MightyCreak / diffuse

Diffuse is a graphical tool for comparing and merging text files. It can retrieve files for comparison from Bazaar, CVS, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, RCS, Subversion, and SVK repositories.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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please include Windows builds in the releases section #144

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

MightyCreak commented 2 years ago

I don't have Windows at home so this part needs someone to stand up and do the job. Any contribution in this area is very welcome!

blackboxlogic commented 2 years ago

I'm happy to help. I have no python experience and I've never setup a python build environment, but I bet it's within my reach.

Is lack of a build machine the only blocker? Are there other reasons this wouldn't build/run on Windows in it's current form?

Edit: I just noticed this issue is closed but there aren't windows releases. What happened?

MightyCreak commented 2 years ago

Since 0.4.8, there's been a few changes:

I don't exactly know what is the appropriate way to port a Python GTK app to Windows. The overall idea is to "freeze" the scripts into an executable. Before, in version 0.4.8, it was using py2exe. I kept the setup.py script, I'll remove it once a solution will be found to package a more recent version of Diffuse.

Once I did the migration to GTK 3, I tried to use cx_Freeze but didn't succeed. My attempt are in another setup script: setup.new.py.

It's important to note that when I tried to create an executable after the migration to GTK 3, I didn't know much about Python, GTK or the freeze process. Also, GTK 3 was more recent than it is today, maybe it has matured enough and it is easier now to port it to Windows.

If I were o test again, I would find another application written in Python, using GTK 3 and ported to Windows, and see how they are doing it. Another approach might be to create a package on PyPI. Anyway, I guess the first part of the investigation is to search the internets and ask around :wink: