To learn more about planning with Semantic Kernel, see the planning article.
There's another link near the bottom of this source file (the second-to-last line - line 447) that appears it would also 404 because it also references ./, but I can't find where the "Next steps" section appears on the live site so unable to prove it:
439: ## Next steps
440: Now that you've built your first agent, you can now deep dive into the different components of Semantic Kernel.
442: | Section | Description |
443: | ------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
444: | Kernel | Setting up and using the core Kernel object |
445: | AI Services | Integration and usage of various AI services |
446: | Plugins | Integrate native code and APIs with Semantic Kernel |
447: | Planners | Enabling your AI agents to complete multi-step tasks |
448: | Personas | Customize your AI agents to better collaborate with others |
There's a 404.
From this public page:
search for this text: "To learn more about planning with Semantic Kernel, see the "
This text is followed by a "planning article" link that 404s.
This is the destination of the link that 404s:
which perhaps should be:
Source code page is:
The offender is line 229:
There's another link near the bottom of this source file (the second-to-last line - line 447) that appears it would also 404 because it also references
, but I can't find where the "Next steps" section appears on the live site so unable to prove it: