MightyGorgon / icy_phoenix_plugins

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Knowledge Base SQL Error On Article Submit #42

Open MWE001 opened 7 years ago

MWE001 commented 7 years ago

So I got my wife to help me test a few things on site. She went to my KB and selected the type and all and wrote her KB test article. On Submit, we got this:


The reason why is I have it set in the ACP to notify member ID#2, admin, on a submission to the KB as depicted in the following screenshots.


I have yet to try Email notification or no notification. I am going to go try now and have my wife resubmit another test article.

MWE001 commented 7 years ago

Ok, I got this to submit without a sql error. It PM's the admin as well as sends an email if admin has his / her account set to accept emails. However, now instead of bbcode that does not work like this:


I now get this:


I'm close fellas! I just can not figure out why the info is not being sent in the email now as to it was before with the funked up BBcode.

Ideas? Would you like to know what I have done thus far to get it this close?

MightyGorgon commented 7 years ago

Hi Ray, can you please tell if the first error reported has still to be fixed?

I can work on fixing the second one as well, but please first confirm me... :-)


MWE001 commented 7 years ago

I have not been able to get either option PM or email to function properly.

On submission, it would give the sql error shown and send an email to the admin. The email contained all info including subject and all, but was in BBCode. Email does not do BBCode that I know of.

I then got the sql error fixed and it DID PM the admin successfully and in the emails, it formatted the Message details successfully but would not insert message info such as sender, date, subject or text.

Option #2 Email an admin. That was an utter failure all the way around. I don't recall the error codes but can go back and try again and screenshot for you. And emails were sent and once again no info was filled in. BUT the PM sent was sporadic or only when it wanted to send one.