MicrosoftDocs / pipelines-azureml

Example Azure Pipeline to train and deploy a machine learning model using the Azure Machine Learning service
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Problems executing the pipeline examples #25

Open yesid-lopez opened 2 years ago

yesid-lopez commented 2 years ago

Hello there, I'm trying to follow the tutorial but when I executed it I got the following error

##[error]No hosted parallelism has been purchased or granted. To request a free parallelism grant, please fill out the following form
Pool: Azure Pipelines
Image: Ubuntu-16.04
Started: Just now
Duration: 11s

Job preparation parameters
ContinueOnError: False
TimeoutInMinutes: 60
CancelTimeoutInMinutes: 5
  MaxConcurrency: 0
  ########## System Pipeline Decorator(s) ##########

  Begin evaluating template 'system-pre-steps.yml'
Evaluating: eq('true', variables['system.debugContext'])
Expanded: eq('true', Null)
Result: False
Evaluating: resources['repositories']['self']
Expanded: Object
Result: True
Evaluating: not(containsValue(job['steps']['*']['task']['id'], '6d15af64-176c-496d-b583-fd2ae21d4df4'))
Expanded: not(containsValue(Object, '6d15af64-176c-496d-b583-fd2ae21d4df4'))
Result: True
Evaluating: resources['repositories']['self']['checkoutOptions']
Result: Object
Finished evaluating template 'system-pre-steps.yml'
Template and static variable resolution complete. Final runtime YAML document:
- task: 6d15af64-176c-496d-b583-fd2ae21d4df4@1
    repository: self

I found that now you have to request permissions to MS, there is any way to execute it without request their permissions?

Thank you

ruqianq commented 2 years ago

Have you fixed the issue? Looks like you are using free tier of Azure DevOps, so you might need to follow the step to enable parallel compute:

[error]No hosted parallelism has been purchased or granted. To request a free parallelism grant, please fill out the following form