MidoriKami / SortaKinda

SortaKinda is a XivLauncher/Dalamud plugin.
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Request: FC chest slot assignment #24

Closed alyssadev closed 4 months ago

alyssadev commented 4 months ago

Actual sorting of the FC chest isn't in scope due to server requests, but an ingame system for showing slot assignments and maybe highlighting slot mismatches as an overlay would help a great deal with keeping the limited number of slots organised. I was building a spreadsheet with Allagan Tools' csv export, but this functionality might be suitable for SortaKinda.

MidoriKami commented 4 months ago

I'm not understanding what you are trying to accomplish.

Is there any way you could attach a couple illustrations of what you would like?

alyssadev commented 4 months ago

The request is for an additional tab in SortaKinda for "Company Inventory", perhaps it can require Allagan Tools to populate the slots. It would show the last known state of each of the five 5x10 company chest boxes, allowing the application of filters as with the other inventories. However, as sorting shared inventories requires server actions, the actual sort behaviour wouldn't be present for the Company Inventory tab. Instead the SortaKinda UI would indicate in some fashion when an item not matching a filter is in a slot. I hope this picture describes roughly what I'm thinking of image

MidoriKami commented 4 months ago

I think that definitely falls out of scope for SortaKinda, would take a rather extensive hack of the current systems to make it work right.

alyssadev commented 4 months ago

All good, thanks for looking into it.