MightyGorgon / icy_phoenix_plugins

Plugins for Icy Phoenix
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[Activity] ACP>Games list gives an error #22

Open vendethiel opened 9 years ago

vendethiel commented 9 years ago

Here's what I get when I try to access ACP>Activity / Games>Games list:

Failed To Open Game List. Please Try Again Later.

MWE001 commented 7 years ago

This might not ever work again unless we can figure out how to come up with our own games database. It query http://phpbb-amod.com/game_list.php correct to compare a persons installed game list against what he released on his site years ago? Without his site being live on the air, this is never going to work ever again. So without his site, we need our own database of games OR remove the link from the ACP all together. That is just my opinion.

vendethiel commented 7 years ago

I think we can remove the link.

MWE001 commented 7 years ago

Yeah in all honesty I think that is the best option. Realistically, like you said in a post to me earlier, people stopped playing these games 10 years ago. I can not see us actually opening up a games database for a select few users. Removing the link is the best option in my opinion.

MWE001 commented 7 years ago

Hey I have a fix I used for this. I tried posting it here but in the code ticks, it literally kept parsing the code on me and it was an ugly post. I can get the fix to you over at Icy Phoenix if you want or what ever. Just let me know and I'll get it pushed over to you guys.

vendethiel commented 7 years ago

Did you use the triple-backtick trick?

\``` (without backslash)


MWE001 commented 7 years ago

Ahh No as a matter of fact I didn't. Just a single tick I was unaware of the tripple tick trick. I'll give it a try in a couple hours when i get home from taking daughter to Dr.

vendethiel commented 7 years ago

👍 thanks for the help

MWE001 commented 7 years ago

Wife is late bringing me the Truck so here goes




$lang['230_Check_Games'] = 'Games List'; // admin_ina_xtras.php


/*$lang['230_Check_Games'] = 'Games List'; // admin_ina_xtras.php*/

OPEN admin_ina_xtras.php


$module['3200_ACTIVITY']['230_Check_Games'] = $file . '?mode=check_game_listing';


/*$module['3200_ACTIVITY']['230_Check_Games'] = $file . '?mode=check_game_listing';*/


if ($_GET['mode'] == 'check_game_listing')
    echo "<table class=\"forumline\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">";
    echo "  <tr>";
    echo "      <th colspan=\"2\">";
    $file = @file("http://phpbb-amod.com/game_list.php");
    if (!$file)
        echo 'Failed To Open Game List. Please Try Again Later.';
        echo 'Game List Found.';
    echo "      </th>";
    echo "  </tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<br><br>";
    if (!$file)

    $match = 'You Have These Games';
    $mis_match = 'You Dont Have These Games';
    $not_listed = 'You Have Games I Dont Have Released';
    $match_array = array();
    $mis_match_array = array();
    $not_listed_array = array();

    $amod_list = $file[0];
    $new_list = explode(',', $amod_list);

        for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($new_list); $x++)
            $q = "SELECT game_id
                    FROM ". iNA_GAMES ."
                    WHERE game_name = '". $new_list[$x] ."'";
            $r = $db->sql_query($q);
            $exists = $db->sql_fetchrow($r);

            if ($exists['game_id'])
                $match_array[] = $new_list[$x];
                $not_listed_array[] = $new_list[$x];

    $q = "SELECT game_name
            FROM ". iNA_GAMES ."";
    $r = $db->sql_query($q);
    $games = $db->sql_fetchrowset($r);

    for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($games); $x++)
        if (!strstr($amod_list, $games[$x]['game_name'] .','))
            $mis_match_array[] = $games[$x]['game_name'];

    echo '<table class="forumline">';
    echo '  <tr>';
    echo '      <th>';
    echo             $match;
    echo '      </th>';
    echo '  </tr>';
    if (sizeof($match_array) > 0)
        $row_class = '';
        for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($match_array); $x++)
            $row_class = ip_zebra_rows($row_class);
            echo '  <tr>';
            echo '      <td class="'. $row_class .'">';
            echo            $match_array[$x];
            echo '      </td>';
            echo '  </tr>';
        echo '  <tr>';
        echo '      <td class="row2">';
        echo '          No matches.';
        echo '      </td>';
        echo '  </tr>';
    echo '  <tr>';
    echo '      <th>';
    echo            $not_listed;
    echo '      </th>';
    echo '  </tr>';
    if (sizeof($mis_match_array) > 0)
        $row_class = '';
        for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($mis_match_array); $x++)
            $row_class = ip_zebra_rows($row_class);
            echo '  <tr>';
            echo '      <td class="' . $row_class .'">';
            echo            $mis_match_array[$x];
            echo '      </td>';
            echo '  </tr>';
        echo '  <tr>';
        echo '      <td class="row2">';
        echo '          No matches.';
        echo '      </td>';
        echo '  </tr>';
    echo '  <tr>';
    echo '      <th class="tw100pct">';
    echo             $mis_match;
    echo '      </th>';
    echo '  </tr>';
    if (sizeof($not_listed_array) > 0)
        $row_class = '';
        for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($not_listed_array); $x++)
            $row_class = ip_zebra_rows($row_class);
            echo '  <tr>';
            echo '      <td class="' . $row_class .'">';
            echo             $not_listed_array[$x];
            echo '      </td>';
            echo '  </tr>';
        echo '  <tr>';
        echo '      <td class="row2">';
        echo '          No matches.';
        echo '      </td>';
        echo '  </tr>';
    echo '</table>';

Now I am not sure if this is it or not. I didn't remove code in case I was wrong all I have to do is un comment it. This did remove the Games List link in the ACP menu and caused n errors at all. there might be even more code to but this is all I did. I'm curious to know if I was right or wrong.

Take care guys. I really do have to run now. Wife is home now.

MWE001 commented 7 years ago

Grrrr It is still running code. gameslistlinkfix.txt

There ya go, Txt file lol That'll fix it!

vendethiel commented 7 years ago

enclose the code with ``` (before and after every piece of code).


MWE001 commented 7 years ago

I did. It still ran the echo statement. I got a chuckle out of it. That is why I went ahead and attached the text file so you could see the entire code. Not sure why the triple tick did not work.

vendethiel commented 7 years ago

I took the freedom to reformat your post a bit (I of course only touched the code bits. if that's not okay with you, I can revert it).

MWE001 commented 7 years ago

Its all good man no worries bud. I'm a guest on you all's page. If you need to edit or reformat, please do. I'm not the offended type of person :-)

MightyGorgon commented 7 years ago

I'm a bit lost, can you please tell me if this is fixed and how to fix it?

MWE001 commented 7 years ago

What the problem is, is if you click games list, it would query phpbb-amod.com for your list of games verses his database so you could see what games you were missing that had been released.

phpBB-amod is long gone and never coming back so anytime anyone clicks that link they will get that error.

So to avoid that error / issue, I deleted all code that I could find that was relevant to the problem. I may have missed some code. This feature is never going to be needed ever again so why have it as an option in the ACP. Saves space and server resources.


Notice I no longer have the Games List link? This fix is really not major, it is just to me, more an enhancement than anything. Why have something if it don;t work and is not needed.

vendethiel commented 7 years ago

I think it's safe to delete the file

MWE001 commented 7 years ago

No it's really not. Reason is because the link right above Games list, Extra Settings runs off of that page.

While we are deleting things off this page, this can go to:


To do this,

OPEN admin_ina_extras.php


echo "<table class=\"forumline\">"; echo " <tr>"; echo " <td class=\"row2 row-center\">"; echo " <span class=\"genmed\">"; echo " ". $lang['admin_xtras_game_link_msg']; echo " </span>"; echo " </td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "<br />";


This is not needed anymore either as the link that is clicked, takes us to phpBB.com with a post by Austin that leads back to phpbb-amod.com and that place is long gone.