MightyGorgon / icy_phoenix_plugins

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Knowledge Base Email Issue On Article Submit #43

Open MWE001 opened 7 years ago

MWE001 commented 7 years ago

Tested the email instead of PM and had an issue or two come up.

On article submission we got this:


Ironically enough as it told me my site was unreachable, I got an email that said a user had submitted a article. The problem with the email was minimal. it sent BBcode through the email instead of html. Email don't read BBcode..... that I know of. And my site was reachable as I went to the ACP to check the article, I noticed it submitted twice as depicted below in the shot circled in yellow:


MWE001 commented 7 years ago

So I did soemthing and now it only gets sent to the article manager in ACP once and not twice. and it only intermittently sends emails. Not every time as it should. Hmm.

On a side note, see that address it says is unavailable? Well, if I copy that address in to a new tab, it opens right up to a page that says:
