MicrosoftEdge / Status

This repository tracks the roadmap for the Microsoft Edge web platform. This data is used on to provide implementation status and forward-looking plans for web standards in Edge and other browsers.
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What is status of AVIF support? #723

Open charlesroper opened 1 year ago

charlesroper commented 1 year ago

There seems to be growing confusion about when, if ever, Edge is going to support AVIF. Would it be possible to add this as a status item please?

E.g., here, XuDong Peng-MSFT writes:

Unfortunately, currently Microsoft Edge does not support avif format files due to design

Well that doesn't make much sense because other Chromium browsers support it on Windows, and Firefox does too.

Elsewhere, people seem to be hallucinating non-existent flags:

Given that AVIF is supported by all other major browsers, could we please have some sort of official word on what's going on with it? Many thanks.

Update: I've got a thread on Mastodon going regarding this.

Th3S4mur41 commented 1 year ago

Seems like there is some progress... Avif is working for me in Edge Canary (116.0.1917.0) on Windows 11 (22621.1848) 🎉