MicrosoftPremier / VstsExtensions

Documentation and issue tracking for Microsoft Premier Services Visual Studio Team Services Extensions
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Npm@1 tasks are not being considered under base parameter warningTaskFilters in BuildQualityChecks@7 #216

Closed sankarnarayanan100895 closed 1 year ago

sankarnarayanan100895 commented 1 year ago

Npm@1 tasks are not being considered under base parameter warningTaskFilters in BuildQualityChecks@7.


ReneSchumacher commented 1 year ago

Hi @sankarnarayanan100895,

this is true. We don't want to evaluate every single task in a pipeline because many might be irrelevant for the purpose of the task. Thus, we only included the most basic compiler tasks. If you want to add more tasks to the analysis, please use the warningTaskFilters parameter (see here) and add your task to the default value like this:

- task: BuildQualityChecks@7
    checkWarnings: true
    warningTaskFilters: '/^((vs|ms)build|ant(\s+.+)?|gradle(w)?(\s+.+)?|grunt|gulp|maven(\s+.+)?|xamarin(android|ios)|xcode(\s+.+)?|cmake|build\s+.+)|npm$/i'