MicrosoftEdge / magic-mirror-demo

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Adding Weather Reminder Feature #42

Closed lianwangtao closed 7 years ago

lianwangtao commented 7 years ago

Adding a small feature into the weather section:

( Hi everyone! I'm a beginner to this community and this is my first pull request to an open source project. If there is something wrong with my pull request or the code itself, please let me know! I'd love to learn and keep contributing. Thx!)

wardellbagby commented 7 years ago

This isn't my project, but generally when committing to an repo, you want to have just one commit, have that one commit have a good commit message that gives a good idea as to what you've changed overall, and you only want to touch files that are totally and completely necessary to be changed.

It looks like almost all of your changes are deletions, but the things that you absolutely needed to change seem to be contained in about 4 file. It would be beneficial to the project holder if you were to squash your commits, remove all of the deletions that you don't need, and edit your single commit's commit message to be:

"Based on the current weather condition, it reminds the user to bring an umbrella if necessary."

lianwangtao commented 7 years ago

@wardellchandler Thank you so much for pointing it out! I did realize that it looks kinda messy. I didn't do that much deletions they were probably changed after I ran the program. So how do I keep only the files I changed in the commit? And now do I close this pull request and open a new one or there's a way that I can fix this?

Thanks again for your comment!