MicrosoftEdge / WebView2Feedback

Feedback and discussions about Microsoft Edge WebView2
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Additional Information Bar on PDF Viewer #2142

Open W-i-t-w-e opened 2 years ago

W-i-t-w-e commented 2 years ago

I want to use the WebView2 Control to display PDF files in a WPF application. (simply read, scroll and select+copy text, nothing else) With the latest prerelease, I'm able to adleast disable some toolbar icons (disabling the complete toolbar would be much nicer) But when displaying protected pdfs, I always get an additional toolbar which is telling me that the pdf is protected. This information is worhless for me, but I can't find a way to disable it. (and it takes up space that was actually intendet for displaying the pdf content) how can I get rid of it? infobar


champnic commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feature request @Soelkweiler - I've added it to our backlog!