago

Confirming that this bug still exists in our organization tenant: image

Teams Client is running on v1.6.00.34456 (64-bit), cross checked this in teams web client too, same issue appears.

havedill commented 9 months ago

Yeah i still see it on both the web version and in my clients. I check for updates daily.

Teams WEB: 4A250C80-0944-4E21-8300-2E4FB34CD124_4_5005_c

MAC Client: 54AF08A1-3B31-45D8-8830-AEA062A439F4_4_5005_c

z3019494 commented 9 months ago

Yeah i still see it on both the web version and in my clients. I check for updates daily.

Teams WEB: 4A250C80-0944-4E21-8300-2E4FB34CD124_4_5005_c

MAC Client: 54AF08A1-3B31-45D8-8830-AEA062A439F4_4_5005_c

Has your tenant received Loop Components in Channels yet?

Mine was fixed the minute that some users were able to use loop components in channels.

havedill commented 9 months ago

Yes, we have loop components in channels image

ChetanSharma-msft commented 8 months ago

Hello Everyone, We have just now tested the above provided JSON with Developer Portal quickly and Adaptive Card is displaying properly in Teams Web clients (Classic/New/Channel2.0). image

So, we are not able to repro your issue. Could you please verify it once again and let us know.

havedill commented 8 months ago

Yes this is still an issue on all my platforms, for all my users

Potentially this will help. Here is the exact javascript that Zabbix runs for the Teams media type, (keep in mind this is impacting other applications using webhooks like Jira as well.

    '#97AAB3', // Not classified.
    '#7499FF', // Information.
    '#FFC859', // Warning.
    '#FFA059', // Average.
    '#E97659', // High.
    '#E45959', // Disaster.
    '#009900', // Resolved.
    '#000000'  // Default.

try {
    var params = JSON.parse(value);

    if (!params.teams_endpoint) {
        throw 'Cannot get teams_endpoint';
    else if (!params.teams_endpoint.includes('')) {
        throw 'Invalid MS Teams webhook URL: ' + params.teams_endpoint;

    params.zabbix_url = (params.zabbix_url.endsWith('/'))
        ? params.zabbix_url.slice(0, -1) : params.zabbix_url;

    if ([0, 1, 2, 3].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_source)) === -1) {
        throw 'Incorrect "event_source" parameter given: "' + params.event_source + '".\nMust be 0-3.';

    // Set "use_default_message" to true for non trigger-based events.
    if (params.event_source !== '0') {
        params.use_default_message = 'true';

    // Check {EVENT.VALUE} for trigger-based and internal events.
    if (params.event_value !== '0' && params.event_value !== '1'
        && (params.event_source === '0' || params.event_source === '3')) {
        throw 'Incorrect "event_value" parameter given: "' + params.event_value + '".\nMust be 0 or 1.';

    // Check {EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS} only for trigger-based events.
    if (params.event_update_status !== '0' && params.event_update_status !== '1' && params.event_source === '0') {
        throw 'Incorrect "event_update_status" parameter given: "' + params.event_update_status + '".\nMust be 0 or 1.';

    if (params.event_value == 0) {
        params.event_nseverity = '6';

    if (!SEVERITY_COLORS[params.event_nseverity]) {
        params.event_nseverity = '7';

    var request = new CurlHttpRequest(),
        facts = [],
        body = {
            themeColor: SEVERITY_COLORS[params.event_nseverity].replace('#', ''),
            summary: 'Zabbix',
            sections: [
                    markdown: 'false',
                    activityTitle: params.alert_subject,
                    activitySubtitle: 'On ' + params.host_name + ' [' + params.host_ip + ']',
                    text: (params.use_default_message.toLowerCase() == 'true')
                        ? params.alert_message
                        : params.trigger_description
            potentialAction: [
                    '@type': 'OpenUri',
                    name: (params.event_source === '0' && params.event_recovery_value !== '0')
                        ? 'Acknowledge'
                        : 'View Event History',
                    targets: [
                            os: 'default',
                            uri: (params.event_source === '0' && params.event_recovery_value !== '0')
                                ? params.zabbix_url + '/zabbix.php?action=popup&popup_action=acknowledge.edit&eventids%5B%5D=' +
                                : params.zabbix_url + '/tr_events.php?triggerid=' + params.trigger_id + '&eventid=' + params.event_id

    if (params.use_default_message.toLowerCase() !== 'true') {
        // Problem message.
        if (params.event_value === '1' && params.event_update_status === '0') {
                name: 'Event time',
                value: params.event_time + ' ' + params.event_date
        // Update message.
        else if (params.event_update_status === '1') {
            body.sections[0].text = params.event_update_user + ' ' + params.event_update_action + '.';

            if (params.event_update_message) {
                body.sections[0].text += '<br>Message:<br>' + params.event_update_message;

                name: 'Event update time',
                value: params.event_update_time + ' ' + params.event_update_date
        // Resolved message.
        else {
                name: 'Recovery time',
                value: params.event_recovery_time + ' ' + params.event_recovery_date

        if (params.event_severity && params.event_severity !== '{EVENT.SEVERITY}') {
                name: 'Severity',
                value: params.event_severity

        if (params.event_opdata && params.event_opdata !== '{EVENT.OPDATA}') {
                name: 'Operational data',
                value: params.event_opdata.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br>')

        if (params.event_tags && params.event_tags !== '{EVENT.TAGS}') {
                name: 'Event tags',
                value: params.event_tags

            .forEach(function (key) {
                if (key.startsWith('fact_') && params[key] !== '') {
                        name: key.substring(5),
                        value: params[key]
                else if (key.startsWith('openUri_') && params[key] !== '' && !params[key].startsWith('{')) {
                        '@type': 'OpenUri',
                        name: key.substring(8),
                        targets: [
                                os: 'default',
                                uri: params[key]
        body.sections[0].facts = facts;

    body.sections[0].text = body.sections[0].text.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br>');

    request.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json');

    if (typeof params.HTTPProxy === 'string' && params.HTTPProxy !== '') {

    Zabbix.Log(4, '[ MS Teams Webhook ] JSON: ' + JSON.stringify(body));

    var response = request.Post(params.teams_endpoint, JSON.stringify(body));

    Zabbix.Log(4, '[ MS Teams Webhook ] Response: ' + response);

    if (response === '1') {
        return 'OK';
    else {
        Zabbix.Log(4, '[ MS Teams Webhook ] FAILED with response: ' + response);
        throw response;
catch (error) {
    Zabbix.Log(3, '[ MS Teams Webhook ] ERROR: ' + error);
    throw 'Sending failed: ' + error;

image image image

havedill commented 8 months ago

I can reproduce with this simple bash as well to my webhook connector.

JSON="{\"title\": \"${env^^} Incoming Server Updates\", \"themeColor\": \"Red\", \"text\": \"<br>
\" }"

curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "${JSON}" "${TEAMS_URL}"
Prasad-MSFT commented 7 months ago

Hi @havedill - We tried below using simple bash to our webhook connector and observed below behaviour in Teams classic and New Teams as well: curl.exe -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{ '@type': 'MessageCard', '@context': '', 'summary':'\uD83D\uDCAC <b>Summary test</b> on', 'themeColor': '#00FF00', 'title': '\uD83D\uDCAC <b>Sebastian commented</b> on', 'sections':[{'text': 'The actionable messages include six visible buttons on the card. Each button is defined in the potentialAction property of the message by using ActionCard actions, each with an input type, a text field, a date picker, or a multiple-choice list. Each ActionCard has an associated action, for example HttpPOST.For the HttpPOST action, the bearer token is included with the requests. This token includes the Microsoft Entra identity of the Microsoft 365 user who took the action.You can also use this JSON to create cards containing rich inputs, such as text entry, multiselect, or selecting date and time. The code that generates the card and posts it to the webhook URL can run on any hosted service. These cards are defined as part of actionable messages and are also supported in cards used in Teams bots and message extensions.'}]}" $WEBHOOKURL


Could you please confirm if you are observing the same or not?

havedill commented 7 months ago

Slightly better looking, but no still cuts off after like 2 lines. Keep in mind alerts can be quite large on purpose. I would like to see the entirely of the output, or maybe have a setting to set like 20 or 30 lines before being truncated or something


Using my original example JSON structure

JSON="{\"title\": \" Incoming Server Updates\", \"themeColor\": \"Red\", \"text\": \"<br>
\" }"
curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$JSON" $WEBHOOKURL


Copying your JSON structure

JSON='{"@type":"MessageCard","@context":"","summary":"Test 2 Using MS JSon","themeColor":"#00FF00","title":"Test","sections":[{"text":"hello<br><br>world<br><br>superlong"}]}'
 curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$JSON" $WEBHOOKURL 


It seems replacing the HTML
with \n seems to help slightly. Although it requires two \n characters to create a single new line

$JSON='{"@type":"MessageCard","@context":"","summary":"Test 2 Using MS JSon","themeColor":"#00FF00","title":"Test","sections":[{"text":"hello\n\nworld\n\nsuperlong"}]}'
curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$JSON" $WEBHOOKURL                                                     


Using <p> does not help either

$JSON='{"@type":"MessageCard","@context":"","summary":"Test 2 Using MS JSon","themeColor":"#00FF00","title":"Test","sections":[{"text":"hello<p>world<p>superlong<p>boom<p>bang<p>boom"}]}'
curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$JSON" $WEBHOOKUR


Prasad-MSFT commented 7 months ago

Thanks for confirming, we have reopened the bug which was already raised and made engineering team aware about the reoccurrence of the issue. Once we get further update, we will inform in this thread.

Thanks again!

havedill commented 7 months ago

I've added some more details, hopefully it helps. Thank you

Prasad-MSFT commented 2 months ago

The issue seems to be fixed. Please do verify. image

Tested with Microsoft Teams version 24183.2200.2972.8859. The client version is 49/24053101421.

Prasad-MSFT commented 2 months ago

We are closing this issue for now. Please feel free to reopen if required. Thanks!

microsoft-github-policy-service[bot] commented 2 months ago

Tell us about your experience!

Hi srikanth2042! This issue is closed in our system. We would like your feedback on your experience with our support team and Platform.

Best regards, Teams Platform