MicrosoftPremier / VstsExtensions

Documentation and issue tracking for Microsoft Premier Services Visual Studio Team Services Extensions
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Filewarnings without baseline results in zero warnings instead of skipping #100

Closed gerwinjansen closed 4 years ago

gerwinjansen commented 4 years ago

... so the build fails because the current build has more warnings than the previous (erroneous) zero.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Have a master branch with a C# project with 1 compiler warning, and a file with 1 warning.
  2. Configure BQC as this (change the regex according to your own file):

    - task: BuildQualityChecks@7
        checkWarnings: true
        showStatistics: true
        evaluateFileWarnings: true
        warningFiles: 'modelchecker.csv'
        warningFileFilters: '/(?<object>^\w+,[\w\.]*,[\w\.]+?),(?<category>\w+,\w+?),(?<message>[^,]+ ?)/'
        warningFilesArtifact: 'modelcheckerwarnings'
        includePartiallySucceeded: false
  3. Run a build on master, use BQC.ForceNewBaseline=true as needed
  4. Create a new branch from master
  5. Run a build on the new branch

Actual result

The build fails: [ERROR] The number of warnings (2) has increased since the previous build! The previous build had 0 warning(s).

Expected result

[WARNING] The baseline build could not be found. All policies based on the previous build will pass.

Debug log

with System.Debug=true and BQC.LogRawData=true: Rawlog.txt

ReneSchumacher commented 4 years ago

Hi Gerwin,

thanks for reporting this. This is indeed a bug in the task. We'll fix that with the next version (most probably this week).

Thanks, René

ReneSchumacher commented 4 years ago

Hi again,

the issue is fixed with v7.2.1 which is going live right now.

Happy building and keep up the very good feedback! Thanks a lot for that!
