Open MihaelaZamfir opened 11 years ago
VWI ESTIEM Bucuresti reprezinta asociatia inginerilor economisti, vorbitori de limba germana, fondata in luna iunie a anului 2001 in Bucuresti. Organizatia isi propune sa fie o interfata intre studentii si firmele de profil, sprijinind crearea si intretinerea unui contact reciproc avantajos intre studenti si mediul de afaceri. Valorile pe care le promoveaza VWI ESTIEM Bucuresti sunt pregatirea extra-curriculara a studentilor prin programe si activitati auxiliare.
Asociatia Studentilor si Absolventilor Filierei Francofone a FILS este una dintre cele mai dezvoltate si solide asociatii studentesti francofone din Romania, fiind de-a lungul timpului o prezenta activa si un adevarat promotor al francofiliei in mediile universitare si nu numai.
ASAFF organizeaza an de an:
Pe langa aceste evenimente, ASAFF propune:
The Association of Students and Graduates of the Francophone Sector of FILS is one of the most developed and solid Francophone student associations in Romania, having an active presence and being a true promoter of Francophonie in university media and not only.
ASAFF organizes yearly:
Also, ASAFF proposes:
VWI ESTIEM Bucuresti represents the association of economist engineers, German language speakers, created in June 2001 in Bucharest. The organisation aims to be an interface between students and specialized companies, helping to build and maintain a favorable mutual contact between students and business media. The values promoted by VWI Estiem Bucuresti are the extra-curricular students training through programs and ancillary activities.
ma bag si eu :)