MicrosoftEdge / DevTools

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cookies header missing in network console #227

Open rs38 opened 4 months ago

rs38 commented 4 months ago

when you "edit and resend" a network request any cookie info is missing from the header tab.

closing the request tab in the console also leads to weird issue trying to edit and resend again, so it feels like this part of the devTools is nobody really using?

not sure if this relates to: which looks stale..?!


captainbrosset commented 4 months ago

Thanks for filing. For info, the Network Console tool has always been experimentally supported only, and we haven't been able to focus on it too much over the past year. I know others have been having issues with it too recently. See #224.

rs38 commented 4 months ago

thank you for the update. I noticed this resend option is (afaik) not available in Chrome.

captainbrosset commented 4 months ago

There are other ways to edit and resend requests across browsers, see You can also replay XHR requests:

But, yes, you're right, a dedicated tool for editing (and managing) requests is only available in Edge currently. You can, however, use Postman to achieve the same thing.

Again, the Network Console is only an experiment, which we've not been able to convert into an official feature of Edge DevTools.

rs38 commented 4 months ago

thanks for the nice links. I use Fiddler for many many years but having a basic replay in the browser is so nice+conveniant.