MicrosoftEdge / WebView2Feedback

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Hololens: Executing IWithMouseEvents.MouseEvent(...) releases MRTK's PointerDown. #3624

Open ydev0927 opened 1 year ago

ydev0927 commented 1 year ago


Executing IWithMouseEvents.MouseEvent(...) releases MRTK's PointerDown.

Version SDK: Runtime: Unity2021.3.24 (Run on Editor) Framework: Unity2021.3.24, MRTK2.8.3 OS: Windows10 22H2

Regression Was this working before but has regressed? > No. If yes, what version did this last work on?

Repro Steps

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Open this sample in UnityEditor.
  3. Attach this script to "Canvas"
    using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input;
    using Microsoft.MixedReality.WebView;
    using UnityEngine;

public class Sample : MonoBehaviour, IMixedRealityPointerHandler { private IWebView webView;

private void Start()
    GetComponentInChildren<WebView>().GetWebViewWhenReady((IWebView webView) =>
        this.webView = webView;

public void OnPointerDown(MixedRealityPointerEventData eventData)

    WebViewMouseEventData mouseEvent = new WebViewMouseEventData
        X = 0,
        Y = 0,
        Type = WebViewMouseEventData.EventType.MouseDown,
        Button = WebViewMouseEventData.MouseButton.ButtonLeft,
        TertiaryAxisDeviceType = WebViewMouseEventData.TertiaryAxisDevice.PointingDevice

    (webView as IWithMouseEvents).MouseEvent(mouseEvent);

public void OnPointerDragged(MixedRealityPointerEventData eventData)

public void OnPointerUp(MixedRealityPointerEventData eventData)

public void OnPointerClicked(MixedRealityPointerEventData eventData)



4. Run it, put the pointer on the Canvas and press the left mouse button.
5. The following is logged to the console:

OnPointerDown Dragged OnPointerUp

I expect only PointerDown (and Dragged) to be logged.
Commenting out this line gives the expected behavior.

(webView as IWithMouseEvents).MouseEvent(mouseEvent);

<!-- Call out the Expected behavior, and the Actual behavior -->

<!-- Extra / Helpful -->

**Additional context**

novac42 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting the issue and sorry you are running into this. I've assigned this to a dev who can help follow up.

champnic commented 1 year ago

I've added this as a bug on our backlog and am forwarding it to our Hololens team. Thanks!

michaelfarnsworth commented 1 year ago

@ydev0927 In my testing, this appears to be isolated to the Unity editor. I'm not seeing these spurious pointer-up events when deploying and running on the device. Have you observed this as well?

ydev0927 commented 1 year ago

@michaelfarnsworth Today, I checked on my device. There was no problem. This issue seems to be UnityEditor specific.

Remarks I used Unity2020.3.33f1 for checking on device as I also crash with this issue.

michaelfarnsworth commented 1 year ago

@ydev0927 thanks for the update. We'll follow up with the Unity team about this issue. Though, it's only in-editor, it could add some frustration to developing and debugging input issues.