MightyPirates / OpenComputers

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OpenComputers tends to crash in ScreenRenderer #31

Closed gamax92 closed 10 years ago

gamax92 commented 10 years ago

I'm finding that when using OpenComputers, there is a chance that it will end up crashing the entire JVM down due to something with ScreenRenderer

Note that may be helpful: I was playing on a server yesterday and my friend kept crashing out completly. After looking through his crash logs it was again atioglxx.dll and li.cil.oc.client.renderer.tileentity.ScreenRenderer We got him to update his drivers and it seemed to go away after that, but today his issue came back, both involving li.cil.oc.client.renderer.tileentity.ScreenRenderer and atioglxx.dll I've also had this crash and have attached my log to the bottom. Mine also involves li.cil.oc.client.renderer.tileentity.ScreenRenderer and atioglxx.dll. I had a different friend who couldn't join the server at all without completly crashing the moment on join. His involves atio6axx.dll though but li.cil.oc.client.renderer.tileentity.ScreenRenderer was still there.

My Log: http://pastebin.com/8NhuKcKg Friends log: http://pastie.org/private/ix5kfnxk3e2746ybhfzaka

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the proper logs. This seems to be a relatively common issue with ATI drivers, though, so I'm still not convinced it's really something I'm doing wrong. It may just be something I'm not doing the way the ATI drivers expect it to be, but I have no idea what that might be... I'll look into it when I find the time, but for now I can only suggest trying different driver versions or meddling with the ingame OpenGL settings, sorry.

gamax92 commented 10 years ago

While this isn't a valid fix it is somewhat a solution. I added an option to my OpenComputers called client.doNotRenderScreens and basically, it blocks GL11.glCallList(list) in ScreenRenderer, I can still view the screens if there is a keyboard attached. I've also observed the following things, (the screen in this example is one of the glitched screens that cause crashes):

Clicking the screen with a keyboard attached will cause a crash. When transitioning from out of distance to max render distance, the game will freeze for a brief moment, roughly a quarter second? At this point I can click on the screen and view its contents. Enabling client.doNotRenderScreens, getting in render distance, changing anything on the screen, saving, then turning off client.doNotRenderScreens does fix the screen. If you don't change the screen contents, the screen is still glitched.

MFernflower commented 10 years ago

I have been having the same issue from time to time. I think that should be a option if needed!

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

@gamax92: so it seems to be something that should be displayed on the screen, presumably? Since it gets solved after changing it? Very odd. I'll try to find some hints as to what can make glCallList crash the ATI driver, might be a badly initialized display list or something.

Edit: interestingly enough CC seems to suddenly have a very similar issue, too, so it may actually be a problem in new ATI drivers? If it's not too much to ask, could you try if this also happens with older drivers?

Hobby-boy commented 10 years ago

I started having the same crash when I added another mod to my instance (Advanced Repulsion Systems) http://pastebin.com/6X6xVEXU I also have an AMD graphics card (6670), but have had no crashes in the past.

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

As mentioned in #55 this also seems to happen on certain Intel cards.

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

Can someone confirm the suspicion that this may be related to changing the background color?

applejag commented 10 years ago

@fnuecke We have confirmed, it only happens when drawing the background. It does not crash when the background is set to black, neither with a tiny amount of blue for example, but that must be cause you choose not to draw anything at all (and round the colors down or something?).

applejag commented 10 years ago

Could it be that the newer generation of graphics cards get different drivers? Cause I can't find another solution to why only some crash.

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

Thanks for confirming that, helps a lot narrowing it down to that. As for driver versions, no idea, could also be some difference in the GPU's firmware... anyway, I'll build a couple of test versions for you to test out.

applejag commented 10 years ago

Ok so noticed since it doesn't draw when you don't look at it you can have a monitor facing away from you and it has for example a red background. But if you open the GUI you still crash

applejag commented 10 years ago

It does however draw through blocks, so if you got a small house or something surrounding it then you still crash if you look in its general direction

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

OK, those are to be expected, it simple means it happens as soon as the TileEntity renderer kicks in.

applejag commented 10 years ago

Hah ugh now you have changed the version id so forge wont let me onto the server, lol ill have to exclude everyone else meanwhile while testing this (heh, noone else will be able to log on).

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

Oh. Well it's the same as the latest prerelease, so it's not that bad ;-) But you can edit the mcmod.info file in the ZIP to match the simple version if you want to avoid updating the server.

applejag commented 10 years ago

alt text This is the same program as mentioned earlier, but instead of adding an empty space where it draws it draws a X letter instead.

local gpu = component.gpu
local w,h = gpu.getResolution()

gpu.fill(1,1,w,h, " ")

print("Press CTRL ALT C to interrupt")
    local ev,_,x,y,user = event.pull()
    if ev == "touch" then
        local color = math.random(0x000000,0xFFFFFF)
until false

EDIT: To make it clearer I made it set the text color as well...

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

So that means test one doesn't crash? What about two and three?

applejag commented 10 years ago

Where do I find the 2nd and third test files?

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

Scroll up a bit. I edited them into the post, thought the change was big enough to be noticeable, sorry if it wasn't.

applejag commented 10 years ago

Oh they didnt load the time I was watching. Derp. Will try them now

applejag commented 10 years ago

Same result on both (2nd and 3rd file): Crash if I set the background, no crash if the screen only got black background

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

Damn. OK, one last shot. Please try this one, if it doesn't crash every "pixel" with background will be white. If that still crashes I'll have to do some more thinking and try some more... work intensive alternatives. But at least I've narrowed it down quite a bit code-location-wise, thanks a lot for helping with that!

applejag commented 10 years ago

Np! Testing it now...

applejag commented 10 years ago

So with that version, everything looked normal. When I printed a background color I crashed. Should the background have been white by default? what did I miss here...? Do I have to reboot the in-game computer? It's on a server so I don't think that would matter... right?

EDIT: I read your instructions again, and I see that if I don't crash by the initial background then the screen would go white. Correct? I just got a bit confused cause the symptom was the same as on the others, except the first one. So I thought if I got the wrong one...

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

Nah, would've been white if it hadn't crashed. Ah well. Thanks for being the guinea pig so far. I'll write when I have further ideas/tests to run.

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

Just wondering, are you using OptiFine, and if so could you try without?

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

Here is test number five, let me know if this also crashes.

applejag commented 10 years ago

I do not have optifine, should I try with? But great news! No crash on the fifth one! I can now draw background colors safely! :D

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

You can try with to see if it still works then, I just asked because OptiFine is known to cause rendering related issues with a couple of mods. Great to hear it works! Seems it was some combination of the Minecraft Tessellator and display lists, then...

I'd like to hear some feedback from the ATI/AMD users out there that had issues before. Does test number five also work for you, @gamax92, @MFernflower?

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

And in that exact moment I close it reported as still happening on AMD cards in the IRC. Damn. And it seems it only happens at random. The problem is that I don't have an AMD graphics card, so I can't really test this out. If someone who has and who is capable of programming and compiling the mod could dig into this, that would be great. Because otherwise I don't really see this bug going anywhere anytime soon (and I'm still pretty sure it's a driver bug anyway, a graphics card driver shouldn't crash if its API's functions are called normally).

applejag commented 10 years ago

I tried the pr4 before and crashed, dunno if you removed the tesselator in that. I had to use the custom one from this issue you gave us. You not sure you gave the IRC user the wrong version ?

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

The switch away from the tessellator wasn't in the prereleases, no. It's in since 1.1.0 final. The person in the IRC reported it just after upgrading to 1.1.2. And it only happened once. So yeah, random, apparently.

MFernflower commented 10 years ago

Still crash at the same location at random, I think this is on OC 1.1.3

MFernflower commented 10 years ago

In the newest build of OC (1.2.0-dev152) I got a crash at the same location. (atio6axx.dll+0x95e45b])

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

I'd like to get some feedback whether this still happens in builds 345+, because I'm carefully optimistic that it might be fixed (get the dev builds from Jenkins).

Morebits05 commented 10 years ago

I cant even place the screen without it crashing. Same dll and it says it crashes in the native code.

My Graphics Card is the ATI Mobility 4300 HD. Everything else works just the screen.

fnuecke commented 10 years ago

All right , let's make a little poll: I'd appreciate if those that do experience this crash, i.e. a hard crash caused by some ati*.dll would post the following:

If I didn't miss anything, so far mentioned have been:


gamax92 commented 10 years ago

I can't provide you with all the information, since busy doing something else but here goes: ATI Radeon HD 4650 Tier 3 screen MultiMC glCallList was in my crash log

Hobby-boy commented 10 years ago

I had another crash today when I logged into a server on my modpack. The computer wasn't even running. This is also on the latest stable drivers, the last crash was on the previous drivers. AMD Radeon HD 6670 (DXDiag) 13.251-131206a-166389C-ATI (Catalyst Control Centre 13.12) Tier 1 screen on a computer that was off. -Xms256mb -Xmx2560 1.6.4 ATLauncher LWJGL 2.9.0 org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.nglCallList is in the crash log

marcin212 commented 10 years ago

I have random crashes as well. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25172450/bugs/hs_err_pid4364.log http://pastebin.com/rYvEsn1M

evg-zhabotinsky commented 10 years ago

I bet the problem is that you use glCallList() inside other display list. The official MAN page (https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glCallList.xml) states something about recursion depth limit. It means that only list number is stored for glCallList() inside other display list. And they are invalidated in flush() function (in MonospaceFontRenderer.scala). After it glCallList() in TextBufferRenderCache.scala might fail oddly. I might be wrong. Don't have time (and hardware) to test it though. Also, small display lists (like single quad or glTranslate) are useless.

Wuerfel21 commented 10 years ago

Is this the fix? If it is i can finally play oc in multiplayer! ⅛¿¡¤‰¬♪⅞∞±≠“ë

evg-zhabotinsky commented 10 years ago

Reobfuscated the last commit. Throw this .jar into mods folder to test. (Minecraft 1.6.4) https://www.dropbox.com/s/rqa1ggwfkd9c0hx/OpenComputers-MC1.6.4-1.3.0-universal.jar

Wuerfel21 commented 10 years ago

@evg-zhabotinsky dont crashes anymore(tested in singleplayer) Uhh, but the computers dont boot and the log says: [12:11:55 INFO]: Client> 2014-06-08 12:11:55 [Warnung] [OpenComputers] Kernel returned unexpected results. everytime i try to turn one on

evg-zhabotinsky commented 10 years ago

"Not crashing" is irrelevant since it does not even turn display on. That doesn't happen to me on clean client. I am afraid that you were using 1.2.x version and saves or config are not quite compatible. I am testing it now. UPD Hmm everything works fine when I create world with 1.2.9 jar and then reload it with the above jar. (Except that computer rebooted and shown "No boot media" bluescreen because it no longer works without boot disk) What exactly have you done?

evg-zhabotinsky commented 10 years ago

OpenComputers-MC1.6.4-1.3.0-universal-ScreenCrashTest.jar Same changes (removed nested display lists) but on top of current upstream branch. (MC 1.6.4) There shouldn't be anything on my side except for crashing-or-not screens now. Works on plain 1.6.4 client with forge alone or with lots of other mods.

Wuerfel21 commented 10 years ago

going to test the new build - all tests are done on fresh profiles(with custom game folder)

Wuerfel21 commented 10 years ago

still computers dont turn on, but this computer is always client on my multiplayer sessions, so now we only need to fix the 1.3 crash bug

evg-zhabotinsky commented 10 years ago

Well, it means that current upstream version crashes. But it does not crash for me both on singleplayer and using "share to lan". Did it crash before?

Wuerfel21 commented 10 years ago

for me it crashed. Edit: Not on the AMD-Graphics machine(which is XP aka no natives), it crashes always on my laptop