MicrosoftDocs / typography-issues

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Missing the Embeddability column #952

Open eliumoraes opened 2 years ago

eliumoraes commented 2 years ago

[I was looking at the rules for font rights and found this page that refers to Microsoft fonts. First thing is that fonts are not very human readable. I believe, after reading it many times, that I can generate PDF's with Microsoft fonts if I attach the embeddability. I took a long time to find the list, and after searching without success I had to look at fonts directory and click in each font and create my own list.

Please attach it to the site so other people can use it.

`<!DOCTYPE html>

Sheet Name :- Sheet1
Font Name Embeddability
Arial Editable
Bahnschrift Editable
Barlow Installable
Book Antiqua Installable
Bookman Old Style Installable
Bookshelf Symbol 7 Regular Editable
Calibri Editable
Cambria Editable
Cambria Math Regular Editable
Candara Editable
Cascadia Code Installable
Cascadia Mono Installable
Caveat Installable
Century Gothic Installable
Century Regular Installable
Comic Sans MS Editable
Consolas Editable
Constantia Editable
Corbel Editable
Cormorant Infant Installable
Courier New Editable
Courier Regular Installable
Dosis Installable
Dubai Editable
Ebrima Editable
FiraCode Nerd Font Installable
FiraCode Nerd Font Mono Installable
FiraCode NF Installable
Fixedsys Regular Installable
Franklin Gothic Editable
FuraCode Nerd Font Installable
FuraCode Nerd Font Mono Installable
FuraCode NF Installable
Gabriola Regular Editable
Gadugi Editable
Garamond Editable
Georgia Editable
Graphik Print and preview
HoloLens MDL2 Assets Regular Editable
Impact Regular Editable
Ink Free Regular Editable
Javanese Text Regular Editable
Lato Installable
Lato Hairline Installable
Leelawadee Editable
Leelawadee UI Editable
Lucida Console Regular Editable
Lucida Sans Unicode Regular Editable
Malgun Gothic Editable
Meslo LG L Installable
Meslo LG M Installable
Meslo LG S Installable
Microsoft Himalaya Regular Editable
Microsoft JhengHei Editable
Microsoft JhengHei UI Editable
Microsoft New Tai Lue Editable
Microsoft PhagsPa Editable
Microsoft Sans Serif Regular Editable
Microsoft Tai Le Editable
Microsoft Ulighur Editable
Microsoft YaHei Editable
Microsoft YaHei UI Editable
Microsoft Yi Baiti Regular Editable
MingLiU_HKCS- ExtB Regular Editable
MingLiU-ExtB Regular Editable
Modern Regular Installable
Mongolian Baiti Regular Editable
Monotype Corsiva Italic Installable
Montserrat Installable
MS Gothic Regular Editable
MS Outlook Regular Installable
MS Pgothic Regular Editable
MS Reference Sans Serif Regular Installable
MS Reference Specialty Regular Editable
MS Sans Serif Regular Installable
MS Serif Regular Installable
MS UI Gothic Regular Editable
MT Extra Regular Installable
MV Boli Regular Editable
Myanmar Text Editable
Nirmala UI Editable
Noto Sans Editable
Noto Serif Editable
NSimSun Regular Editable
Open Sans Installable
Oswald Installable
Palatino Linotype Editable
PMingLiU-ExtB Regular Editable
Raleway Installable
Roboto Installable
Roboto Slab Installable
Roman Regular Installable
Script Regular Installable
Segoe MDL2 Assets Regular Editable
Segoe Print Editable
Segoe Script Editable
Segoe UI Editable
Segoe UI Emoji Regular Editable
Segoe UI Historic Regular Editable
Segoe UI Symbol Regular Editable
SimSun Regular Editable
SimSun-ExtB Regular Editable
Stika Banner Editable
Stika Display Editable
Stika Heading Editable
Stika Small Editable
Stika Subheading Editable
Stika Text Editable
Small Fonts Regular Installable
Source Sans Pro Installable
Sylfaen Regular Editable
Symbol Regular Editable
System Bold Installable
Tahoma Editable
Terminal Installable
Times New Roman Editable
Trebuchet MS Editable
Verdana Editable
Webdings Regular Editable
Wingdings 2 Regular Editable
Wingdings 3 Regular Editable
Wingdings Regular Editable
Yu Gothic Editable
Yu Gothic UI Editable
Zilla Slab Editable


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alib-ms commented 2 years ago

The list you have shared contains Office and Windows fonts. Most Windows fonts have embedding bit set to Editable.