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Dokku - Add ability for the platform to run on AWS without Heroku #94

Open rootux opened 7 years ago

rootux commented 7 years ago

So this is the summary of our Devops needs:

The idea is to move from Heroku to something similar on AWS that support CI - The solution is Dokku - it uses heroku buildpacks so it will feel like home - https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-ruby

Notice: A. We don't need a database - We have a postgres db on amazon we need to connect to this database. I will send you the credentials once the container is up. B. Bonus - Future thought - Add a Checks file to make sure that new containers are really up (http://dokku.viewdocs.io/dokku/deployment/zero-downtime-deploys/#checks-examples). C.The final URL would be dreams.midburn.org yet for now we can also use stagingdreams.midburn.org (Not set up yet)

I recommend you follow this guide: https://blog.mebooks.co.nz/setting-up-your-own-paas-using-dokku/

And also read those guides for brevity: http://www.rubyfleebie.com/how-to-use-dokku-on-digitalocean-and-deploy-rails-applications-like-a-pro/

And the genius Yuval Adam post about it: http://blog.y3xz.com/blog/2014/01/29/dokku-as-an-heroku-replacement

Let's make it happen!

yuvadm commented 7 years ago

@rootux you don't need dokku-postgres since you're not running a postgres server on the dokku instance. Just point your ruby postgres client to the relevant RDS endpoint.

rootux commented 7 years ago

@yuvadm Respect having you here with us ❤. Thanks for the tip - Wasn't sure. will do.