MicrosoftDocs / pipelines-azureml

Example Azure Pipeline to train and deploy a machine learning model using the Azure Machine Learning service
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Compute name 'cpu-cluster-1' is invalid #19

Open pietheinstrengholt opened 3 years ago

pietheinstrengholt commented 3 years ago

Raising a ticket because the compute name 'cpu-cluster-1' is invalid. My suggestion would be to change it into 'cpu'. See error message below:

Command group 'ml' is experimental and under development. Reference and support levels:
Creating compute instance...
{'Azure-cli-ml Version': '1.29.0', 'Error': ComputeTargetException:
        Message: Compute name 'cpu-cluster-1' is not available. Reason: Invalid. Message: A name for an Azure ML Com
pute Instance must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and must use only numbers, letters and minus symbol (-)
,must start with letters. Numbers cannot be the ending of the name if the previous character is a minus symbol (-).
 Please specify a different Azure ML Instance name
        InnerException None
    "error": {
        "message": "Compute name 'cpu-cluster-1' is not available. Reason: Invalid. Message: A name for an Azure ML
Compute Instance must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and must use only numbers, letters and minus symbol (
-)\uff0cmust start with letters. Numbers cannot be the ending of the name if the previous character is a minus symbo
l (-). Please specify a different Azure ML Instance name"