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How to catch FilePicker dialogs? #1479

Open TripleNico opened 3 years ago

TripleNico commented 3 years ago

We would like to catch an event when a user opens a Filepicker dialog. For example we would like to use WebView2 in our Kiosk application. The user is able to plugin a USB drive and then get's the rights to upload a file using this HTML:

<input type="file" id="myFile" name="filename">

Now this opens up the default Win32 OpenFileDialog, giving the user access to the whole system. This isn't something we want so we want to display our own FilePicker we created (which is also touch friendly) instead of the Win32 version. With CefSharp an event get's raised when a OpenFileDialog is requested. Is there a similar event in CoreWebView2 we can use?

Already tried all the current available events but can't seem to find one for this feature.


champnic commented 3 years ago

Hey @TripleNico - We don't currently have the ability to do this, but it's a known feature request already on our backlog. I'll link this issue to that scenario. Thanks!

TripleNico commented 3 years ago

Hi @champnic thanks for confirming that this isn't currently available. Saves a lot of searching ;-)

Is there a timeline when this feature will be available?

champnic commented 3 years ago

@TripleNico Our backlog is quite large (see # of open issues) and we generally prioritize based on size of customer ask, so unfortunately I wouldn't expect this to be available for a while.

darbid commented 2 years ago

I'm interested in this event, as implemented by CefSharp in that I would give the event the path to a file and cancel the dialog ever showing.

darkguy2008 commented 2 years ago

I've been interested in this feature for a long time already. We need a way to upload files programmatically or provide our own, otherwise the file picker dialog appears and there's no way to get rid of it, except using WinAPI which isn't pretty,

amanada commented 2 years ago

@TripleNico Our backlog is quite large (see # of open issues) and we generally prioritize based on size of customer ask, so unfortunately I wouldn't expect this to be available for a while.


TranquilleXav commented 1 year ago

Hello à tous i'm interested in this feature too :-) i have created this: is there any chance that this feature arrive? thank you!

darkguy2008 commented 1 year ago

Hello à tous i'm interested in this feature too :-) i have created this: #2650 (comment) is there any chance that this feature arrive? thank you!

If it helps, I ended up using WinAPI to catch the FilePicker dialog, type the desired filename and press Enter. Not pretty at all, and I don't have code to share as it's from a previous employer, but you basically use FindWindow and SendMessage to do that in a separate thread, while you wait for the FilePicker to disappear or set a flag on true (ManualResetEventSlim is a good option).

Again, not pretty, but it works. Considering Chrome's CDP allows to do this, it should be no issue on the WebView2 side, they just need to provide the API and make it work and that's it.

champnic commented 1 year ago

@darkguy2008 Are you able to share the CDP technique you mentioned?

You should be able to call into CDP directly through the WebView2:

TranquilleXav commented 1 year ago

@darkguy2008 i already use this technology. i catch the dialogbox and i secure it. but I wanted something simpler and more integrated...

I saw that there is a setting to block all dialog boxes (AllowFileSelectionDialogs) but that's not what i want...

RustyStriker commented 1 year ago

For all of those who stumble upon this issue and wonder how you can indeed do it for now, it is indeed possible to do with CDP(Chrome DevTools Protocol) You can also use the WebView2.DevToolsProtocolExtension for easier integration.

If you go this route you will need to do the following(assuming use of the dev tools extension):

tho it seems to crash when the event call is taking too long, so if you just want to intercept some you might want to enable the interception(step 3) only when you need it and disable it later

Karrtojal commented 1 year ago

Hello, Any update for this feature? I've tried the RustyStriker solutions and capture the event ok. But after capture it, if I want that continue the opening of the file picker dialog... I can't find the way. Somenthing like e.Handle=true. Example:

_await this.webView.EnsureCoreWebView2Async(null); this.helper = this.webView.CoreWebView2.GetDevToolsProtocolHelper(); this.webView.CoreWebView2.Navigate(this.appURL); await helper.Page.EnableAsync(); await helper.DOM.EnableAsync(); await helper.Page.SetInterceptFileChooserDialogAsync(true); helper.Page.FileChooserOpened += Page_FileChooserOpened;

private async void PageFileChooserOpened(object sender, Page.FileChooserOpenedEventArgs e) { if (I want to choose natural filepicker) { e.continue() } else { return; }

FrancoisBOTTE commented 1 year ago

Hello all, actually, impossible to use DevToolsProtocolExtension in UWP application. I try to use CDP directly through the WebView2 like this :

var x = await this.webview.CoreWebView2.CallDevToolsProtocolMethodAsync("Page.setInterceptFileChooserDialog", "{\"enabled\" : true}");

But without success. @TranquilleXav it seems you re use this method with success. Can you help me ? Many thanks.

Up for this feature please, ty

TranquilleXav commented 1 year ago

Hello @FrancoisBOTTE , i don't use CallDevToolsProtocolMethodAsync ... I haven't tried this technique yet. for the moment, i catch the dialogbox with another technology (WinAPI )... Sorry!

FrancoisBOTTE commented 1 year ago

@TranquilleXav thank for the answer. Can you describe quickly or send me an entry for your solution ? I try with CallDevToolsProtocolMethodAsync but i have too many issues with this. Ty

TranquilleXav commented 1 year ago

i think it's not possible with UWP application, i use hooks, and resources id, and i modify property... sorry for my pauvre english :-)

FlirtChatX commented 2 months ago

When can it be used?