MightyGorgon / icy_phoenix_plugins

Plugins for Icy Phoenix
7 stars 6 forks source link

$lang['Allow_html_explain'] missing #55

Open orynider opened 5 years ago

orynider commented 5 years ago

$lang['Allow_html_explain'] missing

vendethiel commented 5 years ago

Is it missing on some page in particular, or in the lang files in general?

orynider commented 5 years ago

maybe icy_phoenix_plugins/kb/ip_root/plugins/kb/language/lang_english/lang_kb.php icy_phoenix_plugins/kb/ip_root/plugins/kb/adm/admin_kb_config.php $lang['Allow_HTML'] = 'Allow HTML'; $lang['Allow_html_explain']= 'Allow HTML tags'; $lang['Allow_BBCode'] = 'Allow BBCode'; $lang['Allow_bbcode_explain'] = 'Allow BBCode tags'; $lang['Allowed_tags'] = 'Allowed HTML tags'; $lang['Allowed_tags_explain'] = 'Separate tags with commas'; $lang['Allow_smilies'] = 'Allow Smilies'; $lang['Allow_smilies_explain'] = 'Allow Smilies'; $lang['Smilies_path'] = 'Smilies Storage Path'; $lang['Smilies_path_explain'] = 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/smiles';