MicrosoftEdge / EdgeWebDriver

Feedback and discussions about WebDriver for Microsoft Edge
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session not created from no such execution context: loader has changed while resolving nodes #95

Open mEklavya opened 1 year ago

mEklavya commented 1 year ago

Team, I am facing below issue very frequently, I am running my test on Edge browser and I am having 30% Failures due to this. Failures are random sometime browser gets launched some it is getting failed.

session not created from no such execution context: loader has changed while resolving nodes

Could not start a new session. Response code 500. Message: session not created from no such execution context: loader has changed while resolving nodes (Session info: MicrosoftEdge=114.0.1823.51) Build info: version: '4.2.0', revision: '86eb611648' System info: host: 'XXXXX ip: 'XXXXXX', 'Windows 10', os.arch: 'x86', os.version: '10.0', java.version: '1.8.0_201' Driver info: org.openqa.selenium.edge.EdgeDriver Command: [null, newSession {capabilities=[Capabilities {browserName: MicrosoftEdge, ms:edgeOptions: {args: [--remote-allow-origins=, enable-automation, disable-gpu, unexpectedAlertBehaviour, ignore], extensions: [], useAutomationExtension: false}}], desiredCapabilities=Capabilities {InPrivate: true, browserName: MicrosoftEdge, ms:edgeOptions: {args: [--remote-allow-origins=, enable-automation, disable-gpu, unexpectedAlertBehaviour, ignore], extensions: [], useAutomationExtension: false}}}]

Simple Code--> System.setProperty("webdriver.edge.driver", driverpath); EdgeOptions edgeOptions = new EdgeOptions(); edgeOptions.addArguments("--remote-allow-origins=*"); edgeOptions.addArguments("enable-automation"); edgeOptions.addArguments("disable-gpu"); edgeOptions.setExperimentalOption("useAutomationExtension", false); edgeOptions.addArguments("unexpectedAlertBehaviour", "ignore"); edgeOptions.setCapability("InPrivate", true); driverobj= new EdgeDriver(edgeOptions)

mEklavya commented 1 year ago

Dears, any feedback

bwalderman commented 9 months ago

Hi @mEklavya, what page are you navigating to when the issue occurs? If possible, can you share a minimal sample page that reproduces the issue?