MicrosoftEdge / DevTools

Feedback and discussions about Microsoft Edge Developer Tools
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Strange choice of icons #232

Open nairu777 opened 4 months ago

nairu777 commented 4 months ago

More recent versions of the DevTools use icons for the tabs which are, in my opinion, not a good choice. A few examples of this are:

captainbrosset commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your feedback. I'll raise it with the team. We haven't had other people comment on this so far though, and because this is highly subjective, it'll be hard to change anything just yet. We'll have to wait for more evidence conclusive to people being confused by the icons before we attempt any change. So, for now, we definitely keep this bug on file, and wait a bit more until we hear other concerns.

Thank you again.

captainbrosset commented 4 months ago

Quick question @nairu777 just to make sure we have this right: is your feedback about the icons themselves (the shapes that we chose), or is it about the fact that some tools have icons only, and others have icons + text?

nairu777 commented 4 months ago

It's about the icons /the shapes themselves

captainbrosset commented 4 months ago

Thanks for confirming.