MicrosoftEdge / Status

This repository tracks the roadmap for the Microsoft Edge web platform. This data is used on to provide implementation status and forward-looking plans for web standards in Edge and other browsers.
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canvas' `toBlob` implementation is not tracked by Edge #592

Closed kumarharsh closed 6 years ago

kumarharsh commented 6 years ago

The Edge platform status website is not even tracking the toBlob method on canvas objects. Here is the relevant W3C Spec: and the MDN documentation:

Surprisingly, it was there in IE10 from what I see in MDN, but then removed from Edge/IE11. All other browsers support it.

alrra commented 6 years ago

@kumarharsh Care to open a pull request? Thanks!

kumarharsh commented 6 years ago

Sure. I was confused because there had been no discussion regarding this property earlier, so wanted a confirmation if this was an oversight or intentional.

kumarharsh commented 6 years ago

More relevant sources (for documentation):

It's unclear if this property is there on safari, and on which version. Some of the code has landed in changesets atleast an year ago, but I can't find definitive detail about it:

dstorey commented 6 years ago

Edge has this prefixed, which AFAICT is the same as IE10:

partial interface HTMLCanvasElement
    [Extension] Blob msToBlob();
kumarharsh commented 6 years ago

@dstorey thanks. I saw that in MDN, but forgot to check it in Edge and thus missed it in the PR. Updated now.