This list includes theme variables (colors that themes change that are picked for coloring elements of the UI) that I either want to add, need to work on, and/or ones I need to port.
Channel color loop limits (Port from Ultrabox (If not there then Abyssbox))
'Highlight notes' colors (Adding these once I port the "highlight fifth" preference to custom scales. Other than the fifth note color, there will be 11 more variables for this.)
Checkbox modulator note colors (If I manage to add checkbox modulators in the way I want to then the colors will become customizable per theme too.)
Third oscilloscope color? (When both lines of the oscilloscope intersect, that part will be this third color.)
Bar loop color
Subtitle color
Note flash color (A feature that exists in other Beepmods that makes notes that the playhead touches 'flash'. This configures what color the notes flash to if I add this.)
This list includes theme variables (colors that themes change that are picked for coloring elements of the UI) that I either want to add, need to work on, and/or ones I need to port.