MicrosoftPremier / VstsExtensions

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Getting Warning about task filter when using default value #75

Closed NorthHighlandNicole closed 4 years ago

NorthHighlandNicole commented 4 years ago

Why am I getting warning "The specified task filters did not match any build task." even though I am using the default value?

It seems it doesn't matter if I leave warningTaskFilters parameter off altogether if I use warningTaskFilters: '/^((vs|ms)build|ant(\\s+.+)?|gradle(w)?(\\s+.+)?|grunt|gulp|maven(\\s+.+)?|xamarin(android|ios)|xcode(\\s+.+)?|cmake|build\\s+.+)$/i'

This only seems to have started happening after I moved the build job, that contains the step to build & the quality check step to a template.

This is my task yaml

- task: BuildQualityChecks@6
      displayName: Check for Build Warnings
        checkWarnings: true
        warningFailOption: 'fixed'
        warningFilters: ''
        warningTaskFilters: '/^((vs|ms)build|ant(\\s+.+)?|gradle(w)?(\s+.+)?|grunt|gulp|maven(\s+.+)?|xamarin(android|ios)|xcode(\s+.+)?|cmake|build\s+.+)$/i'
        warningThreshold: '0'
        showStatistics: true
NorthHighlandNicole commented 4 years ago

Removing showStatistics resolved the issue

ReneSchumacher commented 4 years ago


the showStatistics parameter is totally unrelated to the warningTaskFilters. Thus, removing it cannot have resolved the issue. I guess that you removed the parameter while at the same time removing the display names of the other build tasks as you mentioned in #76.

If you really experience issues when adding the showStatistics parameter back, please let us know so we can investigate.

Thanks, René