MidoriKami / Mappy

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Latest updates incompatible with Annotated Maps/Any Map Mods #172

Closed BlackWyvern closed 4 weeks ago

BlackWyvern commented 4 weeks ago

Seems to be an issue wherein any mod that changes the map files fails to load completely.

Mappy used to be compatible with Annotated Maps but these last few updates have caused Mappy to show blank, (or completely fail to remain open if window frame is hidden), if trying to display one of the changed regions.

Previous version still had DT field locations loading and working. Confirmed it's a system-wide issue when I updated the mod to DT and now all maps outside of cities fail to load.

MidoriKami commented 4 weeks ago

Already addressed in fda15cf3a19c6befe365700d9279ce63584c6ed1

MidoriKami commented 4 weeks ago

Currently it requires any mods to replace both the foreground texture and background texture. A future version will no longer require both to be replaced.