MicrosoftLearning / MD-102T00-Microsoft-365-Endpoint-Administrator

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Connect-MgGraph error in lab 1 #20

Closed WarrenAJ closed 1 year ago

WarrenAJ commented 1 year ago

Module: 01

Lab/Demo: 0101

Task: 02

Step: 03

Description of issue Connect-MgGraph syntax generates error. I think the syntax is incorrect anyway, but despite correction I cannot connect. Unable to proceed.

States: Connect-MgGraph -scopes "user.readwrite.all, group.readwrite.all"

Think this should read:

Connect-MgGraph -scopes "user.readwrite.all", "group.readwrite.all"

But even when corrected, fails with:

Connect-MgGraph: Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed'. The system cannot find the file specified

Repro steps:

1. 1. 1.

WarrenAJ commented 1 year ago

(Will continue testing and try alternate machine)

WarrenAJ commented 1 year ago

Resolved by updating mgraph on alternate machine. Syntax is also fine.