MiczFlor / RPi-Jukebox-RFID

A Raspberry Pi jukebox, playing local music, podcasts, web radio and streams triggered by RFID cards, web app or home automation. All plug and play via USB. GPIO scripts available.
MIT License
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Play Spotify #18

Closed mec0-de closed 6 years ago

mec0-de commented 6 years ago


thanks for the great work. Will it be possible to play songs or playlists from Spotify premium?

Thanks four your help!

tullm commented 6 years ago

Hi. Yes this is possible. I've done it. I've installed mopidy which included mpd. I can trigger to play spoitfy content over mpd with the swipe of a RFID tag. So install mopidy with the Spotify extension. When this is done and you are able to play Spotify over mopidy it is only some editing of the script here to get it working with RFID. I can share what I've edited. Cheers

mec0-de commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your answer. Would it be possible to make a little tutorial with all steps that I have to do (similar to the install guide of RPI-Jukebox-RFID)? That would be very helpful :-)

tullm commented 6 years ago

Hi. Don't remember it step by step, but have a look here: https://github.com/MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/issues/5#issuecomment-358655801 there is a link to the tutorial that I used to install it. Good luck...

mec0-de commented 6 years ago

OK, installation is not the problem with the tutorial. But how can I configure triggering a playlist or album with RFID?

tullm commented 6 years ago

Give me a day or two for the answer. Will get back to you here...

tullm commented 6 years ago


if you have installed mopidy and spotify premium ist working for you you can go on like that:

I've crated a variable in the "rfid_trigger_play.sh" under /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/scripts like that:

CMDMUSIK1="0001234567 (the number represents the number from the rfid card.

Then i added another command (right under all the other commands)in the same script like that: elif [ "$CARDID" == "$CMDMUSIK1" ] then # stop VLC and Start SpotifyPlaylist Musik1 mpc -p 6681 stop && mpc -p 6681 clear && mpc -p 6681 load Musik1 && mpc -p 6681 volume 80 && mpc -p 6681 play && sudo pkill vlc <- this whole mpc stuff is one line

So when you swipe the card 0001234567 it detects the special card which triggers the command. the commant stops mpc if it is playing, clears the current playlist, loads the Playlist Musik1 from spotify, sets volume to 80%,starts playing and kills vlc. You can load all playlists here by name. Or with the us of the uri url from spotify.

All command available are listed here: https://linux.die.net/man/1/mpc

I also made it possible to trigger paue, next and so on by adding these command to the normal command within the script like that:

elif [ "$CARDID" == "$CMDPAUSE" ] then # pause VLC media and mpc echo "pause" | nc.openbsd -w 1 localhost 4212 mpc -p 6681 toggle

And also I added these 2 mpc lines way down in the script to stop mpc if a rfid card for vlc player is used:

# first kill any possible running vlc processn => stop playing audio sudo pkill vlc mpc -p 6681 stop mpc -p 6681 clear


hope that helps. tullm

mec0-de commented 6 years ago

Thank you, that helped a lot and now it works fine.

I made a little addition to the code to make everything a little more flexible. I can add new spotify playlists to the jukebox without editing the script. I just have to create a new audiofolder with a file named playlist.spotify. The content of this file is the name of the playlist.

Here is the code in rfid_trigger_play.sh:

        if [ -f $PATHDATA/../shared/audiofolders/$FOLDERNAME/playlist.spotify ]
                playlistname=`cat $PATHDATA/../shared/audiofolders/$FOLDERNAME/playlist.spotify`
                sudo pkill vlc && mpc clear && sleep .1 && mpc load $playlistname && sleep .1 && mpc play

You just have to insert it in the right place:

    # if a folder $FOLDERNAME exists, play content
    if [ -d $PATHDATA/../shared/audiofolders/$FOLDERNAME ]
                # create an empty string for the playlist

Again, thanks for your help.

PS: Sometimes, spotify stops working on my machine. The logfile shows that loading a playlist runs into a timeout. Do you have the same problem?

MiczFlor commented 6 years ago

I am planning to add the spotify option to the script in core. However, since I have no spotifiy (...) can somebody give me a brief "install" info here for the initial steps to get the Pi ready for spotify? Or should I just refer to the link posted by @tullm ?

To add spotify-connect I used: https://github.com/dtcooper/raspotify tutorial to install is on github there.

tullm commented 6 years ago

@MiczFlor Hi, great. But the link you postet is for spotify connect, not for spotify itself.

this ist the right one:

To add the Mopidy Music Server (for local or networkfiles, spotify and other music services) I used: https://www.mopidy.com/ tutorials: english: https://maex.me/2017/10/raspberry-pi-as-a-music-server/ german: https://braspi.de/blogs/braspi-blog/raspberry-pi-als-musik-server-mit-mopidy or the very good documentation from mopidy: https://docs.mopidy.com/en/latest/ I used extensions: spotify, local-images (cover database for local or network files), iris (webinterface), local files.

If you need help or testing let me know. (also in german if neede ;-) )

@infomobi ohh, that sound very interesting. Will try it. The Foldername ist the cardnumber then? And no, as long as the pi has network access it is working good...

mec0-de commented 6 years ago

The foldername in audiofolders is an alias like "Karneval" and includes the file playlist.spotify with the name of the playlist as content. The automatically created folder CARDID in folder shortcuts points to this folder like it does with normal mp3-playlists.

@MiczFlor I can try to write the "step-by-step install" for spotify in the next days. You have to add my extension of your script to rfid_trigger_play.sh then.

princemaxwell commented 6 years ago

@MiczFlor Hi, Spotify Connect is not needed. I have integrated spotify into my Pi by using Mopidy + MPC. To get this working i created two options: Normal mode and Shuffle Mode. I need one file in my audiofolder: "spotify.txt" or "spotifyshuffle.txt". Into that file i have to put the URL of the spotify playlist.

PS: I made some improvements to the webinterface too: -Play button is working for spotify -Playing song is shown -Covers integrated to the UI -Added + and - buttons for Volume -Added a filemanager to directly edit/delete the shortcuts and upload/edit/delete files to audiofolders -Added direct links to the UI for editing/deleting shortcuts and audiofolders -Some improvements for user friendlyness

Other improvements to rfid_trigger_play.sh: -Added some association options to cards (shuffle, reboot, volume up, volume down ....) -spotify integration -shuffle for VLC and spotify -automatic audiofolder creation (if shortcut points to an audiofolder which doesn't exist, it will be automatically created by reading the card again)

MiczFlor commented 6 years ago

hi @princemaxwell thanks for your input. If you were to share your work here or as a pull request, I would like to review and include it, if that is possible? And please don't forget to post a picture of your jukebox in the other thread to be included in the image gallery ;)

princemaxwell commented 6 years ago

@MiczFlor sure, thats possible. i will send you the files on evening...

mec0-de commented 6 years ago

Would you publish the files for testing here @MiczFlor and @princemaxwell? I would love to test everything.

princemaxwell commented 6 years ago

I have to remove some very individual adjustments from my code, which are only affecting my system. And i have to add some comments...

MiczFlor commented 6 years ago

@princemaxwell ok, thanks for the feedback. Looking forward to the code.

mec0-de commented 6 years ago

@princemaxwell Any progress here? I would love to test everything. Thanks!

pheck commented 6 years ago

based on the infos linked in this thread, I could successfully add spotify support on my system. (Thanks, everyone!) I've adopted the modifications @infomobi did to rfid_trigger_play.sh in https://github.com/MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/issues/18#issuecomment-372916759 with one small change: The original command: sudo pkill vlc && mpc clear && sleep .1 && mpc load $playlistname && sleep .1 && mpc play won't be executed if vlc (i.e. any playback other than spotify) isn't running because the pkill command returns with an errorlevel != 0 when it has nothing to kill, and due to the &&-linkage, the the command execution stops here.

I changed it to sudo pkill vlc ; mpc clear && sleep .1 && mpc load $playlistname && sleep .1 && mpc play so the command continues regardless of pkill's result.

Of course there are cleaner approaches that involve checking if there's actually a process to kill, ensuring it has been killed and so on, but this "fix" is keeps it simple and so far, it is working for me.


nlssttzl commented 6 years ago

Hey guys. Thanks for your great contribution. Without you I would have been able to manage to install all this. An idea how the code should look like for v1.0?

MiczFlor commented 6 years ago

Hi @nlssttzl Good point. This thread needs to go into the documentation for the branch with the old vlc code. And if nobody else ventures into the new mpd version, I might need to get a Spotify account to figure out. It will take a few weeks. Busy with consolidating a few improvemebts and other tickets. But thanks for reminding me. It will come. All the best, micz

nlssttzl commented 6 years ago

Actually this shouldnt be too much of a problem since all the commands still work. So via console it is still possible to steer Spotify. I should even get easier since you just have to worry about mpc and not vlc. Just have to figure out where and how to integrate it into your script and start playing once the card is being swiped. Too bad I’m a really bad at programming. Maybe I’ll spend 1-2 evenings figuring out and trying around. However I would be glad if someone shares their experience.

nlssttzl commented 6 years ago

So I`m back from bouncing some ideas back and forth and I managed to get it running. Unfortunatly not with the more easy version of @infomobi but nevertheless, better than nothing. It should be possible to include the whole play/stop as well, but here finally my noob-skills are too noob. In addition I did not manage yet to stop spotify when playing a "regular" card. Well here's what I got:

First link a command to the card swiped in the settings/rfid_trigger_play.conf: cmdplayspotify="0002763033" Whereas the number matches the RFID-tag.

After that create in the scripts/rfid_trigger_play.sh in the section where all the case commands are (after: case $CARDID in

$cmdplayspotify) mpc stop ; mpc clear; mpc -p 6601 stop; mpc -p 6601 clear; mpc -p 6601 load auto && mpc -p 6601 play ;; In that case "auto" is my spotify list. That command stops all "regular cards" and all running "spotify cards". 6601 is in my case the port which is being defined in the mopidy.conf

That's it. Not much but in a first step it's running. Next step now would be to include start/stop and to so playing spotify once a "regular card" is being swiped.

EDIT: Just realized that it's quite easy to include all the necessary mopidy commands into the /scripts/rfid_trigger_play.sh right under the whole case $CARDID in-Sektion.

e.g. for stop: ` $CMDSTOP)

kill all running audio players

        $PATHDATA/playout_controls.sh -c=playerstop;
        mpc -p 6601 stop;`

That make the whole thing of having "common" command cards for modipy and "regular" mpd/mpc quite easy. Start/Stop should be possible somehow as well.

no-banker commented 6 years ago

First thanks a lot for the great work and the great idea! My first steps are done but now I want to integrate Spotify and I read this post.

@MiczFlor If I understood right you want to integrate the Spotify support in one of the next versions. You have an idea when you start with the implementation? I ask because If you are right now working on it I don’t start with the dirty version if the integration is already in progress. If you need help by testing this feature and if I’m able to help feel free to contact me.

MiczFlor commented 6 years ago

Hi @no-banker thanks for offering support. A "working hack" is all we need at this stage for the latest phoniebox version. How would you approach the issue? If you get started on this, could you have a look at http://tizonia.org/ ? My thoughts were to use this software as part of phoniebox. It it works, I would then add it to the install script.

no-banker commented 6 years ago

Hi @MiczFlor

Tonight I had time to test with tizonia. Seems to be a propper solution. But you have to install several tools on top:

pip install spotipy

pip install fuzzywuzzy

sudo apt-get install pulseaudio

I have tried to do everything without config file in tizonia by using the following command

tizonia --spotify-user myusername --spotify-password mypwd --spotify-playlist nameofplaylist

Afterwards you can steer with the keyboard:

Keyboard control:

[p] skip to previous file. [n] skip to next file. [SPACE] pause playback. [+/-] increase/decrease volume. [m] mute. [q] quit.

These are all options for spotify which you can use:

Spotify options (Spotify Premium required): --spotify-user arg Spotify user name (not required if provided via config file). --spotify-password arg Spotify user password (not required if provided via config file). --spotify-owner arg The owner of the playlist (optional: may be used in conjunction with --spotify-playlist). --spotify-tracks arg Search and play from Spotify by track name. --spotify-artist arg Search and play from Spotify by artist name. --spotify-album arg Search and play from Spotify by album name. --spotify-playlist arg Search and play public playlists (owner is assumed current user, unless --spotify-owner is provided).

Hopefully you can integrate it with this information? Sorry but I don’t have the skills to write the code.

bgraeb commented 6 years ago

From what I can see, tizonia would not help at what we want to achieve, as it has no headless mode (right now).

I did a basic implementation with mopidy, but I had no time to integrate it.

This starts a playlist from Spotify:

from mpd import MPDClient

client = MPDClient()
client.timeout = 200
client.idletimeout = None
client.connect("localhost", 6600)

As you can see, you can run this headless. One could use sys to read from stdin, as far as I can remember.

You need a registration at Spotify to create a authentication token: See here.

I need to upgrade my current installation. When I'm done, I'll take a look If I can integrate it (haven't had time to look into this project for a while - dunno how far you got).

Alwiz79 commented 6 years ago

@bgraeb this seems to be in general a pretty interesting thread you linked there.


I also think that Tizonia won’t help us. In the above thread someone mentions he uses NFC cards that hold a Spotify uri to be played and passes that on to mopidy :-) And your first trials look good. I’ll return from holidays in around two weeks, will try to help then if it’s not solved until then

MiczFlor commented 6 years ago

Hi @bgraeb @no-banker @Alwiz79 looking forward to get a Spotify account to test your pull requests :) My hope for tiziona was that it would be a neat wrapper around not only Spotify but Google Music and other services. The issue at hand: is it "truely" headless. I haven't tried it. Please take a look also at an older thread: https://github.com/MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/issues/118#issuecomment-410885541 There is some information on Spotify - which, as you can imagine without an account (yet!) - I haven't tested. Keep the good thoughts and contributions coming! all the best, micz

Alwiz79 commented 6 years ago

@bgraeb did you install mopidy in parallel to the existing jukebox project or instead for this basic implementation?

I am asking because: I installed mopidy in parallel. When I want to start mopidy I get an error message saying: Frontend (MpdFrontend) initialization error: MPD server startup failed: [Errno 98] Address already in use That is probably because installing in parallel is a stupid idea? Not sure, too noob for that.

anyhow it also says: "Logged in to Spotify in online mode" so..I guess the first step is done :-)

bgraeb commented 6 years ago

The error you see is, because mpd is a server component that we launch and use. So, it starts and tries to register a listener on your system. If there is already a listener on your system on that port, you'll see this error. So, no panic.

Maybe, I'll get some time this week to do an implementation of the Spotify part.

Alwiz79 commented 6 years ago

@MiczFlor just signed up for spotify premium account. But now I have to admit, I don't know how to move on. If you need access to premium account, let me know (PM?).

bgraeb commented 6 years ago

@Alwiz79: Next step would be, getting an authentication token. With that you can automate the playback of Spotify with mpd.

Then, the playback of a Spotify playlist must be integrated. From what I have seen (buying a house breaks all your plans regarding hobbies and development :-/ ):

Alwiz79 commented 6 years ago

ok...here is what I achieved tonight: installed and configured mopidy as a service on startup in parallel to all the phoniebox stuff. I also installed an web extension for mopidy, for easy use (i installed a webclient called iris).

I can now:

I cannot:

ok..just for documentation reasons (maybe someone sees something): mopidy.conf looks like this (the interesting parts)

[mpd] enabled = false

hostname =

port = 6600

password =

max_connections = 20

connection_timeout = 60

zeroconf = Mopidy MPD server on $hostname

command_blacklist =



default_playlist_scheme = m3u

[spotify] enabled = true username = myadress@email.de password = myPassword client_id = myID client_secret = mySecret bitrate = 160 volume_normalization = true private_session = false timeout = 10 allow_cache = true allow_network = true allow_playlists = true search_album_count = 20 search_artist_count = 10 search_track_count = 50

toplist_countries =

When you run mopidy as a service the mopidy.conf needs to be configured here: /etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf, not in your user’s home directory

"Phoniebox mpd" running on port 6600 (at least this standard port, I assume Phoniebox is using this) "Mopidy mpd" is running on port 6681 (i configured this in mopidy.conf) Ok, when I call:

mpc -h -p 6681 play

I can play my preloaded spotify playlist !!!YEEHAAAA!!! :-) I still don't understand how to -clear current playlist -load another playlist since this is probably what we need at the swipe of a card. Right now i have to lload the playlist via the iris webinterface and them I am able to control via mpc command as above.

Ok, this is it for me tonight. Little steps forward I guess, but still no major progress here :-(

@bgraeb: if you think buying a house brings chaos to your life, wait for children :-)...but after a few years you will have time for your hobbies again (look at me)...anyhow i don't want to wait years for the spotify integration :-)

Alwiz79 commented 6 years ago

I found the following issue: https://github.com/mopidy/mopidy-spotify/issues/140 This might be the reason, why I didn't manage to load a playlist via mpc command line.

And this seems to be an approach to fix it. Need to take a deeper look at it. https://github.com/mopidy/mopidy-spotify/pull/188

princemaxwell commented 6 years ago

I checked Spotify integration for Version 1.1.4 after i succesfully integrated in the old VLC Version < 0.94. The integration with mopidy was very easy for the old VLC version, but i got many problems for version 1.1.4 because it uses MPD on port 6600. Mopidy uses MPD on port 6600 by default too. I could change the port to 6601, so that two MPD servers are running.

There are only 5 steps to get this running. The syntax for MPC is then "mpc -h -p 6601 add spotify:album:###"

Before that i told the webinterface of phoniebox, that type Spotify has to create a spotify.txt with the spotify URL in it.

My problem at the moment is, to get this spotify url from spotify.txt and start playing by using mpc on port 6601.

In the actual phoniebox code, port 6600 is hardcoded so that there is no easy way to get all the commands working on port 6601.

if someone wants a description, how to get mopidy working including mpc and has the time to get this all together in the code, i will paste my self-written manual here.

princemaxwell commented 6 years ago

I found the following issue: mopidy/mopidy-spotify#140 This might be the reason, why I didn't manage to load a playlist via mpc command line.

And this seems to be an approach to fix it. Need to take a deeper look at it. mopidy/mopidy-spotify#188

yes, it's sure. i tested it in my fully working VLC version with spotify. Tracks, Albums are playing, but playlists aren't working anymore. In April 2018 they worked, and i have not changed anything since then...

We have to hope, that there is a workaround for mopidy-spotify...

Alwiz79 commented 6 years ago

But there seems to be a working Fix for that. I just don’t know how to implement this (yet).

And this seems to be an approach to fix it. Need to take a deeper look at it. mopidy/mopidy-spotify#188

Alwiz79 commented 6 years ago

can anybody who has the coding skills please take a look at the spotify integration of playlists. I'm really stuck here because of my lack of coding skills, but i urgently need spotify to be running (birthday present of the phoniebox).....

kathateich commented 6 years ago

The project https://github.com/fsahli/music-cards supports Spotify as well as local files with mopidy. I don't know python good enough to say if there are ideas that are helpful for this Jukebox. But maybe someone else knows?! I am interested in support for Spotify, too.

MiczFlor commented 6 years ago

Hi @kathateich the code of this project has not been touched in three years, for all I know. I have to check again, but I am sure it will run into the same problems listed in this thread. The problems come from the lack of support by Spotify to their API which would allow to get info and sound from their platform into other platforms.

I feel with you guys (like @Alwiz79 put it in a few posts above) and would like to dedicate time to this. From experience I know that opening this can of worms requires an entire weekend of work. Firstly to make it work (might only take a few hours) to fixing all the triggered glitches and problems it will cause (takes three times the original time put in) to finally documenting it (another hour). And then merging it - and catching the debris of the changes for the coming days, posted in these threads here.

This is how it works and it is a good process. My hope is somebody else makes the first steps and I can focus on documentation and bug fixing :) simply because right now I don't have the time for this hike and focus on smaller walks.

princemaxwell commented 6 years ago


But there seems to be a working Fix for that. I just don’t know how to implement this (yet).

And this seems to be an approach to fix it. Need to take a deeper look at it. mopidy/mopidy-spotify#188

i took a deeper look at this fix. i might fix the playlist problems for web API and web UI but not for playing spotify playlist over MPC.

But MPC is what we need for handling with @MiczFlor Phoniebox and RFID cards.

BTW: mopidy-spotify is not needed for playing song, artists or albums with MPC. i removed it and made a reboot. after that i tried playing albums with MPC and it just worked. Without having mopidy-spotify installed. So, thats the reason, why the fix doesn't take effect for MPC.

when i type a command like this:

"mpc clear" "mpc add "spotify:artist:0oLWXBuoO0namCRC2oji0q" "mpc play"

this works very fine!

the only thing, whats not working:

"mpc add "spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DWUVpAXiEPK8P" error adding spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DWUVpAXiEPK8P: directory or file not found

i don't have an idea, how MPC is interpeting the spotify links. and i habe no idea, what package has to be updated to understand playlists. until april 2018 it worked fine...

Alwiz79 commented 6 years ago

@princemaxwell there are definitly users reporting, that a fix introduced by @BlackLight works, He has an unofficial fork for mopidy-spotify. Check the installation guide here: https://github.com/mopidy/mopidy-spotify/issues/182#issuecomment-412370556

Anyhow I could not manage to load playlists. Maybe I simply used the syntax wrong, not sure. As soon as i load a playlist with the iris frontend, i can then play/pause/stop with the mpc command line.

I tried add and load with play list name, https-link, uri format...nothing. but, as mentioned before there are people who were succesfull

princemaxwell commented 6 years ago

I installed the fork from @BlackLight. There is no user, who is writing that's his MPC is working with playlists. The fix effects the web UI!!!

Mopidy-Spotify package is NOT needed for MPC command line. I removed it and MPC still worked with MPC -play -add (Spotify:artist/album:###) -clear -etc...

Have you tried my syntax for artist link above? Their you can test syntax.

For the moment only albums, tracks and artists are possible for phoniebox...

BTW: I don't think your syntax was wrong. You tried to add playlists and that is not possible since API change.

Try adding albums or artist. Try it! It will work.

Alwiz79 commented 6 years ago

@princemaxwell I'm not so quite sure. I had the original mopidy-spotify extension installed. In addition I installed the Iris frontend to have a nice frontend to play with. My spotify playlists worked with that (no Blacklight fork installed yet). But command line wasnt working for playlists.

then I installed the Blacklight fork, but it still didn't work as mentioned above. So, I'm not sure that this fork is needed for the web UI (?)

I now tried the following: mpc -h -P mopidy -p 6681 add spotify:album:5KD3xJ04ta4XyrBaqpOwe2 mpc -h -P mopidy -p 6681 play It's not working here. Mpc still plays the last playlist that I loaded with the web UI Iris

princemaxwell commented 6 years ago

You have to clear first. Otherwise you add the new album at the end of your existing list.

mpc -h -P mopidy -p 6681 clear

Then add and play like above. That looked good...

PS: take a deeper look here: https://linux.die.net/man/1/mpc

Alwiz79 commented 6 years ago

@princemaxwell I can now confirmwhat you said :-( after clear, add, play I can play albums, artists etc, but I cannot load a playlist. But I'm still convinced that I am / we are doing something wrong. See the comment here: https://github.com/mopidy/mopidy-spotify/issues/182#issuecomment-392593817 I interpret this as: the fix should also be working for mpc command line..

BTW: is there a difference between user created playlist, and the spotify own playlists. like the ones for one special music genre e.g.?

Alwiz79 commented 6 years ago

@princemaxwell @MiczFlor ok, here is the solution that finally working for me. just a rough summary today, as i am going on holiday now.

  1. install mopidy in parallel to phoniebox

  2. configure the ports (see above)

  3. install the mopidy-spotify fork from Blacklight https://github.com/mopidy/mopidy-spotify/issues/182#issuecomment-429468426

  4. use the following syntax: mpc -h -P mopidy -p 6681 clear mpc -h -P mopidy -p 6681 add spotify:user:USER_ID:playlist:PLAYLIST_ID not spotify:playlist:PLAYLIST_ID mpc -h -P mopidy -p 6681 play


Now, this has to be merged ( embedded) to the phoniebox code, card swipe etc :-)

@miczflor „mopidy -vvvv“ will return all the user playlists, so that it can be read into some „clipboard“. Thinking of a selection (drop down list) for the rfid card management menu.

*of course this only necessary until mopidy fixed this, since this is an unofficial fork. But, hey! It’s working

kathateich commented 6 years ago

@alwiz I cannot get mopidy work, i.e. when I run mpc via ssh I get error messages that mpd refuses connection. This always appears after I used mpc add for the first time. Would you help me, please? Do you run it as a service or "normal"? How do your [http] and [mpd]-sections look like? I guess that somewhere there is my fault. Thanks a lot.

Am Samstag, 13. Oktober 2018 schrieb Alwiz79 :

@princemaxwell https://github.com/princemaxwell @MiczFlor https://github.com/MiczFlor ok, here is the solution that finally working for me. just a rough summary today, as i am going on holiday now.


install mopidy in parallel to phoniebox 2.

configure the porst (see above) 3.

install the mopidy-spotify fork from Blacklight mopidy/mopidy-spotify#182 (comment) https://github.com/mopidy/mopidy-spotify/issues/182#issuecomment-429468426 4.

use the following syntax: mpc -h -P mopidy -p 6681 clear mpc -h -P mopidy -p 6681 add spotify:user:USER_ID:playlist:PLAYLIST_ID not spotify:playlist:PLAYLIST_ID mpc -h -P mopidy -p 6681 play

mopidy/mopidy-spotify#182 (comment) https://github.com/mopidy/mopidy-spotify/issues/182#issuecomment-429470737

Now, this has to be merged to the phoniebox code, card swipe etc :-)

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Alwiz79 commented 6 years ago

@kathateich sorry i can’t copy my sections here - i just left for a vacation this morning. I’ll return next Sunday

Anyhow, I’m running mopidy as a service. The configuration file when running as a service is on a different location (compare one of my earlier comments above).

princemaxwell commented 6 years ago

@Alwiz79 I got it! You will never believe, what i had to do... I used an old client_id and client_secret from developer.spotify.com and i had to renew this on mopidy.com/authenticate/ and then playlists are working FINE.

the whole time i wasn't using the web API ;-) since now!

I now have mopidy working well and will now start merging it into Phoniebox. Have a nice holiday...