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[PWA URL Handling] General feedback #300

Closed jakearchibald closed 4 years ago

jakearchibald commented 4 years ago

This is just my personal feedback, I haven't coordinated with others.



If a standard decides to use a variant of the name "URL" for a feature it defines, it should name such a feature "url" (i.e., lowercase and with an "l" at the end). Names such as "URL", "URI", and "IRI" should not be used. However, if the name is a compound, "URL" (i.e., uppercase) is preferred, e.g., "newURL" and "oldURL".

Patterns vs code

The explainer proposes a new pattern matching format. I think this comes with a lot of risk. We don't want a situation where another spec needs a pattern, but the one here doesn't quite fit, so they create yet another format etc etc.

@wanderview is looking into a more general URL pattern matcher:

However, does this need to be declarative? In service worker land, we generally prefer code to config, and only use config if we have a good reason why code won't work. Eg, something like a "launch" event could work here.

Cross origin

Can you go into more detail on why the cross-origin stuff is important? It seems pretty risky, and again we'd want to avoid a situation where we end up creating lots of things that do almost do the same thing.

LuHuangMSFT commented 4 years ago

Appreciate the feedback. Here are my thoughts below.

Cross origin

Patterns vs Code



wanderview commented 4 years ago

It is a key scenario for our internal customers that a single PWA is able to handle links from outside its app scope, including those that are from a different domain. A simple example of why this is necessary is shortened links: "" and "" may refer to the same resource.

Note that the subject of vanity URLs also pertains to w3c/ServiceWorker#1457.

service-worker-scope-pattern-matching looks interesting but as written would only be useful for declaring a PWA's own scope, not external "scopes". However, if the pattern matching format is superior, I have no qualms about using it here to declare "external scopes" for a specific purpose (url handling in this case).

The intent is for the URLPattern part of the explainer to be consumable by other parts of the web platform. So if we had something called "external scopes" then it could be passed there. Anyway, its something I'm working on and the explainer is a bit out-of-date to my current thinking. Happy to sync on more details if you have questions/interest.

LuHuangMSFT commented 4 years ago

OS integration

I mentioned the requirement for cross-origin url matching as one reason why we need the format to be declarative in the web app manifest. There is another reason: once this effort gets underway, we would like to work on registering the url handling registrations with OSes. This would help PWAs behave more like native applications.

LuHuangMSFT commented 4 years ago


I read the URLPattern explainer again much more closely. I especially appreciated the discussion about matching performance.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that explainer does not allow for sub-domain wildcard in the baseUrl. This would be a problem for us because we have a requirement that, for example, "" and "" can both be handled by the same PWA. That PWA would need to have to filter for "*" + paths.

It seems difficult to match a wildcard prefix with predictable performance if the base or baseUrl is allow to contain additional path segment beyond the origin/host. If the base is instead limited to being a origin/host, we could match it in reverse. Alternatively we could match the input url against a map of registered hosts by removing one sub-domain as a time.

wanderview commented 4 years ago

I think we can support wildcards in the host. If you used a pattern like that for service workers then the service worker API would reject. Basically we would compile the pattern to an internal representation with things like "has wildcard in host", etc and then the other APIs would check that.

The syntax is not finalized, but for hosts I was expecting to do something more like this:

new URLPattern({
  baseUrl: location.self,
  host: '*',
  path: '/foo/*',

The host and path parts would override the info in baseURL. So scheme, port, etc would come from baseURL in this case, but host and path override those parts. This example pattern would not be usable with service workers, but your API could possibly accept it.

wanderview commented 4 years ago

But in short, if you have requirements lets talk.

LuHuangMSFT commented 4 years ago

316 changes all "URI" to "URL".

318 calls out sw-launch as an option for the mechanism of launching a PWA when a match is found.

mgiuca commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have some additional feedback. As one of the authors of the WICG/sw-launch explainer, I think there's a lot of overlap here with sw-launch so I'm interested in either combining the two proposals, or teasing them apart so that they provide mutually exclusive functionality. I see you're already planning an update to the explainer that takes sw-launch into account.

Further feedback:

wanderview commented 4 years ago

Just a data point on one item here:

I do feel like the out-of-scope URL thing is a bit unusual here. If you want a "vanity URL", can't you just redirect and then have the redirection cause a link capture? (For example, could redirect to which would then open in a new app window.)

This kind of redirect is quite heavyweight if the PWA wants to support offline for the vanity URL. You need a service worker installed on both origins. In browsers that do site isolation you then end up creating a process just to run the vanity URL SW that redirects to the real origin. Finally you create a second process to run the real origin SW and page. See w3c/ServiceWorker#1457 for more discussion.

wanderview commented 4 years ago

The fact that the special path /.well-known/pwa-site-association is baked into the spec is a bit restrictive. (I know native app digital links schemes do this.)

I have also wondered if this proposal should lean on origin policy instead of creating another well-known URL location.

But it also makes me kind of worried about the issues that have arisen for origin policy. Mainly, trying to support the following simultaneously:

  1. Versioned updates of policy.
  2. Aging out old policies.
  3. Supporting offline use cases.
  4. Maintain privacy, performance, etc.

Origin policy has run into difficulties here, though, because it wants to consult policies for cross-origin subresource loads. Maybe its not as difficult for only navigations like this use case is targeted at.

I think there is some discussion of updating in the explainer, but it would be nice if it explicitly covered how offline use cases would be satisfied.

LuHuangMSFT commented 4 years ago

Closing here. I will split up this thread into individual issues at