MidFidelity / TINF21C_Team2_AAS_digital_nameplate

Generator for digital nameplates for assets in an Asset Administration Shell
MIT License
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prototype testing #61

Open mrentsch65 opened 1 year ago

mrentsch65 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I tried to test your prototypical frontend here, but I couldn't get a response from the servers:



MidFidelity commented 1 year ago

Dear Customer, it seems that the servers you wanted to access are not AAS-Servers accessible via a REST-API. The adminshell-io server has a different address for their REST demo than their UI explorer.

Please use the address https://admin-shell-io.com/51411 for further testing. https://mk28.github.io/TINF21C_Team2_AAS_digital_nameplate/#/list?server=https://admin-shell-io.com/51411

I was not able to contact a REST-API on aas.murrelektronik.de as requests made seem to result in an error on their side.


mrentsch65 commented 1 year ago

This is the Basyx-AAS-API: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/BaSyx/basyx_asset_administration_shell_http_rest_api/v1 This is the IDTA-AAS-API: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/Plattform_i40/Entire-API-Collection/V1.0RC02#/

I believe the problem is that you use a nonstandard endpoint "server/listaas":

For example, this works: https://aasrepo.digitaltwin-vdma.org/repo/shells https://admin-shell-io.com/5001/shells http://aas.murrelektronik.de:5001/shells

but not when called from your client like that: https://aasrepo.digitaltwin-vdma.org/repo/server/listaas https://admin-shell-io.com/5001/server/listaas http://aas.murrelektronik.de:5001/server/listaas

mrentsch65 commented 1 year ago

Ich schaffe es nicht, diesen Server in Ihrer App zu zu connecten:




Hier tut er: image

MidFidelity commented 1 year ago

Dear customer @mrentsch65 ,

all three mentioned server URLs do not expose a full API according to AAS-Spec found at https://v3.admin-shell-io.com/swagger/index.html. The only endpoint exposed seems to be the registry endpoint and the shells endpoint.

We use the /submodels endpoint that is described in the AAS-Spec. This does not seem to be exposed on any routes. We also use the /shells endpoint that is exposed in the third link. If the /submodels endpoint was available at http://aas.murrelektronik.com:4001/aas/submodels you would have to use http://aas.murrelektronik.com:4001/aas/ to access the server.

Another issue is that your server does not support https. Browsers block requests from a secure (https) context to an insecure (http) one. This is happening here, as GitHub Pages does not allow us to host an insecure site. The request is blocked by the browser.

Both issues together prevent any content from being shown. We cannot take any action in this case as both issues are out of our control and a problem with the server.

mrentsch65 commented 1 year ago

Dear @mk28, the problem is that many of these v1-servers are around and need to be served. And I do not quite understand your problem, because both the /shells and the /submodels endpoint is obviously supported, although the url paths might be different to V3:




What prevents you from probing for a V1 response via i.e. the /registry endpoint and use the alternative paths accordingly?

mrentsch65 commented 1 year ago

To overcome the blocking of responses from http-servers, manipulate via "edge://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure" this flag:


The browser will then deliver responses from the unsecure server, but this query "?level=Deep" is not supported:


MidFidelity commented 1 year ago

Dear Customer @mrentsch65 , we use the pure /submodels endpoint. Your API only exposes the /shells and all related endpoints. The submodels you see in your browser is actually /aas/shells/{assetId}/aas/submodels which the browser shortens to /submodels.

Our current implementation does not use the registry because we found it to be unrelieable. https://admin-shell-io.com/5001/registry/shell-descriptors should give a list of shell descriptors that we could use similar to https://v3.admin-shell-io.com/registry/shell-descriptors but for some reason for the V1 API it is just empty and not usable, at least on the IDTA servers.

Please provide a URL that can be used in the Murrelektronik AAS UI to open a Server as I currently have no luck opening a server with this UI. It does not produce any error messages and just does nothing if I enter URLs that should be working. grafik

With this we can investigate further.

mrentsch65 commented 1 year ago

Dear @mk28,

Why is this query "?level=Deep" required? To achieve a better generic API backward compatibility, it is highly recommendable to leave something like this out and let the server just respond with its default!

Please have look at this: https://admin-shell-io.com/5001/shells https://v3.admin-shell-io.com/shells http://aas.murrelektronik.com:4001/aas/shells

Would these not be the right endpoints to start with and build the AAS-listing? Instead of starting with endpoint "submodels" it is the recommended approach :

You may simply click on [Get all AAS](https://v3.admin-shell-io.com/shells) or you may do it by yourself by Swagger UI.
You will receive all AAS with their assetInformation and their submodel references.
Please notice the "type" in V3 references with GlobalReference or ModelReference.

Now you may just request a single AAS by GET /shells/{aasIdentifier}.

BTW, the returned content of the IDTA's V3-Server is not displayed:


mrentsch65 commented 1 year ago

With the newest changes for Api-V1-support, some regressions have been introduced, i.e. selection of some servers is not longer working:


After returning to home screen or switching to server, the yellow message line should disappear or change content.

Server-URLs are not properly checked for correctness: image

MidFidelity commented 1 year ago

Dear customer @mrentsch65 , regarding your last few issues:

As this server does not support the full swagger API spec, we are forced to mostly rewrite our server connection code once again in order to support this server. This will take time as previous issues stated that we could use the full API spec documented at https://v3.admin-shell-io.com/swagger/index.html.