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Always syncing CSS changes in the Styles pane #247

Open royalone opened 2 months ago

royalone commented 2 months ago

In the styles tab in the elements tool, changes I make to the CSS are synced and saving to file even though I have made sure the Sync CSS changes in the Styles pane experimental feature flag is disabled. The documentation for this provides no information but I assume it means whether or not these changes get saved to disk.

I do not want to sync my CSS changes as I build them with a .LESS file, and having the .CSS and .LESS not the same can lead to confusion. Even without the .LESS files, I doubt I'd want the feature enabled, as I really just use the styles tab for experimenting with what looks good before I 'commit' to my codebase

This behaviour of syncing to disk is also present for any file I edit in the sources tab (.js files for example) which I probably would disable too given the choice, but I'm never really editing source files from within Devtools. I have linked my working directory to Devtools.

Version 123.0.2420.97 (Official build) (64-bit) Thank you


captainbrosset commented 2 months ago

Are you using DevTools from within VSCode, by using our Edge DevTools VSCode extension? If so, then you might need to disable "CSS mirroring" as explained here:

royalone commented 2 months ago

I was not using edge from inside VSCode, but I did have the extension installed. I've since uninstalled it and rebooted VSCode and Edge but my all my changes (.CSS and everything else) are all still syncing.

royalone commented 2 months ago

For now I'm just going to unlink my workspace, as the only reason I want them linked is to be able to open my files in VSCode through the Devtools console or elements tab etc. But since that isn't working for me right now, I'll just unlink.

This is not ideal though, because I can no longer hot reload my styles by altering my files, I have to refresh the page again for them to take effect.

royalone commented 2 months ago


carenrose commented 1 month ago

I do not have VSCode installed at all - I'm having this issue.

"Sync CSS changes in the Styles pane" is unchecked.

If I remove the folder from the "Workspace", changes made to the file directly in another application (Visual Studio, Notepad++, etc) are not synced at all, meaning I have to refresh the page for every change made - which is not what I want.

Previously, there was a setting that allowed changes made outside the browser to be applied as soon as the file was saved, but kept changes made in DevTools from being written to file. I'm not sure if that's the "Sync CSS changes in the Styles pane" and it is broken, or if there's another setting somewhere else that isn't intuitively named.

captainbrosset commented 1 month ago

Sorry about the delay here. I've marked this as tracked for our dev team to triage/prioritize it on their backlog.