MidflightDigital / ddrsn3-theme

Contains SN3 theme
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[Support] Does SuperNova 3 have two layers of attract screens? #15

Closed DaveLinger closed 5 years ago

DaveLinger commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone, I have been using SuperNova 3 theme on one of my home DDR cabinets for a couple of weeks now. I have it set up pretty much how I like except for one thing - to preface, I have my machines on a timer, so they power on in the morning and power off at night. I have my PC set to shut down when it switches to battery, and power on when conncted to AC. I have the attract mode sound setting in preferences.ini set to "never". At power on, this is the same behavior as my "legit" DDR EXTREME cabinet. No sound. It shows the splash screen, the "how to play" screen, a song demo, etc. but never makes sound until/unless you press a button. Perfect.

HOWEVER, it seems like there's a second "layer" or copy of the attract screens that don't follow the "attract mode sound" rule. In other words, you press START once, and it makes a sound and still shows the splash screen. Now you're in "layer 2", and the attract screens have sound. Pressing START again actually starts the game. Now there's no way to get back out to the outermost "layer" of the attract screen except by using ESCAPE or restarting the game.

I like the idea that anyone can play the game and then walk away when they are done, and the machine will ultimately end up back on the silent attract screens. The "inner layer" of the attract screens seem to ignore the "attract mode sound" preference in preferences.ini. Am I missing something? Is there a way to switch to "one layer" of attract screens, or make the second layer respect the sound preference?

This is on the latest alpha build.

DaveLinger commented 5 years ago

I think this was actually changed in the latest alpha. It looks like there's the attract sequence, THEN the main title screen. No second attract sequence. I do wish the title screen would time out, but that's unrelated to this issue.