MicrosoftStudentChapter / Linky

An open source URL shortener server with custom URLs, expiry dates being developed in GoLang
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Packaging the app #35

Open utkarsh-1905 opened 1 week ago

utkarsh-1905 commented 1 week ago

Create deployment files for docker as well as kubernetes (possibly using helm) to help anyone easily install the app. Then we can look into how we can incorporate this simple application in cloud marketplaces like civo's (i am in touch with this so can help out here) or aws or gcp.

Create a directory containing deployment scripts, and a single command should provision the resources except for the domain adding part which can be automated to some part, if not, it should print detailed simplified instructions on how to add dns records

utkarsh-1905 commented 1 week ago

Deployment envs:

  1. Docker
  2. docker-compose
  3. Kubernetes

Deployment scripts should be for all these environments

PreetinderSinghBadesha commented 1 week ago

@utkarsh-1905 I want to try this issue

JeevantVerma commented 1 week ago

@utkarsh-1905 I want to try this one as well.

utkarsh-1905 commented 1 week ago

both of can take one of the environments to build and test the app

MankiratSingh1315 commented 1 week ago

@utkarsh-1905 sir I also want to work on the same.

utkarsh-1905 commented 3 days ago

Whats the progress?

MankiratSingh1315 commented 3 days ago

None😅 Was busy in some work from last few days Will work ASAP🫡