MidoriKami / SortaKinda

SortaKinda is a XivLauncher/Dalamud plugin.
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Request: Item Description/Effects Filter #28

Closed johnkahn closed 1 month ago

johnkahn commented 1 month ago


Would it be possible to include an option similar to Item Name Filter, but for the Description and Effects of an item?

For example, I was wanting to sort all the food I have that gives me a +4% exp buff into a category instead of adding each by name. Could also be useful to group foods by a similar buff (Crit.*10% would group all items that give a +10% buff to Critical Hit)

MidoriKami commented 1 month ago

That becomes on of these issues: image

Far too complex/difficult to accomplish.

johnkahn commented 1 month ago

lmao thanks for the xkcd, worth a shot at asking 👍🏻