MicrosoftEdge / magic-mirror-demo

A :zap:Magic Mirror:zap: powered by a UWP Hosted Web App :rocket:
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Observations #39

Open ldoddrell opened 8 years ago

ldoddrell commented 8 years ago

Quite keen to get this going but some feedback from myself:

Creating profile Limited to US ZIP codes Selfie does not detect webcam (stays black)

Setup instructions Simplify, so that people who want to get into deploying apps to IoT without prior experience of Visual Studio (perhaps...) update to Visual Studio 2015 as it seems the layout is different now or sounds different to those in the instructions

So I'm unable to deploy this at the moment because I can't take a selfie. Perhaps an option to upload a picture instead if camera doesn't detect? I tried via Edge and IE11. Camera (Logitech Sphere AF) works on Skype etc fine.
