MihaelaZamfir / Proiect-Inscriere-in-anul-I

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Texte descriere restaurante,cafenele,cluburi din Centru+ Harti #5

Open MihaelaZamfir opened 10 years ago

AdrianTeodorescu commented 10 years ago

Restaurante Centrul Vechi:

Dincolo de atmosfera romaneasca, restaurantul a cucerit mai multe segmente de consumatori: ei au meniuri speciale de pranz de numai 22,4 lei, meniuri pentru studenti la 11,9 lei si meniuri speciale pentru pensionari, la doar 9,9 lei.





AdrianTeodorescu commented 10 years ago

Cafenele Centrul Vechi:


La Rendez-Vous se gasesc peste 200 de ceaiuri – verde sau negru, alb sau rosu, cu fructe sau fermentate – fiecare ceai are o poveste de spus. Prajiturile de casa, facute dupa o reteta speciala se armonizeaza perfect cu momentul ceaiului. Ceaiurile sunt disponibile si pentru acasă si tot la noi ai posibilitatea sa alegi cadouri deosebite pentru prieteni.

Vino sa ne cunosti in cele 3 case ale ceaiului si iti vei dori sa revii, tanjind dupa aroma si gustul ceaiului si, desigur, dupa clipa de liniste!


Aşa am creat Simbio, unde în fiecare zi miroase a pâine proaspăt scoasă din cuptor, a clătite pufoase cu banane sau a muffin cu ciocolată. Iar seara poţi alege fie unul dintre cele 40 de vinuri, fie un cocktail sau o bere.



AdrianTeodorescu commented 10 years ago

Cluburi Centrul Vechi:





Petrecerile se tin in acelasi ritm: de luni pana duminica, pe scaune, pe mese, pe bar, pe hol, chiar si afara in fata clubului.

Pastrand atmosfera de club underground, si in El Comandate se organizeaza, zilnic, petreceri tematice: Havana party (toata lumea iubeste Cuba Libre) Seara Actorilor (vrei s-o cunosti pe actrita draguta din reclama?), Best Hits (hit-uri peste hit-uri), Strangers Night (ne regasim toti sub acelasi acoperis), Party para la Resistencia ( Sa vedem cine rezista mai mult) si multe alte petreceri tematice surpriza (sa nu care cumva va plictisiti). Si toate tin pana dimineata, caci muzica nu se opreste niciodata! Party cu El Comandante!


gheorghebogdan commented 10 years ago

Old Town restaurants:

--Caru cu bere:Its not only the most profitable restaurant in the Old town but it's also the most visited.It is not only the first stop for the tourists but it is also an excellent option for the locals that are fond on the traditional kitchen.The spectacular interior, traditional dishes and the atmosphere make it the number 1 touristic recommendation. Beyond the traditional atmosphere,the restaurant has persuaded different segments of consumers:they have special menu's for lunch at 22,4 lei,menu's for students at 11,9 lei and special menu's for pensioniers at only 9,9 lei.

--Curtea berarilor: A very spacious bar/restaurant wich is full of people at almost any time of the day.Friends that go and share stories and some beer,foodies that come and taste the delicous foods.The prices are pretty low for drinks,comparative with other places in the Old Town,and the food,even though it may seem pricey it comes in big portions.

---Divan:A special restaurant,wich has won it's clients with it's great food quality and also it's presentation.It's decorated in an oriental style, the waiters being dressed in specifical Turkish outfits and with a carefully chosen menu.Divan has imposed itself as one of the best restaurants with foreign specific in the Old Town.The prices are moderate,a meal for 2 it's around 60lei,and the chef will convince you with his foods.

--Lacrimi si sfinti: Lacrimi si Sfinti is a special restaurant ,not only that it is owned by Mircea Dinescu,but a night here can be an escape from the ordinary .The tradional foods from the menu are highlighted by the special names they have,and the 100 year old recipies are reinvented.It's not only that you can serve a great meal here but the restaurant itself it is an attranction,it was arranged by Corvin Cristian,the architect of the most beautifull buildings in the Old Town.

--Cuty Grill: Like the first restaurant from this list the restaurant counts on good romanian food and great prices.The atmosphere is relaxing and intimate,you can come here either with your friends or familly and the check won't be very high.A menu for luch is 18 lei and for dinner is 20.

Old City Cafe's:

---Thomas Antiques:The ideea to include a cafe in the Thomas Antiques came up from the wish to offer the experience of tasting a coffe or a cocktail staying at a table that you would imagine in your homes. The cafe is at the first floor of the building and it has 3 themed rooms:the main salon,hunting room and french room.Also in the warm season,we are waiting you on our 2 balconies.

---Rendez Vous Universitate:The story Rendez-Vous it expresses a state.A state that you have when you get in the world of tea,home cookies for a moment of silence.Beyond the flavor of the tea,a friend and live stories ,a calm music that can get you of the ordinary,at Rendez-Vous it feels like home.Freed from worries and willing for a moment of spoiling. At Rendez-Vous there are over 200 different types of tea-green or black,white or red,with fruits or fermented.The home made cookies are coojed after a special recipe that fits perfectly with the tea.The teas can be bought for home taking also and there is the posibility to buy special gifts for friends.

--- Turabo Cafe Universitate:Turabo Cafe is the biggest cafe chain in Romania and one of the biggest in Eastern Europe.our motto is "We work for people".No matter it is one of the 13.500 clients that come into our cafes every day,the 300 employees, one of our business parteners or the people we support through our social projects.A business that started in 2003,by 3 young men has come today in one of the most dynamic businesses in the Romanian market.A first location,in bucharest has changed the concept in wich "premium coffe" was going to be understood.

--Simbio:We love food,adore coffe and we have a passion for wines.we have always wanted to find a nice and cozy place to find all of them.This is why we created Simbio,where everyday it smells like fresh bread take out of the oven, pancakes or chocolate muffins.In the vevening you can choose one of the 40 wines,a beer or a cocktail.

El Dictator Club : Located in the heart of Historichal Center and hidden in the generous basement of a large building that's over 150 years old,the club El Dictator greets you since the first steps with a deliberate austerity. Designed as a place where history is intertwined with a mainly contemporary electric sound the new club is unique in its theme.Crazy parties will be guarded from the eyes of the most famous dictators of universal history; we find on the walls portraits of Ceausescu, Lenin, Castro, Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet, Mao and Hitler.The club is spacious, decorated with sculptures in iron,subsequently signed by well-known sculptors like Marius Leonte, engravings and pictures , historical documents with all dictators, the festivities, parades and official meetings. http://server.bizcity.ro/img/auto_resized/db/place_address/b9/1e/09/8394ca1fcd2b91e09l-600x450-b-c2b3315f.jpg

Revenge Club: Drinking ... Singing ... Dancing ... Smoking up to 7 in the morning and even later in the weekends. You will find club nights maching all tastes,every week,starting from 22 o'clock.All these in Revenge Cub situated in the Historical Center in a basement cellar under the Trade Court. http://server.bizcity.ro/img/auto_resized/db/place_address/78/ca/85/6754ca1f5c978ca85l-600x450-b-a63f27e2.jpg

Goblin Club: The club is located in the heart of the city,in the Historic Center right at the intersection between Smardan and Selari.We expect you with more than 80 seats in the booths, two bars (one for non-smokers), free wireless internet,fussbal table,cool parties and many more you need to see them live, every day from 17.00 to 5.00 in the morning. http://server.bizcity.ro/img/auto_resized/db/place_address/26/10/e1/6284ca1f5bf2610e1l-600x450-b-169192fb.jpg

Club A: Club A hosts numerous musical events weekly. It is among the most popular student clubs in Bucharest. http://server.bizcity.ro/img/auto_resized/db/place_address/5d/2f/a2/7814ca1f3995d2fa2l-600x450-b-e4deb46b.jpg

El Comandante Club: El Comandante is our "Junior". Newer, smaller, more intimate, located in Bucharest's Historical Center, full of life and personality, it's the "child" of "El Grande Comandante'’.Parties are at the same pace: Monday to Sunday, on the chairs, the tables, the bar, the lounge, even outside in front of the clubhouse. Keeping the underground club atmosphere, El Comandante organizes daily themed parties: Havana party (everyone loves Cuba Libre);Actors Evening(Want to know the pretty actress in the ad?);Best Hits (hits over hits);Strangers Night ( we all find ourselves under the same roof);Party para la Resistencia (Let's see who lasts longer);and many more surprise theme parties (you can't get bored).And all lasts up until morning, because the music never stops! Party with El Comandante! http://server.bizcity.ro/img/auto_resized/db/place_address/1c/ac/08/7554ca1f8821cac08l-600x450-b-e90bef64.jpg