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Task Build quality check error when running regex on a big task log file. #210

Open thomasfinchbr opened 1 year ago

thomasfinchbr commented 1 year ago


Task timeout increase and return error 137 When running the task with the config below I get an error when checking for errors in a log file with about 550K lines. It was also necessary to increase the timeout to 15mim.

The same configuration with task version 6 runs fine, and finishes in only 30s.

Task config: - task: BuildQualityChecks@8 displayName: Check errors - ${{ parameters.TestType }} inputs: checkWarnings: true warningFailOption: fixed warningThreshold: ${{ parameters.WarningThreshold }} warningFilters: '/FAILURE TEST CASE/' warningTaskFilters: /^Run package - ${{ parameters.TestType }}/ runTitle: Check errors - ${{ parameters.TestType }}

Error code: ##[error]Exit code 137 returned from process: file name '/home/pi/apps/fw_agent/externals/node10/bin/node', arguments '"/home/pi/apps/fw_agent/_work/_tasks/BuildQualityChecks_16a2ad20-f191-11e5-bed4-ab22bcd17937/8.2.1/task.js"'.

ReneSchumacher commented 1 year ago

Hi @thomasfinchbr,

we will need to investigate this. A Raspberry Pi is a very resource constrained environment and we have never tested our tasks on such a device. Error 137 means that the task ran out of memory. I'm not aware of any big changes in how we handle warning filters between version 6.x and 8.x, but I will check the code to be sure.

Did you post the full task configuration? Or have you enabled additional features of the task like warning statistics?

thomasfinchbr commented 1 year ago

The above configuration for the task is the full configuration.