Open MihaelaZamfir opened 11 years ago
FILS Engleza:
FILS Germana:
FILS Franceza:
Stagiul "Decouverte de l'entreprise" se adreseaza studentilor de anul I, are ca durata o luna, al carui scop este nu numai cunoasterea unui mediu profesional francofon, dar si punerea in practica a cunostintelor teoretice si lingvistice capatate dupa primul an de studiu in FILS. Stagiarii sunt gazduiti pe parcursul acestei luni in familii, membre ale Asociatiei "Roumanie Sud-Deux Sevres" ceea ce asigura o experienta de viata inedita si permite un schimb cultural franco-roman extrem de educativ.
Programul COPERNIC - acest program de formare pentru management pregateste pana la 45 de tineri economisti si ingineri din tarile Europei Centrale si Orientale. Aceasta pregatire se compune din 6 luni de formare teoretica pe teme legate de gestiunea intreprinderii, asigurata de 4 Inalte Scoli (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris et College des Ingenieurs) si asigura 6 luni de stagiu in cadrul firmelor.
Bursele de studiu ERASMUS ofera studentilor francofoni FILS sansa de a pleca pentru un semestru sau un an universitar la una dintre facultatile partenere din Franta, Belgia sau Olanda.
Specializations: • -Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications • -Computers and Information Technology • -Mechanical Engineering • -Chemical Engineering
Scholarships: Erasmus Scholarships
Interculturalism: The department is self-supporting for English; the number of foreign students enrolled in undergraduate programs represent about 50% of foreign students of the faculty, coming from Europe, North America, Africa and Asia. Most Erasmus students (originally from Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Austria) who come at FILS opt for Anglophone FILS.
Specializations: • -Preparatory Year • -Economic Engineering in Mechanical Field • -Economic Engineering in Electrical Field • -Applied Electronics
Scholarships: -Scholarships Erasmus -Scholarships DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)
Specializations: • -Computers and Information Technology • -Applied Electronics • -Mechanical Engineering
Scholarships:The Faculty is recognized in UPB to have the largest number of mobilities given to its students during the studies such as scholarships offered by the Embassy of France.
Stage "Decouverte de l'entreprise" addresses students in the first year,is one month duration,and its purpose is not only professional knowledge francophone environment but putting into practice the theoretical knowledge and language-acquired after the first year of study in FILS.Interns are housed by Romanian families during this month,members of the Association "Deux Sevres South Roumanie", which provides a unique life experience and allows extremely educative French-Romanian cultural exchange.
COPERNIC Program: this training program prepares up to 45 young economists and engineers from Central and Eastern Europe countries.It consists of six months of theoretical training on topics related to enterprise management provided by four schools( (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris et College des Ingenieurs) and ensures 6 months of internship in the companies.
Erasmus Scholarships
Erasmus Scholarships gives the FILS Francophones students the chance of going for a semester or an academic year at one of the partner colleges in France, Belgium and Holland.
Partnerships: • -Lectureship Francais UPB • -Embassy of France • -Agence Universitaire Francophone • -Campus France • -French Roman Institute
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