MihailDev / yii2-ckeditor

Yii2 CKEditor
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Problem with image2 #22

Open hmohammadi opened 7 years ago

hmohammadi commented 7 years ago

Hello, When I using image2 in extraPlugins its not showing the editor! What is the problem? Thank you.

MihailDev commented 7 years ago

show template

hmohammadi commented 7 years ago

$form->field($model, 'content')->widget(CKEditor::className(), [ 'editorOptions' => [ 'preset' => 'basic', / basic, standard, full / 'inline' => false, 'contentsLangDirection' => 'rtl', 'height' => 400, 'filebrowserBrowseUrl' => 'browse-images', 'filebrowserUploadUrl' => 'upload-images', 'extraPlugins' => ['imageuploader', 'image2'], 'contentsCss' => ["body {font-size: 13px; font-family: Vazir}"], ], ]);

hmohammadi commented 7 years ago


MihailDev commented 7 years ago

1) how you include plugins 'imageuploader' and 'image2' 2) if you need work with files in editor you can use my plugin https://github.com/MihailDev/yii2-elfinder

sbekzhan commented 6 years ago

Class 'mihaildev\elfinder\ElFinder' not found how i can decide whis problem? i working with Ckeditor and elfinder

MihailDev commented 6 years ago

may be you dont install package "mihaildev/yii2-elfinder": "*" ??