For the lab: 05-custom-entity-recognition/extract-entities.ps1, it seems the request URI and the request is not aligned with the schema. Suggested code is provided as follows:
# Update these with your service and deployment values
$projectName = "customNERLab"
$deploymentName = "customExtractAds"
$verbose = $false
# Set up headers for API call
$headers = @{}
$headers.add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", $key)
# Get text to extract entities from
$text_file = "test1.txt"
if ($args.count -gt 0)
$text_file = $args[0]
try {
$contents = get-content $text_file -raw -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
Write-Host "`nError reading provided file, please verify file exists`n"
$data = @{
"displayName" = "Extracting entities"
"tasks" = @(
"kind" = "CustomEntityRecognition"
"taskName" = "Entity Recognition"
"parameters"= @{
"projectName" = $projectName
"deploymentName" = $deploymentName
"analysisInput" = @{
"documents" = @(
"id" = "document_extractEntities"
"language" = "en-us"
"text" = $contents
} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
# Post text for entity recognition
Write-Host("`nSubmitting entity recognition task`n")
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post `
-Uri "$($endpoint)language/analyze-text/jobs?api-version=2022-10-01-preview" `
-Headers $headers `
-Body $data
# Output response if desired
if ($verbose) {
Write-Host("`nResponse header:$($response.Headers['Operation-Location'])`n")
# Extract the URL from the response
# to call the API to getting the analysis results
$resultUrl = $($response.Headers['Operation-Location'])
# Create the header for the REST GET with only the subscription key
$resultHeaders = @{}
$resultHeaders.Add( "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", $key )
# Get the results
# Continue to request results until the analysis is "succeeded"
Write-Host "Getting results..."
Do {
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get `
-Uri $resultUrl `
-Headers $resultHeaders | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
$analysis = ($result | ConvertFrom-Json)
} while ($analysis.status -ne "succeeded")
Write-Host "...Done`n"
# Access the relevant fields from the analysis
$extraction = $result | ConvertFrom-Json
#$docs = $extraction.tasks.customEntityRecognitionTasks[0].results.documents
$docs = $extraction.tasks.items[0].results.documents
# Output response if desired
if ($verbose) {
Write-Host("GET JSON Response:`n$result`n")
for (($idx = 0); $idx -lt $docs.Length; $idx++) {
$item = $docs[$idx]
Write-Host ("Document #", ($idx+1))
$entities = $item.entities
foreach ($entity in $entities) {
Write-Host (" - Entity Category: $($entity.category)")
Write-Host (" - Entity Text: $($entity.text)")
Write-Host (" - Confidence: $($entity.confidenceScore)`n")
For the lab: 05-custom-entity-recognition/extract-entities.ps1, it seems the request URI and the request is not aligned with the schema. Suggested code is provided as follows: