MihuBot / runtime-utils

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[X64] [EgorBo] CI test #369

Open MihuBot opened 3 months ago

MihuBot commented 3 months ago

Build completed in 26 minutes.


Diffs ``` Found 337 files with textual diffs. Summary of Code Size diffs: (Lower is better) Total bytes of base: 39503858 Total bytes of diff: 39565603 Total bytes of delta: 61745 (0.16 % of base) Total relative delta: 131.52 diff is a regression. relative diff is a regression. Total byte diff includes 690 bytes from reconciling methods Base had 0 unique methods, 0 unique bytes Diff had 2 unique methods, 690 unique bytes Top file regressions (bytes): 16467 : System.Private.Xml.dasm (0.40 % of base) 6943 : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm (4.26 % of base) 5815 : System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo.dasm (22.80 % of base) 3742 : System.Data.Common.dasm (0.22 % of base) 3151 : System.Text.RegularExpressions.dasm (0.42 % of base) 2854 : System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dasm (0.29 % of base) 2525 : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm (0.23 % of base) 2314 : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm (0.03 % of base) 1888 : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm (0.45 % of base) 1685 : System.ComponentModel.Primitives.dasm (9.93 % of base) 1306 : System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.dasm (0.61 % of base) 1289 : System.Formats.Asn1.dasm (1.51 % of base) 1193 : System.Data.Odbc.dasm (0.50 % of base) 993 : System.Private.Xml.Linq.dasm (0.51 % of base) 978 : System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dasm (0.68 % of base) 743 : System.Reflection.Emit.dasm (0.61 % of base) 734 : System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dasm (1.46 % of base) 540 : System.Text.Json.dasm (0.04 % of base) 519 : System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dasm (0.13 % of base) 488 : System.Net.Mail.dasm (0.26 % of base) 486 : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dasm (0.15 % of base) 481 : System.Security.Cryptography.Cose.dasm (0.70 % of base) 430 : System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dasm (0.18 % of base) 427 : System.Net.HttpListener.dasm (0.41 % of base) 370 : System.Diagnostics.Process.dasm (0.38 % of base) 364 : System.IO.Packaging.dasm (0.38 % of base) 355 : Microsoft.CSharp.dasm (0.10 % of base) 331 : System.Net.Http.dasm (0.04 % of base) 323 : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm (0.40 % of base) 317 : System.Reflection.Metadata.dasm (0.06 % of base) 237 : System.Net.Requests.dasm (0.16 % of base) 233 : System.Net.WebSockets.Client.dasm (1.01 % of base) 225 : Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console.dasm (0.41 % of base) 175 : System.Runtime.Serialization.Schema.dasm (0.31 % of base) 173 : System.Console.dasm (0.20 % of base) 170 : System.Linq.Expressions.dasm (0.02 % of base) 153 : System.Private.Uri.dasm (0.17 % of base) 114 : Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventSource.dasm (0.49 % of base) 112 : System.CodeDom.dasm (0.05 % of base) 106 : Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical.dasm (0.51 % of base) 105 : System.Net.Security.dasm (0.05 % of base) 96 : System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher.dasm (0.34 % of base) 92 : System.IO.IsolatedStorage.dasm (0.40 % of base) 80 : System.Net.NetworkInformation.dasm (0.15 % of base) 76 : System.Net.NameResolution.dasm (0.19 % of base) 66 : System.Net.Sockets.dasm (0.03 % of base) 61 : System.Net.Primitives.dasm (0.07 % of base) 50 : Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing.dasm (0.17 % of base) 49 : ILCompiler.Reflection.ReadyToRun.dasm (0.02 % of base) 48 : System.IO.Compression.dasm (0.05 % of base) 38 : System.Security.Claims.dasm (0.17 % of base) 35 : System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.dasm (0.34 % of base) 34 : System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.dasm (0.03 % of base) 34 : System.Security.Permissions.dasm (0.22 % of base) 34 : System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener.dasm (0.19 % of base) 33 : Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions.dasm (0.53 % of base) 27 : System.Net.Quic.dasm (0.02 % of base) 12 : System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.dasm (0.02 % of base) 9 : System.Reflection.DispatchProxy.dasm (0.05 % of base) 8 : Microsoft.Extensions.Http.dasm (0.01 % of base) 5 : System.IO.Pipes.dasm (0.01 % of base) 5 : System.Net.Ping.dasm (0.01 % of base) 2 : Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Xml.dasm (0.02 % of base) Top file improvements (bytes): -416 : Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core.dasm (-0.08 % of base) -130 : Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables.dasm (-3.40 % of base) -104 : Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.dasm (-0.56 % of base) -52 : System.IO.Ports.dasm (-0.10 % of base) -44 : Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration.dasm (-0.56 % of base) -43 : System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dasm (-0.06 % of base) -38 : System.Net.WebClient.dasm (-0.07 % of base) -32 : System.Resources.Writer.dasm (-0.33 % of base) -31 : System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.dasm (-0.21 % of base) -27 : System.Resources.Extensions.dasm (-0.08 % of base) -24 : System.Drawing.Primitives.dasm (-0.06 % of base) -22 : System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.dasm (-0.43 % of base) -18 : System.Runtime.Caching.dasm (-0.03 % of base) -16 : Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.dasm (-0.02 % of base) -6 : System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext.dasm (-0.00 % of base) 78 total files with Code Size differences (15 improved, 63 regressed), 178 unchanged. Top method regressions (bytes): 5815 (33.85 % of base) : System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo.dasm - Interop+Sys:GetDriveType(System.String):int (FullOpts) 1710 (17.71 % of base) : System.Text.RegularExpressions.dasm - System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:EmitMatchCharacterClass(System.String):this (FullOpts) 1289 (15.89 % of base) : System.Formats.Asn1.dasm - System.Formats.Asn1.WellKnownOids:GetContents(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ushort]):System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte] (FullOpts) 1086 (31.86 % of base) : System.ComponentModel.Primitives.dasm - System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute:GetLocalizedString(System.String):System.String:this (FullOpts) 691 (29.71 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.XsltCompileContext:FunctionAvailable(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 683 (17.60 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime.XmlCollation:Create(System.String,ubyte):System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime.XmlCollation (FullOpts) 649 (43.35 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Rss20FeedFormatter:ReadMediaEnclosure(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Uri):System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationLink:this (FullOpts) 548 (11.23 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:CreateTokenHashTable():System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo+TokenHashValue[]:this (FullOpts) 486 (22.23 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Atom10FeedFormatter:ReadLink(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationLink,System.Uri):this (FullOpts) 467 (18.16 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Atom10FeedFormatter:ReadFeedFrom(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed,ubyte):System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed:this (FullOpts) 441 (19.06 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.AtomPub10ServiceDocumentFormatter:ReadInlineCategories(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.InlineCategoriesDocument,System.Uri,System.String,int) (FullOpts) 425 (24.02 % of base) : System.Reflection.Metadata.dasm - System.Reflection.Metadata.MetadataReader:InitializeStreamReaders(byref,System.Reflection.Metadata.Ecma335.StreamHeader[],byref,byref,byref):this (FullOpts) 409 (8.79 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.DataSet:ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader,ubyte):int:this (FullOpts) 409 (34.49 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Atom10FeedFormatter:ReadContentFrom(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationItem):System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationContent:this (FullOpts) 407 (37.37 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.XsltCompileContext:ElementAvailable(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 397 (44.16 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.QilGenerator:IsElementAvailable(System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName):ubyte (FullOpts) 386 (9.66 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.CryptoHelpers:CreateFromKnownName(System.String):System.Object (FullOpts) 370 (9.10 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.DataTable:ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader,ubyte):int:this (FullOpts) 352 (8.97 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Serialization.ReflectionXmlSerializationReader:WritePrimitive(System.Xml.Serialization.TypeMapping,System.Func`2[System.Object,System.String],System.Object):System.Object:this (FullOpts) 347 (Infinity of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.Ordinal:EqualsIgnoreCase_Vector[System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector256`1[ushort]](byref,byref,int):ubyte (FullOpts) (0 base, 1 diff methods) 343 (Infinity of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.Ordinal:EqualsIgnoreCase_Vector[System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[ushort]](byref,byref,int):ubyte (FullOpts) (0 base, 1 diff methods) 327 (28.61 % of base) : System.Data.Odbc.dasm - System.Data.Common.DbConnectionOptions:ExpandDataDirectories(byref,byref):System.String:this (FullOpts) 327 (18.29 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Atom10FeedFormatter:ReadCategory(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationCategory,System.String,ubyte,ubyte,int) (FullOpts) 322 (14.44 % of base) : System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dasm - System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContracts.DataContract+DataContractCriticalHelper:GetBuiltInDataContract(System.String):System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContracts.DataContract (FullOpts) 320 (12.69 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Serialization.ReflectionXmlSerializationWriter:ConvertPrimitiveToString(System.Object,System.Xml.Serialization.TypeDesc):System.String (FullOpts) 317 (5.23 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl:ParseXmlDeclaration(ubyte):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 316 (17.93 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.AtomPub10ServiceDocumentFormatter:ReadReferencedCategories(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.ReferencedCategoriesDocument,System.Uri,System.Uri,System.String,int) (FullOpts) 290 (5.79 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord:ScanFactoriesRecursive(System.Configuration.XmlUtil,System.String,System.Collections.Hashtable):this (FullOpts) 285 (5.64 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Rss20FeedFormatter:ReadItemFrom(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationItem,System.Uri):this (FullOpts) 282 (26.86 % of base) : System.Text.RegularExpressions.dasm - System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:ReduceSet():System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:this (FullOpts) (2 methods) 269 (25.64 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.DateTimeHelper:NormalizeTimeZone(System.String,byref):System.String (FullOpts) 263 (22.29 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Atom10FeedFormatter:ReadTextContentFromHelper(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.String,System.String,ubyte):System.ServiceModel.Syndication.TextSyndicationContent (FullOpts) 262 (17.79 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.Linq.dasm - System.Xml.Linq.XNodeBuilder:WriteEntityRef(System.String):this (FullOpts) 259 (16.72 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Serialization.ReflectionXmlSerializationWriter:WritePrimitiveValue(System.Xml.Serialization.TypeDesc,System.Object,byref):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 257 (25.62 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Rss20FeedFormatter:ReadCategory(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationCategory):this (FullOpts) 250 (5.44 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.DataTable:ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader,int,ubyte):int:this (FullOpts) 248 (8.54 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.AtomPub10ServiceDocumentFormatter:ReadCollection(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Workspace):System.ServiceModel.Syndication.ResourceCollectionInfo:this (FullOpts) 242 (27.94 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Cose.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Cose.CoseSigner:GetCoseAlgorithmHeader():int:this (FullOpts) 239 (5.33 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.DataSet:ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader,int,ubyte):int:this (FullOpts) 239 (49.38 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Cose.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Cose.KnownCoseAlgorithms:FromString(System.String):int (FullOpts) 239 (31.08 % of base) : System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dasm - System.Xml.XmlBaseReader:FixXmlAttribute(System.Xml.XmlBaseReader+XmlAttributeNode):this (FullOpts) 238 (152.56 % of base) : System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dasm - Interop+Ldap:ber_printf_emptyarg(System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SafeBerHandle,System.String,ulong):int (FullOpts) 236 (2.36 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement:DeserializeElement(System.Xml.XmlReader,ubyte):this (FullOpts) 234 (23.78 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlLoader:ExpandEntityReference(System.Xml.XmlEntityReference):this (FullOpts) 225 (7.65 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.DtdParser+d__160:MoveNext():this (FullOpts) 225 (178.57 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Schema.SchemaEntity:IsPredefinedEntity(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) 215 (13.89 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlTextWriter:WriteStartAttribute(System.String,System.String,System.String):this (FullOpts) 214 (10.36 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.DataSet:ReadXmlSchema(System.Xml.XmlReader,ubyte):this (FullOpts) 213 (10.69 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Atom10FeedFormatter:ReadItemFrom(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationItem,System.Uri):this (FullOpts) 213 (5.58 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.QilGenerator:System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.IXPathEnvironment.ResolveFunction(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[System.Xml.Xsl.Qil.QilNode],System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.IFocus):System.Xml.Xsl.Qil.QilNode:this (FullOpts) 210 (25.18 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlDocument:ConvertToNodeType(System.String):int (FullOpts) 208 (69.57 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed:ShouldSkipWritingElements(System.String,System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 207 (4.58 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Rss20FeedFormatter:ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed):this (FullOpts) 206 (159.69 % of base) : System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dasm - Interop+Ldap:ber_scanf_emptyarg(System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SafeBerHandle,System.String):int (FullOpts) 206 (20.62 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.SignedXml:ComputeSignature(System.Security.Cryptography.KeyedHashAlgorithm):this (FullOpts) 199 (8.69 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.AtomPub10ServiceDocumentFormatter:ReadDocument(System.Xml.XmlReader):this (FullOpts) 199 (10.55 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.DtdParser:ParseAttlistDecl():this (FullOpts) 189 (28.51 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode+Settings:.cctor() (FullOpts) 189 (20.26 % of base) : System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dasm - System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.XmlJsonWriter:WriteEndAttribute():this (FullOpts) 187 (70.57 % of base) : System.Text.RegularExpressions.dasm - System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass:g__KnownDistinctSets|107_0(System.String,System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) 186 (22.99 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - Interop+Crypto:HashAlgorithmSupported(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) 186 (73.52 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathScanner:CheckOperator(ubyte):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 185 (8.23 % of base) : System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dasm - System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.XmlJsonWriter:WriteStartAttribute(System.String,System.String,System.String):this (FullOpts) 185 (5.38 % of base) : System.Text.RegularExpressions.dasm - System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:CanBeMadeAtomic(System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,ubyte,ubyte):ubyte (FullOpts) 181 (22.02 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.QilGenerator:IsFunctionAvailable(System.String,System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) 178 (12.96 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.OpenSslX509CertificateReader+<>c:b__63_0(Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeX509Handle):System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.PolicyData:this (FullOpts) 176 (20.14 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.DependencyContextJsonReader:ReadOneLibrary(byref):Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.DependencyContextJsonReader+LibraryStub:this (FullOpts) 176 (12.57 % of base) : System.Reflection.Emit.dasm - System.Reflection.Emit.MarshallingData:DecodeMarshalAsSafeArray(System.String[],System.Object[],System.Reflection.Emit.MarshallingData) (FullOpts) 176 (7.17 % of base) : System.Text.RegularExpressions.dasm - System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindFixedDistanceSets(System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,ubyte):System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexFindOptimizations+FixedDistanceSet] (FullOpts) (2 methods) 175 (10.08 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Atom10FeedFormatter:ReadPersonFrom(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationPerson):this (FullOpts) 173 (8.87 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Xml.XmlDataDocument:SynchronizeRowFromRowElementEx(System.Xml.XmlBoundElement,System.Collections.ArrayList):this (FullOpts) 171 (16.10 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - Interop+Crypto:HashAlgorithmToEvp(System.String):long (FullOpts) 170 (20.36 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Rss20FeedFormatter:ReadPerson(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationPerson):this (FullOpts) 169 (28.89 % of base) : System.Net.HttpListener.dasm - System.Net.HttpListenerRequest:MaybeUri(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) 168 (9.86 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XmlQueryType:ToString(System.String):System.String:this (FullOpts) 166 (188.64 % of base) : System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dasm - Interop+Ldap:ber_printf_int(System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SafeBerHandle,System.String,int,ulong):int (FullOpts) 164 (9.45 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.DependencyContextJsonReader:ReadCompilationOptions(byref):Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.CompilationOptions (FullOpts) 163 (19.22 % of base) : System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dasm - System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonObjectDataContract:ReadJsonValueCore(System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlReaderDelegator,System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.XmlObjectSerializerReadContextComplexJson):System.Object:this (FullOpts) 160 (7.66 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.XsltLoader:ParseModeListAttribute(int):System.Xml.Xsl.Qil.QilName:this (FullOpts) 158 (30.10 % of base) : System.Text.RegularExpressions.dasm - System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass:AddCategoryFromName(System.String,ubyte,ubyte,System.String,int):this (FullOpts) 155 (3.55 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder.SourceGeneration.F4A0B375076990A220B974B89133BBBF8C2CFDEF8BBD347EEBD40A1B357167BC5__BindingExtensions:BindCore(Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfiguration,byref,ubyte,Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.BinderOptions) (FullOpts) (6 methods) 155 (7.95 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.XslAstAnalyzer+XPathAnalyzer:Function(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[int]):int:this (FullOpts) 154 (5.85 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XDRSchema:HandleColumn(System.Xml.XmlElement,System.Data.DataTable):this (FullOpts) 153 (3.80 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.Pkcs12SafeContents:ReadBags(System.ReadOnlyMemory`1[ubyte]):System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.Pkcs12SafeBag] (FullOpts) 152 (150.50 % of base) : System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dasm - Interop+Ldap:ber_printf_bytearray(System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SafeBerHandle,System.String,System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.HGlobalMemHandle,ulong,ulong):int (FullOpts) 152 (10.12 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlWellFormedWriter:WriteStartAttribute(System.String,System.String,System.String):this (FullOpts) 152 (24.05 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.XsltInput:ReadTextNodes():int:this (FullOpts) 148 (15.88 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicOperations:CheckHashAndGetLength(System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName):int (FullOpts) 148 (110.45 % of base) : System.Text.Json.dasm - System.Text.Json.JsonWriterOptions:set_NewLine(System.String):this (FullOpts) 147 (10.65 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlWellFormedWriter:WriteStartAttributeAsync_NoAdvanceState(System.String,System.String,System.String):System.Threading.Tasks.Task:this (FullOpts) 146 (34.52 % of base) : System.Text.Json.dasm - System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:GetWriterOptions():System.Text.Json.JsonWriterOptions:this (FullOpts) 145 (11.45 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.HMACCommon:ChangeKeyImpl(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte]):ubyte[]:this (FullOpts) 144 (81.82 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XMLSchema:GetBooleanAttribute(System.Xml.XmlElement,System.String,System.String,ubyte):ubyte (FullOpts) 144 (82.29 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XSDSchema:GetBooleanAttribute(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated,System.String,ubyte):ubyte (FullOpts) 144 (3.22 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XSDSchema:InstantiateTable(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement,System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType,ubyte):System.Data.DataTable:this (FullOpts) 144 (7.39 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.AtomPub10ServiceDocumentFormatter:ReadWorkspace(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.ServiceDocument):System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Workspace:this (FullOpts) 141 (16.15 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed:TryReadTextInputFromExtension(System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationElementExtensionCollection):System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationTextInput (FullOpts) 140 (5.32 % of base) : System.Data.Odbc.dasm - System.Data.Odbc.OdbcMetaDataFactory:GetDataSourceInformationCollection(System.String[],System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection):System.Data.DataTable:this (FullOpts) 138 (14.67 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.XmlSyndicationContent:.ctor(System.Xml.XmlReader):this (FullOpts) 138 (10.53 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlSqlBinaryReader:ScanAttributes():this (FullOpts) Top method improvements (bytes): -465 (-14.95 % of base) : Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core.dasm - Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings:FormatNamed(System.Object,System.String,byref):ubyte (FullOpts) -453 (-21.98 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.DateTimeParse:MatchMonthName(byref,System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo,byref):ubyte (FullOpts) -273 (-14.64 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XmlTreeGen:AddXdoProperty(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor,System.Object,System.Xml.XmlElement):this (FullOpts) -228 (-15.89 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Reflection.AssemblyNameParser:TryParse(byref):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -228 (-15.89 % of base) : System.Reflection.Metadata.dasm - System.Reflection.AssemblyNameParser:TryParse(byref):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -200 (-10.40 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.Resolution.AppBaseCompilationAssemblyResolver:TryResolveAssemblyPaths(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.CompilationLibrary,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -159 (-1.97 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl+d__505:MoveNext():this (FullOpts) -155 (-13.01 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.ContainerAction:AddScript(System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.Compiler) (FullOpts) -133 (-13.74 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.DtdParser+d__190:MoveNext():this (FullOpts) -132 (-24.54 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.TimeZoneInfo:IsUtcAlias(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -130 (-5.25 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables.EnvironmentVariablesConfigurationProvider:Load(System.Collections.IDictionary):this (FullOpts) -124 (-6.39 % of base) : System.Net.HttpListener.dasm - System.Net.HttpListenerRequest:FinishInitialization():this (FullOpts) -123 (-14.17 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.DtdParser+d__200:MoveNext():this (FullOpts) -123 (-14.17 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.DtdParser+d__201:MoveNext():this (FullOpts) -119 (-10.58 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.DateTimeParse:MatchDayName(byref,System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo,byref):ubyte (FullOpts) -117 (-1.92 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.FunctionNode:EvalFunction(int,System.Object[],System.Data.DataRow,int):System.Object:this (FullOpts) -105 (-3.55 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.SocksHelper+d__13:MoveNext():this (FullOpts) -103 (-9.55 % of base) : System.Net.HttpListener.dasm - System.Net.HttpListenerResponse:FormatHeaders(System.Net.WebHeaderCollection):System.String (FullOpts) -92 (-8.91 % of base) : System.Net.HttpListener.dasm - System.Net.HttpListenerRequest:AddHeader(System.String):this (FullOpts) -84 (-4.48 % of base) : System.CodeDom.dasm - Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeGenerator:GenerateTypeStart(System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration):this (FullOpts) -74 (-10.16 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.Metrics.Configuration.MetricsConfigureOptions:LoadConfig(Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.Metrics.MetricsOptions):this (FullOpts) -72 (-19.25 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:AttributeTypeNamesMatch(System.Type,System.Type):ubyte (FullOpts) -71 (-1.68 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.CmsSigner:Sign(System.ReadOnlyMemory`1[ubyte],System.String,ubyte,byref):System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.Asn1.SignerInfoAsn:this (FullOpts) -70 (-6.54 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Diagnostics.TraceUtils:MapToBuiltInTypes(System.String):System.Type (FullOpts) -69 (-22.12 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.DataSet:DetermineSchemaSerializationMode(System.Xml.XmlReader):int:this (FullOpts) -67 (-34.36 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.HttpUtilities:IsSocksScheme(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -64 (-3.56 % of base) : System.Drawing.Primitives.dasm - System.Drawing.ColorTranslator:FromHtml(System.String):System.Drawing.Color (FullOpts) -63 (-2.72 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.DecompressionHandler+d__16:MoveNext():this (FullOpts) -62 (-6.65 % of base) : System.Net.Primitives.dasm - System.Net.CredentialCache:Add(System.String,int,System.String,System.Net.NetworkCredential):this (FullOpts) -60 (-7.38 % of base) : System.Net.Primitives.dasm - System.Net.CredentialCache:Add(System.Uri,System.String,System.Net.NetworkCredential):this (FullOpts) -58 (-3.63 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement:ReportInvalidLock(System.String,int,System.Configuration.ConfigurationValue,System.String):this (FullOpts) -57 (-2.63 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XmlDataLoader:LoadColumn(System.Data.DataColumn,System.Object[]):this (FullOpts) -56 (-4.12 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.Http2Connection:WriteHeaderCollection(System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders,byref):int:this (FullOpts) -54 (-18.37 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:RemoveFirstArgIfRelatedActivityId(byref):ubyte (FullOpts) -53 (-3.11 % of base) : System.Net.WebClient.dasm - System.Net.WebClient:OpenFileInternal(ubyte,System.String,byref,byref,byref,byref):this (FullOpts) -50 (-9.40 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.Resolution.ReferenceAssemblyPathResolver:TryResolveAssemblyPaths(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.CompilationLibrary,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -50 (-61.73 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationHost:System.Configuration.Internal.IInternalConfigClientHost.IsRoamingUserConfig(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -50 (-20.41 % of base) : System.Net.Security.dasm - System.Net.NegotiateAuthenticationPal+UnixNegotiateAuthenticationPal:GetPackageType(System.String):uint (FullOpts) -50 (-5.19 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection:ImportFromPem(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ushort]):this (FullOpts) -49 (-22.58 % of base) : System.IO.IsolatedStorage.dasm - System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:IsMatchingScopeDirectory(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -48 (-3.48 % of base) : System.CodeDom.dasm - Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeGenerator:GenerateAttributes(System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection,System.String,ubyte):this (FullOpts) -47 (-60.26 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationHost:System.Configuration.Internal.IInternalConfigClientHost.IsExeConfig(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -45 (-7.35 % of base) : System.Data.Odbc.dasm - System.Data.Common.DbConnectionOptions:ExpandDataDirectory(System.String,System.String,byref):System.String (FullOpts) -44 (-9.98 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.Resolution.DotNetReferenceAssembliesPathResolver:GetDefaultDotNetReferenceAssembliesPath(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.IFileSystem):System.String (FullOpts) -44 (-3.14 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.MgmtConfigurationRecord:RemoveConfigurationSectionGroup(System.String,System.String):this (FullOpts) -44 (-13.50 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.SectionInformation:ForceDeclaration(ubyte):this (FullOpts) -43 (-11.94 % of base) : System.Net.Requests.dasm - System.Net.HttpWebRequest:CheckRequestStream():this (FullOpts) -43 (-9.11 % of base) : System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dasm - System.Text.EncodingNLS:get_EncodingName():System.String:this (FullOpts) -42 (-12.69 % of base) : System.Net.HttpListener.dasm - System.Net.HttpListenerRequest:get_IsWebSocketRequest():ubyte:this (FullOpts) -41 (-9.43 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyDependencyResolver:ResolveAssemblyToPath(System.Reflection.AssemblyName):System.String:this (FullOpts) -40 (-20.30 % of base) : System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dasm - System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.UrlAttribute:IsValid(System.Object):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -40 (-1.54 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.PasswordBasedEncryption:Decrypt(byref,System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ushort],System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte],System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte],System.Span`1[ubyte]):int (FullOpts) -40 (-1.49 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.PasswordBasedEncryption:Decrypt(byref,System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ushort],System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte],System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte],System.Span`1[ubyte]):int (FullOpts) -39 (-2.62 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dasm - Internal.Cryptography.PkcsHelpers:GetDigestAlgorithm(System.String,ubyte):System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName (FullOpts) -39 (-28.89 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Reflection.AssemblyNameParser:TryParseCulture(System.String,byref):ubyte (FullOpts) -39 (-28.89 % of base) : System.Reflection.Metadata.dasm - System.Reflection.AssemblyNameParser:TryParseCulture(System.String,byref):ubyte (FullOpts) -39 (-3.21 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl:CheckEncoding(System.String):System.Text.Encoding:this (FullOpts) -37 (-56.92 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord:IsImplicitSection(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -37 (-38.95 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.SimpleType:CanHaveMaxLength():ubyte:this (FullOpts) -37 (-6.88 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.Pkcs12CertBag:DecodeValue(System.ReadOnlyMemory`1[ubyte]):System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.Pkcs12CertBag (FullOpts) -35 (-0.60 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XSDSchema:LoadSchema(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet,System.Data.DataSet):this (FullOpts) -35 (-8.33 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.CultureData:GetNativeDigits():System.String[]:this (FullOpts) -35 (-17.59 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.AuthenticationHelper+DigestResponse:MustValueBeQuoted(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -35 (-9.33 % of base) : System.Net.HttpListener.dasm - System.Net.HttpListenerRequestUriBuilder:GetPath(System.String):System.String (FullOpts) -35 (-12.24 % of base) : System.Net.Security.dasm - System.Net.NegotiateAuthenticationPal:.cctor() (FullOpts) -35 (-1.67 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName:.ctor(System.String):this (FullOpts) -34 (-6.50 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.Resolution.PackageCompilationAssemblyResolver:TryResolveAssemblyPaths(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.CompilationLibrary,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -34 (-12.41 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpGeneralHeaders:GetTransferEncodingChunked(System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpGeneralHeaders):System.Nullable`1[ubyte] (FullOpts) -33 (-2.17 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.MgmtConfigurationRecord:RemoveConfigurationSection(System.String,System.String):this (FullOpts) -33 (-4.26 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicAttributeObjectCollection:Add(System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicAttributeObject):int:this (FullOpts) -33 (-7.02 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderILGen:ILGenElementElseString(System.String):this (FullOpts) -32 (-2.58 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.SectionInformation:SetRuntimeConfigurationInformation(System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord,System.Configuration.FactoryRecord,System.Configuration.SectionRecord):this (FullOpts) -32 (-2.05 % of base) : System.IO.Ports.dasm - System.IO.Ports.SerialPort:GetPortNames_Linux():System.String[] (FullOpts) -32 (-3.18 % of base) : System.Resources.Extensions.dasm - System.Resources.Extensions.PreserializedResourceWriter:FindTypeCode(System.Object,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]):int (FullOpts) -32 (-3.20 % of base) : System.Resources.Writer.dasm - System.Resources.ResourceWriter:FindTypeCode(System.Object,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]):int (FullOpts) -32 (-1.64 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlWellFormedWriter+d__135:MoveNext():this (FullOpts) -31 (-1.24 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.IdnMapping:PunycodeEncode(System.String):System.String (FullOpts) -31 (-8.88 % of base) : System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.dasm - System.Net.HeaderInfoTable:IsDuringExpiresAttributeParsing(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ushort]):ubyte (FullOpts) -30 (-6.54 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerFilterConfigureOptions:LoadRules(Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerFilterOptions,Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfigurationSection,System.String) (FullOpts) -30 (-5.05 % of base) : System.IO.Packaging.dasm - System.IO.Packaging.ZipPackage+ContentTypeHelper:OpenContentTypeStream(System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1[System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry]):System.IO.Stream:this (FullOpts) -30 (-6.54 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.HttpConnection:ProcessKeepAliveHeader(System.String):this (FullOpts) -29 (-10.43 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.SectionInformation:VerifyIsEditableFactory():this (FullOpts) -29 (-50.88 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.HttpUtilities:IsSecureWebSocketScheme(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -29 (-27.88 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.OperatingSystem:IsOSPlatform(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -29 (-4.17 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter:ImportAttributeMember(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute,System.String,System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers,System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers,System.String):this (FullOpts) -29 (-2.62 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter:ImportElementMember(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement,System.String,System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers,System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers,System.Xml.Serialization.INameScope,System.String,ubyte,byref,ubyte,ubyte):this (FullOpts) -28 (-11.86 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord:IsRootDeclaration(System.String,ubyte):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -28 (-0.34 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Diagnostics.Tracing.ManifestBuilder:CreateManifestString():System.String:this (FullOpts) -28 (-7.53 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.CultureData:get_DisplayName():System.String:this (FullOpts) -28 (-26.92 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation:IsOSPlatform(System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform):ubyte (FullOpts) -28 (-1.51 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.PasswordBasedEncryption:OpenCipher(System.Security.Cryptography.Asn1.AlgorithmIdentifierAsn,System.Nullable`1[int],byref):System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm (FullOpts) -28 (-1.51 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.PasswordBasedEncryption:OpenCipher(System.Security.Cryptography.Asn1.AlgorithmIdentifierAsn,System.Nullable`1[int],byref):System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm (FullOpts) -27 (-1.19 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.ClientConfigPaths:.ctor(System.String,ubyte):this (FullOpts) -27 (-2.60 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.SignedXml:CheckSignature(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2,ubyte):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -27 (-7.63 % of base) : System.Text.Json.dasm - System.Text.Json.Reflection.ReflectionExtensions:IsImmutableDictionaryType(System.Type):ubyte (FullOpts) -26 (-6.00 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostingHostBuilderExtensions:SetDefaultContentRoot(Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfigurationBuilder) (FullOpts) -26 (-21.67 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationHost:IsUserConfig(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -26 (-5.01 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Diagnostics.Tracing.ActivityTracker:NormalizeActivityName(System.String,System.String,int):System.String (FullOpts) -26 (-6.70 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.AuthenticationHelper:ProxySupportsConnectionAuth(System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage):ubyte (FullOpts) -26 (-48.15 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Net.Http.X509ResourceClient:IsAllowedScheme(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) Top method regressions (percentages): 343 (Infinity of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.Ordinal:EqualsIgnoreCase_Vector[System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector128`1[ushort]](byref,byref,int):ubyte (FullOpts) (0 base, 1 diff methods) 347 (Infinity of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.Ordinal:EqualsIgnoreCase_Vector[System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector256`1[ushort]](byref,byref,int):ubyte (FullOpts) (0 base, 1 diff methods) 36 (450.00 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.EnvironmentWrapper:IsWindows():ubyte:this (FullOpts) 61 (406.67 % of base) : System.Security.Claims.dasm - System.Security.Principal.GenericIdentity:get_IsAuthenticated():ubyte:this (FullOpts) 166 (188.64 % of base) : System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dasm - Interop+Ldap:ber_printf_int(System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SafeBerHandle,System.String,int,ulong):int (FullOpts) 225 (178.57 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Schema.SchemaEntity:IsPredefinedEntity(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) 127 (171.62 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlParserContext:get_HasDtdInfo():ubyte:this (FullOpts) 206 (159.69 % of base) : System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dasm - Interop+Ldap:ber_scanf_emptyarg(System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SafeBerHandle,System.String):int (FullOpts) 238 (152.56 % of base) : System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dasm - Interop+Ldap:ber_printf_emptyarg(System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SafeBerHandle,System.String,ulong):int (FullOpts) 152 (150.50 % of base) : System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dasm - Interop+Ldap:ber_printf_bytearray(System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SafeBerHandle,System.String,System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.HGlobalMemHandle,ulong,ulong):int (FullOpts) 133 (149.44 % of base) : System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dasm - Interop+Ldap:ber_scanf_int(System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SafeBerHandle,System.String,byref):int (FullOpts) 81 (130.65 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XSDSchema:TranslateAcceptRejectRule(System.String):int (FullOpts) 84 (127.27 % of base) : System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dasm - System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.XmlJsonWriter:TrySetWritingNameWithMapping(System.String,System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 62 (124.00 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.String:ReplaceLineEndings(System.String):System.String:this (FullOpts) 71 (110.94 % of base) : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dasm - System.ComponentModel.SyntaxCheck:CheckPath(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) 148 (110.45 % of base) : System.Text.Json.dasm - System.Text.Json.JsonWriterOptions:set_NewLine(System.String):this (FullOpts) 65 (110.17 % of base) : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dasm - System.ComponentModel.SyntaxCheck:CheckRootedPath(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) 67 (101.52 % of base) : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dasm - System.ComponentModel.SyntaxCheck:CheckMachineName(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) 110 (96.49 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed+<>c:b__102_0(System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationElementExtension):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 86 (92.47 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlNodeReaderNavigator:GetDocumentTypeAttr(System.Xml.XmlDocumentType,System.String):System.String (FullOpts) 105 (88.24 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed+<>c:b__103_0(System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationElementExtension):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 59 (85.51 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Diagnostics.Tracing.ManifestBuilder:CreateManifest():ubyte[]:this (FullOpts) 51 (85.00 % of base) : System.Net.Mail.dasm - System.Net.Mail.Attachment:set_NameEncoding(System.Text.Encoding):this (FullOpts) 33 (84.62 % of base) : System.Text.RegularExpressions.dasm - System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer+<>c:b__3_1(System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexFindOptimizations+FixedDistanceSet):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 93 (83.78 % of base) : System.Text.Json.dasm - System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:ValidateNewLine(System.String) (FullOpts) 144 (82.29 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XSDSchema:GetBooleanAttribute(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated,System.String,ubyte):ubyte (FullOpts) 144 (81.82 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XMLSchema:GetBooleanAttribute(System.Xml.XmlElement,System.String,System.String,ubyte):ubyte (FullOpts) 75 (81.52 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.CultureData:get_CultureName():System.String:this (FullOpts) 98 (77.78 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed+<>c:b__105_0(System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationElementExtension):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 134 (77.01 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlNodeReaderNavigator:DefaultLookupNamespace(System.String):System.String:this (FullOpts) 59 (75.64 % of base) : System.Net.Mail.dasm - System.Net.Mime.ContentType:set_Name(System.String):this (FullOpts) 86 (75.44 % of base) : System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dasm - System.Xml.StringHandle:get_IsEmpty():ubyte:this (FullOpts) 186 (73.52 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathScanner:CheckOperator(ubyte):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 187 (70.57 % of base) : System.Text.RegularExpressions.dasm - System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass:g__KnownDistinctSets|107_0(System.String,System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) 208 (69.57 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed:ShouldSkipWritingElements(System.String,System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 119 (65.75 % of base) : System.Text.RegularExpressions.dasm - System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass:IsUnicodeCategoryOfSmallCharCount(System.String,byref,byref,byref):ubyte (FullOpts) 113 (65.70 % of base) : System.Text.Json.dasm - System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:set_NewLine(System.String):this (FullOpts) 44 (62.86 % of base) : System.Net.Mail.dasm - System.Net.Mail.Attachment:PrepareForSending(ubyte):this (FullOpts) 51 (60.71 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XmlQueryCardinality:ToString(System.String):System.String:this (FullOpts) 43 (60.56 % of base) : System.Net.Security.dasm - System.Net.NegotiateAuthenticationPal+UnixNegotiateAuthenticationPal:get_ImpersonationLevel():int:this (FullOpts) 93 (58.49 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlNodeReaderNavigator:GetDeclarationAttr(System.Xml.XmlDeclaration,System.String):System.String (FullOpts) 73 (57.03 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Kmac256:HashData(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte],System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte],System.Span`1[ubyte],System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte]) (FullOpts) 73 (57.03 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Kmac256:HashDataCore(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte],System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte],System.Span`1[ubyte],System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte]) (FullOpts) 57 (57.00 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.RecordBuilder:TranslateXmlSpace(System.String):int (FullOpts) 81 (56.64 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed+<>c:b__104_0(System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationElementExtension):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 81 (56.64 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed+<>c:b__107_0(System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationElementExtension):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 73 (56.15 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.KmacXof256:HashData(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte],System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte],System.Span`1[ubyte],System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte]) (FullOpts) 73 (56.15 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.KmacXof256:HashDataCore(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte],System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte],System.Span`1[ubyte],System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ubyte]) (FullOpts) 48 (54.55 % of base) : System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher.dasm - System.IO.FileSystemWatcher+NormalizedFilterCollection:InsertItem(int,System.String):this (FullOpts) 48 (54.55 % of base) : System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher.dasm - System.IO.FileSystemWatcher+NormalizedFilterCollection:SetItem(int,System.String):this (FullOpts) 99 (51.56 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XSDSchema:TranslateRule(System.String):int (FullOpts) 48 (51.06 % of base) : System.IO.Compression.dasm - System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry:DetectEntryNameVersion():this (FullOpts) 66 (50.77 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.TimeSpanMinutesOrInfiniteConverter:ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.Object):System.Object:this (FullOpts) 66 (50.77 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.TimeSpanSecondsOrInfiniteConverter:ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.Object):System.Object:this (FullOpts) 96 (49.74 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.OverrideModeSetting:ParseOverrideModeXmlValue(System.String,System.Configuration.XmlUtil):int (FullOpts) 239 (49.38 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Cose.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Cose.KnownCoseAlgorithms:FromString(System.String):int (FullOpts) 49 (49.00 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.CompareInfo:get_Name():System.String:this (FullOpts) 66 (48.89 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_IetfLanguageTag():System.String:this (FullOpts) 48 (45.71 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser:KmacSupported(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) 26 (45.61 % of base) : System.IO.IsolatedStorage.dasm - System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:IsInfoFile(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) 36 (45.57 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlAttribute:get_XPLocalName():System.String:this (FullOpts) 88 (45.13 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:InitializeInvariantAndNegativeSignFlags():this (FullOpts) 52 (44.44 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlImplementation:HasFeature(System.String,System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 52 (44.44 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlNode:Supports(System.String,System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 397 (44.16 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.QilGenerator:IsElementAvailable(System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName):ubyte (FullOpts) 649 (43.35 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Rss20FeedFormatter:ReadMediaEnclosure(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Uri):System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationLink:this (FullOpts) 90 (41.10 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - MS.Internal.Xml.XPath.XPathParser:get_IsNodeType():ubyte:this (FullOpts) 90 (41.10 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathParser`1[double]:IsNodeType(System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathScanner):ubyte (FullOpts) 90 (41.10 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathParser`1[int]:IsNodeType(System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathScanner):ubyte (FullOpts) 90 (41.10 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathParser`1[long]:IsNodeType(System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathScanner):ubyte (FullOpts) 90 (41.10 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathParser`1[short]:IsNodeType(System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathScanner):ubyte (FullOpts) 90 (41.10 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathParser`1[System.__Canon]:IsNodeType(System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathScanner):ubyte (FullOpts) 90 (41.10 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathParser`1[System.Nullable`1[int]]:IsNodeType(System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathScanner):ubyte (FullOpts) 90 (41.10 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathParser`1[System.Numerics.Vector`1[float]]:IsNodeType(System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathScanner):ubyte (FullOpts) 90 (41.10 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathParser`1[ubyte]:IsNodeType(System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathScanner):ubyte (FullOpts) 65 (40.88 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.Utils:IsNamespaceNode(System.Xml.XmlNode):ubyte (FullOpts) 33 (40.74 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.OptionsBuilderConfigurationExtensions+<>c__DisplayClass4_0`1[System.__Canon]:b__0(System.__Canon,Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfiguration):this (FullOpts) 74 (40.66 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlDeclaration:set_Standalone(System.String):this (FullOpts) 41 (40.20 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.FeedUtils:IsXmlSchemaType(System.String,System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) 90 (39.65 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:.cctor() (FullOpts) 91 (39.06 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.AppContextConfigHelper:GetBooleanConfig(System.String,System.String,ubyte):ubyte (FullOpts) 41 (39.05 % of base) : System.Data.Odbc.dasm - System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection:CreateCommand():System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand:this (FullOpts) 83 (38.97 % of base) : System.Net.Mail.dasm - System.Net.Mime.MimePart:SetContent(System.IO.Stream,System.String,System.String):this (FullOpts) 48 (38.71 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Boolean:TryParse(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ushort],byref):ubyte (FullOpts) 65 (38.69 % of base) : System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dasm - System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.XmlJsonReader:GetAttribute(System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString,System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString):System.String:this (FullOpts) 59 (38.06 % of base) : System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dasm - System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.XmlJsonReader:GetAttribute(System.String,System.String):System.String:this (FullOpts) 407 (37.37 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.XsltCompileContext:ElementAvailable(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 22 (37.29 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - MS.Internal.Xml.Cache.XPathNode:get_IsXmlNamespaceNode():ubyte:this (FullOpts) 80 (37.21 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationHost:GetUserLevel(System.String):int (FullOpts) 92 (36.65 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.TimeZoneInfo:GetUtcStandardDisplayName():System.String (FullOpts) 39 (36.45 % of base) : System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dasm - System.Diagnostics.Metrics.MetricsEventSource+CommandHandler:IsSharedSession(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 120 (35.93 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.XsltOutput:ParseOutputMethod(System.String,System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.Compiler):int (FullOpts) 71 (35.86 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.Compiler:GetYesNo(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 53 (35.57 % of base) : System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dasm - System.LocalAppContextSwitches:InitializeDefaultActivityIdFormat():ubyte (FullOpts) 146 (34.52 % of base) : System.Text.Json.dasm - System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:GetWriterOptions():System.Text.Json.JsonWriterOptions:this (FullOpts) 409 (34.49 % of base) : System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dasm - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Atom10FeedFormatter:ReadContentFrom(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationItem):System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationContent:this (FullOpts) 24 (34.29 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.DependencyContextJsonReader+<>c:b__25_3(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.RuntimeFile):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 24 (34.29 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.DependencyContextJsonReader+<>c:b__25_6(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.RuntimeFile):ubyte:this (FullOpts) 38 (33.93 % of base) : System.Net.Sockets.dasm - System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEngine:.cctor() (FullOpts) 5815 (33.85 % of base) : System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo.dasm - Interop+Sys:GetDriveType(System.String):int (FullOpts) Top method improvements (percentages): -50 (-61.73 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationHost:System.Configuration.Internal.IInternalConfigClientHost.IsRoamingUserConfig(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -47 (-60.26 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationHost:System.Configuration.Internal.IInternalConfigClientHost.IsExeConfig(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -37 (-56.92 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord:IsImplicitSection(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -29 (-50.88 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.HttpUtilities:IsSecureWebSocketScheme(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -26 (-48.15 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Net.Http.X509ResourceClient:IsAllowedScheme(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -26 (-48.15 % of base) : System.Net.Security.dasm - System.Net.Http.X509ResourceClient:IsAllowedScheme(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -22 (-42.31 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.ValidateNames:StartsWithXml(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -37 (-38.95 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.SimpleType:CanHaveMaxLength():ubyte:this (FullOpts) -19 (-38.78 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlAutoDetectWriter:IsHtmlTag(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -25 (-37.31 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationSystem:DoesSectionOnlyUseMachineConfig(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -67 (-34.36 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.HttpUtilities:IsSocksScheme(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -20 (-32.79 % of base) : System.Net.HttpListener.dasm - System.Net.HttpListenerResponse:HeaderCanHaveEmptyValue(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -12 (-30.00 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.HttpUtilities:IsNonSecureWebSocketScheme(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -19 (-29.23 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Boolean:IsFalseStringIgnoreCase(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ushort]):ubyte (FullOpts) -39 (-28.89 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Reflection.AssemblyNameParser:TryParseCulture(System.String,byref):ubyte (FullOpts) -39 (-28.89 % of base) : System.Reflection.Metadata.dasm - System.Reflection.AssemblyNameParser:TryParseCulture(System.String,byref):ubyte (FullOpts) -29 (-27.88 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.OperatingSystem:IsOSPlatform(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -28 (-26.92 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation:IsOSPlatform(System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform):ubyte (FullOpts) -132 (-24.54 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.TimeZoneInfo:IsUtcAlias(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -18 (-23.08 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.HttpClient:ShouldBufferResponse(int,System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage):ubyte (FullOpts) -49 (-22.58 % of base) : System.IO.IsolatedStorage.dasm - System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:IsMatchingScopeDirectory(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -69 (-22.12 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.DataSet:DetermineSchemaSerializationMode(System.Xml.XmlReader):int:this (FullOpts) -453 (-21.98 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.DateTimeParse:MatchMonthName(byref,System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo,byref):ubyte (FullOpts) -26 (-21.67 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationHost:IsUserConfig(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -50 (-20.41 % of base) : System.Net.Security.dasm - System.Net.NegotiateAuthenticationPal+UnixNegotiateAuthenticationPal:GetPackageType(System.String):uint (FullOpts) -40 (-20.30 % of base) : System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dasm - System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.UrlAttribute:IsValid(System.Object):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -23 (-19.66 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.HttpUtilities:IsSupportedSecureScheme(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -72 (-19.25 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:AttributeTypeNamesMatch(System.Type,System.Type):ubyte (FullOpts) -54 (-18.37 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:RemoveFirstArgIfRelatedActivityId(byref):ubyte (FullOpts) -6 (-17.65 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing.Internal.PathSegments.ParentPathSegment:Match(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -35 (-17.59 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.AuthenticationHelper+DigestResponse:MustValueBeQuoted(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -15 (-17.24 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XmlDataLoader:FIgnoreNamespace(System.Xml.XmlReader):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -228 (-15.89 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Reflection.AssemblyNameParser:TryParse(byref):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -228 (-15.89 % of base) : System.Reflection.Metadata.dasm - System.Reflection.AssemblyNameParser:TryParse(byref):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -21 (-15.33 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Schema.XdrBuilder:IsXdrSchema(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -465 (-14.95 % of base) : Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core.dasm - Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings:FormatNamed(System.Object,System.String,byref):ubyte (FullOpts) -273 (-14.64 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XmlTreeGen:AddXdoProperty(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor,System.Object,System.Xml.XmlElement):this (FullOpts) -23 (-14.29 % of base) : System.Net.Ping.dasm - System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnixCommandLinePing:IsBusyboxPing(System.String):ubyte (FullOpts) -123 (-14.17 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.DtdParser+d__200:MoveNext():this (FullOpts) -123 (-14.17 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.DtdParser+d__201:MoveNext():this (FullOpts) -133 (-13.74 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.DtdParser+d__190:MoveNext():this (FullOpts) -44 (-13.50 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.SectionInformation:ForceDeclaration(ubyte):this (FullOpts) -155 (-13.01 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.ContainerAction:AddScript(System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.Compiler) (FullOpts) -42 (-12.69 % of base) : System.Net.HttpListener.dasm - System.Net.HttpListenerRequest:get_IsWebSocketRequest():ubyte:this (FullOpts) -34 (-12.41 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpGeneralHeaders:GetTransferEncodingChunked(System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpGeneralHeaders):System.Nullable`1[ubyte] (FullOpts) -35 (-12.24 % of base) : System.Net.Security.dasm - System.Net.NegotiateAuthenticationPal:.cctor() (FullOpts) -20 (-12.05 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:CalculateFramesToSkip(System.Diagnostics.StackFrameHelper,int):int (FullOpts) -43 (-11.94 % of base) : System.Net.Requests.dasm - System.Net.HttpWebRequest:CheckRequestStream():this (FullOpts) -28 (-11.86 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord:IsRootDeclaration(System.String,ubyte):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -22 (-10.73 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData:CheckPlatformSupport() (FullOpts) -119 (-10.58 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.DateTimeParse:MatchDayName(byref,System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo,byref):ubyte (FullOpts) -25 (-10.46 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dasm - Internal.Cryptography.PkcsHelpers:DetectInitOnlyOid():ubyte (FullOpts) -29 (-10.43 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.SectionInformation:VerifyIsEditableFactory():this (FullOpts) -200 (-10.40 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.Resolution.AppBaseCompilationAssemblyResolver:TryResolveAssemblyPaths(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.CompilationLibrary,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -17 (-10.30 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.OperatingSystem:IsOSPlatformVersionAtLeast(System.String,int,int,int,int):ubyte (FullOpts) -74 (-10.16 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.Metrics.Configuration.MetricsConfigureOptions:LoadConfig(Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.Metrics.MetricsOptions):this (FullOpts) -44 (-9.98 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.Resolution.DotNetReferenceAssembliesPathResolver:GetDefaultDotNetReferenceAssembliesPath(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.IFileSystem):System.String (FullOpts) -15 (-9.62 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XmlDataLoader:FIgnoreNamespace(System.Xml.XmlNode):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -103 (-9.55 % of base) : System.Net.HttpListener.dasm - System.Net.HttpListenerResponse:FormatHeaders(System.Net.WebHeaderCollection):System.String (FullOpts) -41 (-9.43 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyDependencyResolver:ResolveAssemblyToPath(System.Reflection.AssemblyName):System.String:this (FullOpts) -50 (-9.40 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.Resolution.ReferenceAssemblyPathResolver:TryResolveAssemblyPaths(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.CompilationLibrary,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -35 (-9.33 % of base) : System.Net.HttpListener.dasm - System.Net.HttpListenerRequestUriBuilder:GetPath(System.String):System.String (FullOpts) -43 (-9.11 % of base) : System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dasm - System.Text.EncodingNLS:get_EncodingName():System.String:this (FullOpts) -15 (-9.09 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Data.XmlTreeGen:AutoGenerated(System.Data.UniqueConstraint):ubyte (FullOpts) -92 (-8.91 % of base) : System.Net.HttpListener.dasm - System.Net.HttpListenerRequest:AddHeader(System.String):this (FullOpts) -16 (-8.89 % of base) : System.Security.Permissions.dasm - System.Security.Permissions.IDRole:.ctor(System.Security.SecurityElement):this (FullOpts) -31 (-8.88 % of base) : System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.dasm - System.Net.HeaderInfoTable:IsDuringExpiresAttributeParsing(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ushort]):ubyte (FullOpts) -35 (-8.33 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.CultureData:GetNativeDigits():System.String[]:this (FullOpts) -19 (-7.66 % of base) : System.IO.Packaging.dasm - System.IO.Packaging.PackagingUtilities:PerformInitialReadAndVerifyEncoding(System.Xml.XmlReader) (FullOpts) -27 (-7.63 % of base) : System.Text.Json.dasm - System.Text.Json.Reflection.ReflectionExtensions:IsImmutableDictionaryType(System.Type):ubyte (FullOpts) -13 (-7.56 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.XmlValidatingReaderImpl:get_SchemaType():System.Object:this (FullOpts) -28 (-7.53 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Globalization.CultureData:get_DisplayName():System.String:this (FullOpts) -60 (-7.38 % of base) : System.Net.Primitives.dasm - System.Net.CredentialCache:Add(System.Uri,System.String,System.Net.NetworkCredential):this (FullOpts) -45 (-7.35 % of base) : System.Data.Odbc.dasm - System.Data.Common.DbConnectionOptions:ExpandDataDirectory(System.String,System.String,byref):System.String (FullOpts) -33 (-7.02 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderILGen:ILGenElementElseString(System.String):this (FullOpts) -37 (-6.88 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.Pkcs12CertBag:DecodeValue(System.ReadOnlyMemory`1[ubyte]):System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.Pkcs12CertBag (FullOpts) -26 (-6.70 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.AuthenticationHelper:ProxySupportsConnectionAuth(System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage):ubyte (FullOpts) -62 (-6.65 % of base) : System.Net.Primitives.dasm - System.Net.CredentialCache:Add(System.String,int,System.String,System.Net.NetworkCredential):this (FullOpts) -18 (-6.55 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Schema.XmlBaseConverter:QNameToString(System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName):System.String (FullOpts) -25 (-6.54 % of base) : System.Runtime.Caching.dasm - System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache:.ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,ubyte):this (FullOpts) -70 (-6.54 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Diagnostics.TraceUtils:MapToBuiltInTypes(System.String):System.Type (FullOpts) -30 (-6.54 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerFilterConfigureOptions:LoadRules(Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerFilterOptions,Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfigurationSection,System.String) (FullOpts) -30 (-6.54 % of base) : System.Net.Http.dasm - System.Net.Http.HttpConnection:ProcessKeepAliveHeader(System.String):this (FullOpts) -34 (-6.50 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.Resolution.PackageCompilationAssemblyResolver:TryResolveAssemblyPaths(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.CompilationLibrary,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -9 (-6.47 % of base) : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dasm - System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationSystem:IsSectionUsedInInit(System.String):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -124 (-6.39 % of base) : System.Net.HttpListener.dasm - System.Net.HttpListenerRequest:FinishInitialization():this (FullOpts) -15 (-6.22 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.SequentialOutput:DecideDefaultOutput(System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.BuilderInfo):ubyte:this (FullOpts) -17 (-6.16 % of base) : System.Private.Uri.dasm - System.Uri:ParseScheme(System.String,byref,byref):int (FullOpts) -14 (-6.06 % of base) : System.Data.Common.dasm - System.Xml.XPathNodePointer:get_NodeType():int:this (FullOpts) -26 (-6.00 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostingHostBuilderExtensions:SetDefaultContentRoot(Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfigurationBuilder) (FullOpts) -25 (-5.88 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.Utils:ExtractIdFromLocalUri(System.String):System.String (FullOpts) -9 (-5.81 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.Linq.dasm - System.Xml.Linq.XProcessingInstruction:ValidateName(System.String) (FullOpts) -25 (-5.73 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.Utils:GetIdFromLocalUri(System.String,byref):System.String (FullOpts) -18 (-5.70 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.XmlQueryType:QNameToString(System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName):System.String (FullOpts) -19 (-5.26 % of base) : System.Private.Xml.dasm - System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime.XmlCollation:.ctor(System.IO.BinaryReader):this (FullOpts) -130 (-5.25 % of base) : Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables.dasm - Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables.EnvironmentVariablesConfigurationProvider:Load(System.Collections.IDictionary):this (FullOpts) -50 (-5.19 % of base) : System.Security.Cryptography.dasm - System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection:ImportFromPem(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ushort]):this (FullOpts) -30 (-5.05 % of base) : System.IO.Packaging.dasm - System.IO.Packaging.ZipPackage+ContentTypeHelper:OpenContentTypeStream(System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1[System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry]):System.IO.Stream:this (FullOpts) -13 (-5.02 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.TimeZoneInfo:.ctor(System.String,System.TimeSpan,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.TimeZoneInfo+AdjustmentRule[],ubyte,ubyte):this (FullOpts) -26 (-5.01 % of base) : System.Private.CoreLib.dasm - System.Diagnostics.Tracing.ActivityTracker:NormalizeActivityName(System.String,System.String,int):System.String (FullOpts) 1264 total methods with Code Size differences (298 improved, 966 regressed), 241504 unchanged. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ```


MihuBot commented 3 months ago

Top method regressions

649 (43.35 % of base) - System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Rss20FeedFormatter:ReadMediaEnclosure(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Uri):System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationLink:this ```diff ; Assembly listing for method System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Rss20FeedFormatter:ReadMediaEnclosure(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Uri):System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationLink:this (FullOpts) ; Emitting BLENDED_CODE for X64 with AVX - Unix ; FullOpts code ; optimized code ; rbp based frame ; partially interruptible ; No PGO data -; 0 inlinees with PGO data; 42 single block inlinees; 15 inlinees without PGO data +; 0 inlinees with PGO data; 75 single block inlinees; 26 inlinees without PGO data ; Final local variable assignments ; -; V00 this [V00,T13] ( 4, 6 ) ref -> r15 this class-hnd single-def -; V01 arg1 [V01,T01] ( 18, 25.25) ref -> rbx class-hnd single-def -; V02 arg2 [V02,T38] ( 3, 3 ) ref -> r14 class-hnd single-def -; V03 loc0 [V03,T02] ( 8, 14 ) ref -> r13 class-hnd exact single-def -; V04 loc1 [V04,T49] ( 2, 2 ) ubyte -> r12 single-def -; V05 loc2 [V05,T00] ( 21, 31 ) ref -> [rbp-0x50] class-hnd exact -; V06 loc3 [V06,T07] ( 16, 15 ) ref -> [rbp-0x58] class-hnd exact -; V07 loc4 [V07,T04] ( 9, 18 ) ref -> [rbp-0x60] class-hnd exact +; V00 this [V00,T16] ( 4, 6 ) ref -> r15 this class-hnd single-def +; V01 arg1 [V01,T05] ( 18, 25.25) ref -> rbx class-hnd single-def +; V02 arg2 [V02,T45] ( 3, 3 ) ref -> r14 class-hnd single-def +; V03 loc0 [V03,T06] ( 8, 14 ) ref -> r13 class-hnd exact single-def +; V04 loc1 [V04,T53] ( 2, 2 ) ubyte -> r12 single-def +; V05 loc2 [V05,T00] ( 26, 52 ) ref -> [rbp-0x48] class-hnd exact +; V06 loc3 [V06,T01] ( 25, 50 ) ref -> [rbp-0x50] class-hnd exact +; V07 loc4 [V07,T08] ( 9, 18 ) ref -> [rbp-0x58] class-hnd exact ;# V08 OutArgs [V08 ] ( 1, 1 ) struct ( 0) [rsp+0x00] do-not-enreg[XS] addr-exposed "OutgoingArgSpace" -; V09 tmp1 [V09,T03] ( 10, 20 ) ref -> r13 class-hnd exact single-def "NewObj constructor temp" -; V10 tmp2 [V10,T05] ( 4, 16 ) ref -> [rbp-0x68] class-hnd exact spill-single-def "NewObj constructor temp" +; V09 tmp1 [V09,T07] ( 10, 20 ) ref -> r13 class-hnd exact single-def "NewObj constructor temp" +; V10 tmp2 [V10,T09] ( 4, 16 ) ref -> [rbp-0x60] class-hnd exact spill-single-def "NewObj constructor temp" ;* V11 tmp3 [V11 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref class-hnd "impAppendStmt" -;* V12 tmp4 [V12,T50] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref -;* V13 tmp5 [V13,T43] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref -; V14 tmp6 [V14,T27] ( 3, 6 ) long -> rsi +;* V12 tmp4 [V12,T54] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref +;* V13 tmp5 [V13,T50] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref +; V14 tmp6 [V14,T39] ( 3, 6 ) long -> rsi ;* V15 tmp7 [V15 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref class-hnd "non-inline candidate call" -;* V16 tmp8 [V16 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref "spilling varStr" -;* V17 tmp9 [V17,T32] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "spilling unroll qmark" -;* V18 tmp10 [V18 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref "spilling varStr" -; V19 tmp11 [V19,T16] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" -;* V20 tmp12 [V20 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" -; V21 tmp13 [V21,T17] ( 2, 8 ) ref -> rax class-hnd "Inlining Arg" -; V22 tmp14 [V22,T28] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> rdi "Inline return value spill temp" -;* V23 tmp15 [V23 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref "spilling varStr" -;* V24 tmp16 [V24,T33] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "spilling unroll qmark" -;* V25 tmp17 [V25 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref "spilling varStr" -; V26 tmp18 [V26,T24] ( 3, 7 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -;* V27 tmp19 [V27 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref "spilling varStr" -;* V28 tmp20 [V28,T34] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "spilling unroll qmark" -;* V29 tmp21 [V29 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref "spilling varStr" -;* V30 tmp22 [V30,T46] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "spilling unroll qmark" -; V31 tmp23 [V31,T18] ( 2, 8 ) ref -> rax class-hnd "Inlining Arg" -;* V32 tmp24 [V32 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref "spilling varStr" -;* V33 tmp25 [V33,T35] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "spilling unroll qmark" -;* V34 tmp26 [V34 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref "spilling varStr" -;* V35 tmp27 [V35,T47] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "spilling unroll qmark" -;* V36 tmp28 [V36 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref "spilling varStr" -;* V37 tmp29 [V37,T36] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "spilling unroll qmark" -;* V38 tmp30 [V38 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref "spilling varStr" -;* V39 tmp31 [V39,T48] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "spilling unroll qmark" -; V40 tmp32 [V40,T29] ( 3, 6 ) ubyte -> rdi "Inline return value spill temp" -; V41 tmp33 [V41,T30] ( 3, 6 ) long -> rsi "Inline return value spill temp" -; V42 tmp34 [V42,T08] ( 3, 12 ) ref -> rax class-hnd exact "Inlining Arg" -;* V43 tmp35 [V43 ] ( 0, 0 ) struct (16) zero-ref "spilled call-like call argument" -;* V44 tmp36 [V44 ] ( 0, 0 ) struct (16) zero-ref multireg-arg "Inline return value spill temp" -;* V45 tmp37 [V45 ] ( 0, 0 ) struct (16) zero-ref ld-addr-op "NewObj constructor temp" -;* V46 tmp38 [V46 ] ( 0, 0 ) struct (16) zero-ref ld-addr-op "Inline ldloca(s) first use temp" -; V47 tmp39 [V47,T19] ( 2, 8 ) byref -> rdx "Inlining Arg" -; V48 tmp40 [V48,T23] ( 2, 8 ) int -> r8 "Inlining Arg" -; V49 tmp41 [V49,T26] ( 3, 6 ) ref -> rax class-hnd "Inline return value spill temp" -; V50 tmp42 [V50 ] ( 2, 4 ) long -> [rbp-0x30] do-not-enreg[X] must-init addr-exposed ld-addr-op "Inline ldloca(s) first use temp" -; V51 tmp43 [V51,T41] ( 3, 4 ) int -> rax "Inline stloc first use temp" -;* V52 tmp44 [V52 ] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "Inline return value spill temp" -; V53 tmp45 [V53,T31] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> rdi "Inline return value spill temp" -;* V54 tmp46 [V54 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref "spilling varStr" -;* V55 tmp47 [V55,T37] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "spilling unroll qmark" -;* V56 tmp48 [V56 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref "spilling varStr" -; V57 tmp49 [V57,T25] ( 3, 7 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -;* V58 tmp50 [V58 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref class-hnd "Inline return value spill temp" -; V59 tmp51 [V59,T09] ( 3, 12 ) byref -> [rbp-0x70] spill-single-def "Inlining Arg" -; V60 tmp52 [V60,T20] ( 2, 8 ) ref -> r8 class-hnd "dup spill" -; V61 tmp53 [V61,T10] ( 5, 10 ) ref -> [rbp-0x78] -; V62 tmp54 [V62,T06] ( 4, 16 ) ref -> [rbp-0x80] class-hnd exact spill-single-def "NewObj constructor temp" -;* V63 tmp55 [V63 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref class-hnd exact "Inline stloc first use temp" -;* V64 tmp56 [V64 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref -; V65 tmp57 [V65,T14] ( 4, 8 ) ref -> rsi -;* V66 tmp58 [V66 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref -; V67 tmp59 [V67,T15] ( 4, 8 ) ref -> rsi -;* V68 tmp60 [V68 ] ( 0, 0 ) ubyte -> zero-ref "Inline stloc first use temp" -;* V69 tmp61 [V69 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "field V43._reference (fldOffset=0x0)" P-INDEP -;* V70 tmp62 [V70 ] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "field V43._length (fldOffset=0x8)" P-INDEP -; V71 tmp63 [V71,T40] ( 3, 4 ) byref -> [rbp-0x88] spill-single-def "field V44._reference (fldOffset=0x0)" P-INDEP -; V72 tmp64 [V72,T42] ( 3, 4 ) int -> [rbp-0x34] spill-single-def "field V44._length (fldOffset=0x8)" P-INDEP -; V73 tmp65 [V73,T44] ( 2, 4 ) byref -> rdx "field V45._reference (fldOffset=0x0)" P-INDEP -; V74 tmp66 [V74,T45] ( 2, 4 ) int -> r8 "field V45._length (fldOffset=0x8)" P-INDEP -;* V75 tmp67 [V75 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "field V46._reference (fldOffset=0x0)" P-INDEP -;* V76 tmp68 [V76 ] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "field V46._length (fldOffset=0x8)" P-INDEP -; V77 tmp69 [V77,T21] ( 2, 8 ) ref -> rsi "argument with side effect" -; V78 tmp70 [V78,T22] ( 2, 8 ) ref -> [rbp-0x90] spill-single-def "argument with side effect" -; V79 cse0 [V79,T12] ( 5, 8 ) long -> r14 "CSE #02: moderate" -; V80 cse1 [V80,T39] ( 2, 4.25) long -> [rbp-0x40] spill-single-def hoist "CSE #12: conservative" -; V81 cse2 [V81,T11] ( 8, 8 ) int -> [rbp-0x44] multi-def "CSE #05: moderate" -; V82 rat0 [V82,T51] ( 3, 3 ) simd32 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" -; V83 rat1 [V83,T52] ( 3, 3 ) simd32 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" +; V16 tmp8 [V16,T20] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V17 tmp9 [V17 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +; V18 tmp10 [V18,T21] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V19 tmp11 [V19 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +; V20 tmp12 [V20,T31] ( 2, 8 ) ref -> rax class-hnd "Inlining Arg" +; V21 tmp13 [V21,T40] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> r10 "Inline return value spill temp" +; V22 tmp14 [V22,T22] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V23 tmp15 [V23 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +; V24 tmp16 [V24,T23] ( 4, 8 ) ubyte -> r10 "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V25 tmp17 [V25 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +; V26 tmp18 [V26,T24] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V27 tmp19 [V27 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +; V28 tmp20 [V28,T25] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V29 tmp21 [V29 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +; V30 tmp22 [V30,T32] ( 2, 8 ) ref -> rax class-hnd "Inlining Arg" +; V31 tmp23 [V31,T26] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V32 tmp24 [V32 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +; V33 tmp25 [V33,T27] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V34 tmp26 [V34 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +; V35 tmp27 [V35,T28] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V36 tmp28 [V36 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +; V37 tmp29 [V37,T29] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V38 tmp30 [V38 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +; V39 tmp31 [V39,T41] ( 3, 6 ) ubyte -> rdi "Inline return value spill temp" +; V40 tmp32 [V40,T42] ( 3, 6 ) long -> rsi "Inline return value spill temp" +; V41 tmp33 [V41,T11] ( 3, 12 ) ref -> rax class-hnd exact "Inlining Arg" +;* V42 tmp34 [V42 ] ( 0, 0 ) struct (16) zero-ref "spilled call-like call argument" +;* V43 tmp35 [V43 ] ( 0, 0 ) struct (16) zero-ref multireg-arg "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V44 tmp36 [V44 ] ( 0, 0 ) struct (16) zero-ref ld-addr-op "NewObj constructor temp" +;* V45 tmp37 [V45 ] ( 0, 0 ) struct (16) zero-ref ld-addr-op "Inline ldloca(s) first use temp" +; V46 tmp38 [V46,T33] ( 2, 8 ) byref -> rdx "Inlining Arg" +; V47 tmp39 [V47,T37] ( 2, 8 ) int -> r8 "Inlining Arg" +; V48 tmp40 [V48,T38] ( 3, 6 ) ref -> rax class-hnd "Inline return value spill temp" +; V49 tmp41 [V49 ] ( 2, 4 ) long -> [rbp-0x30] do-not-enreg[X] must-init addr-exposed ld-addr-op "Inline ldloca(s) first use temp" +; V50 tmp42 [V50,T48] ( 3, 4 ) int -> rax "Inline stloc first use temp" +;* V51 tmp43 [V51 ] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "Inline return value spill temp" +; V52 tmp44 [V52,T43] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> r8 "Inline return value spill temp" +; V53 tmp45 [V53,T44] ( 2, 4 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V54 tmp46 [V54 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +; V55 tmp47 [V55,T30] ( 4, 8 ) ubyte -> r8 "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V56 tmp48 [V56 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +;* V57 tmp49 [V57 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref class-hnd "Inline return value spill temp" +; V58 tmp50 [V58,T12] ( 3, 12 ) byref -> [rbp-0x68] spill-single-def "Inlining Arg" +; V59 tmp51 [V59,T34] ( 2, 8 ) ref -> r9 class-hnd "dup spill" +; V60 tmp52 [V60,T13] ( 5, 10 ) ref -> [rbp-0x70] +; V61 tmp53 [V61,T10] ( 4, 16 ) ref -> [rbp-0x78] class-hnd exact spill-single-def "NewObj constructor temp" +;* V62 tmp54 [V62 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref class-hnd exact "Inline stloc first use temp" +;* V63 tmp55 [V63 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref +; V64 tmp56 [V64,T17] ( 4, 8 ) ref -> rsi +;* V65 tmp57 [V65 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref +; V66 tmp58 [V66,T18] ( 4, 8 ) ref -> rsi +;* V67 tmp59 [V67 ] ( 0, 0 ) ubyte -> zero-ref "Inline stloc first use temp" +;* V68 tmp60 [V68 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "field V42._reference (fldOffset=0x0)" P-INDEP +;* V69 tmp61 [V69 ] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "field V42._length (fldOffset=0x8)" P-INDEP +; V70 tmp62 [V70,T47] ( 3, 4 ) byref -> [rbp-0x80] spill-single-def "field V43._reference (fldOffset=0x0)" P-INDEP +; V71 tmp63 [V71,T49] ( 3, 4 ) int -> [rbp-0x34] spill-single-def "field V43._length (fldOffset=0x8)" P-INDEP +; V72 tmp64 [V72,T51] ( 2, 4 ) byref -> rdx "field V44._reference (fldOffset=0x0)" P-INDEP +; V73 tmp65 [V73,T52] ( 2, 4 ) int -> r8 "field V44._length (fldOffset=0x8)" P-INDEP +;* V74 tmp66 [V74 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "field V45._reference (fldOffset=0x0)" P-INDEP +;* V75 tmp67 [V75 ] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "field V45._length (fldOffset=0x8)" P-INDEP +; V76 tmp68 [V76,T35] ( 2, 8 ) ref -> rsi "argument with side effect" +; V77 tmp69 [V77,T36] ( 2, 8 ) ref -> [rbp-0x88] spill-single-def "argument with side effect" +; V78 cse0 [V78,T15] ( 5, 8 ) long -> r14 "CSE #02: moderate" +; V79 cse1 [V79,T46] ( 2, 4.25) long -> [rbp-0x40] spill-single-def hoist "CSE #24: conservative" +; V80 cse2 [V80,T02] ( 18, 36 ) int -> rdx multi-def "CSE #03: aggressive" +; V81 cse3 [V81,T03] ( 18, 36 ) int -> rdx multi-def "CSE #05: aggressive" +; V82 cse4 [V82,T04] ( 16, 30 ) ref -> [rbp-0x90] multi-def "CSE #16: aggressive" +; V83 cse5 [V83,T14] ( 5, 10 ) ref -> [rbp-0x98] "CSE #13: moderate" +; V84 cse6 [V84,T19] ( 4, 8 ) ref -> [rbp-0xA0] "CSE #09: moderate" ; -; Lcl frame size = 104 +; Lcl frame size = 120 G_M63751_IG01: push rbp push r15 push r14 push r13 push r12 push rbx - sub rsp, 104 - lea rbp, [rsp+0x90] + sub rsp, 120 + lea rbp, [rsp+0xA0] xor eax, eax mov qword ptr [rbp-0x30], rax mov r15, rdi mov rbx, rsi mov r14, rdx ;; size=37 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 8.75 G_M63751_IG02: mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationLink call CORINFO_HELP_NEWSFAST mov r13, rax xor rdi, rdi mov gword ptr [r13+0x08], rdi ;; size=24 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 2.75 G_M63751_IG03: mov gword ptr [r13+0x28], rdi ;; size=4 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 1.00 G_M63751_IG04: mov gword ptr [r13+0x20], rdi ;; size=4 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 1.00 G_M63751_IG05: mov gword ptr [r13+0x18], rdi ;; size=4 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 1.00 G_M63751_IG06: mov gword ptr [r13+0x10], rdi ;; size=4 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 1.00 G_M63751_IG07: mov qword ptr [r13+0x30], rdi lea rdi, bword ptr [r13+0x08] mov rsi, r14 call CORINFO_HELP_ASSIGN_REF mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'enclosure' mov gword ptr [r13+0x18], rdi mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbx] mov r14, qword ptr [rax+0x48] call [r14+0x30]System.Xml.XmlReader:get_IsEmptyElement():ubyte:this mov r12d, eax mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbx] mov rax, qword ptr [rax+0xA0] call [rax+0x38]System.Xml.XmlReader:get_HasAttributes():ubyte:this test eax, eax - je G_M63751_IG63 + je G_M63751_IG60 ;; size=71 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 20.00 G_M63751_IG08: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbx] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi+0x78] mov qword ptr [rbp-0x40], rax - jmp G_M63751_IG62 + jmp G_M63751_IG59 ;; size=16 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.75 G_M63751_IG09: mov rdi, rbx call [r14]System.Xml.XmlReader:get_NamespaceURI():System.String:this - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rax + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], rax mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbx] mov rax, qword ptr [rax+0x40] call [rax+0x38]System.Xml.XmlReader:get_LocalName():System.String:this mov rsi, rax + mov rdx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'base' + cmp rsi, rdx + je SHORT G_M63751_IG10 test rsi, rsi - je G_M63751_IG20 - ;; size=35 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 26.00 -G_M63751_IG10: - mov eax, dword ptr [rsi+0x08] - mov dword ptr [rbp-0x44], eax - cmp eax, 4 - jne G_M63751_IG15 - ;; size=15 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 4.25 -G_M63751_IG11: - mov rdx, 0xD1FFAB1E - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rsi - cmp qword ptr [rsi+0x0C], rdx + je G_M63751_IG15 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi + mov edx, dword ptr [rsi+0x08] + cmp edx, 4 jne G_M63751_IG14 - ;; size=24 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.62 -G_M63751_IG12: + add edx, edx + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E + mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + lea rdi, bword ptr [rax+0x0C] + mov rcx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [rcx]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + test eax, eax + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + je G_M63751_IG15 + ;; size=110 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 52.50 +G_M63751_IG10: mov rdx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' - mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] - cmp rcx, rdx + mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x48] + cmp rax, rdx + je SHORT G_M63751_IG11 + test rax, rax je SHORT G_M63751_IG13 - test rcx, rcx - je G_M63751_IG16 - cmp dword ptr [rcx+0x08], 36 - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG16 - mov edx, dword ptr [rcx+0x08] + mov edx, dword ptr [rax+0x08] + cmp edx, 36 + jne SHORT G_M63751_IG12 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi add edx, edx mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rcx - lea rdi, bword ptr [rcx+0x0C] - mov r8, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte - call [r8]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], rax + lea rdi, bword ptr [rax+0x0C] + mov rcx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [rcx]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte test eax, eax - mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] - je SHORT G_M63751_IG16 - ;; size=78 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 34.50 -G_M63751_IG13: + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + je SHORT G_M63751_IG15 + ;; size=76 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 31.00 +G_M63751_IG11: mov rax, gword ptr [r13+0x08] - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x90], rax + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x88], rax mov rdi, rbx call [r14+0x18]System.Xml.XmlReader:get_Value():System.String:this mov rsi, rax - mov rdi, gword ptr [rbp-0x90] + mov rdi, gword ptr [rbp-0x88] mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.ServiceModel.Syndication.FeedUtils:CombineXmlBase(System.Uri,System.String):System.Uri call [rax]System.ServiceModel.Syndication.FeedUtils:CombineXmlBase(System.Uri,System.String):System.Uri lea rdi, bword ptr [r13+0x08] mov rsi, rax call CORINFO_HELP_ASSIGN_REF mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] - jmp G_M63751_IG62 + jmp G_M63751_IG59 ;; size=61 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 31.00 +G_M63751_IG12: + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], rax + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG15 + ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 +G_M63751_IG13: + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], rax + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG15 + ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 G_M63751_IG14: - mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] - jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG16 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 0.75 + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + ;; size=4 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 1.00 G_M63751_IG15: - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rsi - mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] - ;; size=8 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 1.00 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'xmlns' + cmp rsi, rax + je SHORT G_M63751_IG18 + mov r8, rax + mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] + test rsi, rsi + je SHORT G_M63751_IG16 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi + mov edx, dword ptr [rsi+0x08] + cmp edx, 5 + jne SHORT G_M63751_IG17 + add edx, edx + mov gword ptr [rbp-0xA0], r8 + lea rsi, bword ptr [r8+0x0C] + mov r9, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + lea rdi, bword ptr [r9+0x0C] + mov r10, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [r10]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + test eax, eax + mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + mov r8, gword ptr [rbp-0xA0] + jne G_M63751_IG59 + ;; size=96 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 38.00 G_M63751_IG16: - cmp dword ptr [rbp-0x44], 5 + mov r9, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/' + mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x48] + cmp rcx, r9 jne SHORT G_M63751_IG19 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 + mov r10d, 1 + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG22 + ;; size=27 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 9.50 G_M63751_IG17: - mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E - mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] - xor rdi, qword ptr [rsi+0x0C] - mov eax, dword ptr [rsi+0x12] - xor eax, 0xD1FFAB1E - or rdi, rax - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rcx - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG20 - ;; size=35 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 4.38 + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG16 + ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 G_M63751_IG18: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] - jmp G_M63751_IG62 - ;; size=9 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 0.75 + jmp G_M63751_IG59 + ;; size=9 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 G_M63751_IG19: - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rcx - mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] - ;; size=8 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63751_IG20: - mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] test rcx, rcx - je SHORT G_M63751_IG23 - ;; size=9 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 4.50 + je SHORT G_M63751_IG20 + mov edx, dword ptr [rcx+0x08] + cmp edx, 29 + je SHORT G_M63751_IG21 + ;; size=13 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 9.00 +G_M63751_IG20: + xor r10d, r10d + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG22 + ;; size=5 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 4.50 G_M63751_IG21: - cmp dword ptr [rcx+0x08], 29 - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG23 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 4.00 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi + mov gword ptr [rbp-0xA0], r8 + add edx, edx + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x98], r9 + lea rsi, bword ptr [r9+0x0C] + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], rcx + lea rdi, bword ptr [rcx+0x0C] + mov r10, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [r10]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + mov r10d, eax + mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] + mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x48] + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + mov r8, gword ptr [rbp-0xA0] + mov r9, gword ptr [rbp-0x98] + ;; size=74 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 27.50 G_M63751_IG22: - vmovups ymm0, ymmword ptr [rcx+0x0C] - vpxor ymm0, ymm0, ymmword ptr [reloc @RWD00] - vmovups ymm1, ymmword ptr [rcx+0x26] - vpxor ymm1, ymm1, ymmword ptr [reloc @RWD32] - vpor ymm0, ymm1, ymm0 - vptest ymm0, ymm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG24 - ;; size=45 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 11.29 -G_M63751_IG23: - xor edi, edi - ;; size=2 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 0.25 -G_M63751_IG24: - test edi, edi - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rcx - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rsi - jne G_M63751_IG32 + test r10d, r10d + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], rcx + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x98], r9 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0xA0], r8 + jne G_M63751_IG59 mov rdi, rbx call [r14+0x18]System.Xml.XmlReader:get_Value():System.String:this - mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rax + mov rdx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'url' + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + cmp rsi, rdx + mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] + je SHORT G_M63751_IG23 test rsi, rsi - je G_M63751_IG54 - ;; size=36 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 17.50 -G_M63751_IG25: - mov edi, dword ptr [rsi+0x08] - mov r10d, edi - cmp r10d, 3 - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG31 - ;; size=12 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.50 -G_M63751_IG26: - mov edi, dword ptr [rsi+0x0C] - xor edi, 0xD1FFAB1E - mov r9d, dword ptr [rsi+0x0E] - xor r9d, 0xD1FFAB1E - or edi, r9d - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG30 - ;; size=25 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.88 -G_M63751_IG27: - mov r11, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] - test r11, r11 - je SHORT G_M63751_IG33 - ;; size=9 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 4.50 -G_M63751_IG28: - cmp dword ptr [r11+0x08], 0 - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG33 - ;; size=7 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 4.00 -G_M63751_IG29: + je G_M63751_IG29 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi + mov edx, dword ptr [rsi+0x08] + cmp edx, 3 + jne G_M63751_IG28 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rax + add edx, edx + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E + mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + lea rdi, bword ptr [rcx+0x0C] + mov r8, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [r8]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + test eax, eax + mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + je G_M63751_IG29 + ;; size=143 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 56.00 +G_M63751_IG23: + mov rcx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; '' + mov r8, gword ptr [rbp-0x48] + cmp r8, rcx + je G_M63751_IG27 + test r8, r8 + je G_M63751_IG26 + mov edx, dword ptr [r8+0x08] + test edx, edx + jne SHORT G_M63751_IG25 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rax + add edx, edx + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x90], rcx + lea rsi, bword ptr [rcx+0x0C] + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], r8 + lea rdi, bword ptr [r8+0x0C] + mov r9, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [r9]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + test eax, eax + mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + je SHORT G_M63751_IG29 + ;; size=94 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 37.50 +G_M63751_IG24: mov rdi, gword ptr [r15+0x10] mov rsi, rax mov r9, rbx xor edx, edx mov rcx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'enclosure' - mov r8, 0xD1FFAB1E ; '' + mov r8, gword ptr [rbp-0x90] mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeedFormatter:UriFromString(System.ServiceModel.Syndication.TryParseUriCallback,System.String,int,System.String,System.String,System.Xml.XmlReader):System.Uri call [rax]System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeedFormatter:UriFromString(System.ServiceModel.Syndication.TryParseUriCallback,System.String,int,System.String,System.String,System.Xml.XmlReader):System.Uri lea rdi, bword ptr [r13+0x28] mov rsi, rax call CORINFO_HELP_ASSIGN_REF mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] - jmp G_M63751_IG62 - ;; size=65 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 22.50 + jmp G_M63751_IG59 + ;; size=62 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 24.00 +G_M63751_IG25: + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], r8 + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG29 + ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 +G_M63751_IG26: + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], r8 + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG29 + ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 +G_M63751_IG27: + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x90], rcx + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG24 + ;; size=9 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 +G_M63751_IG28: + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + ;; size=4 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 1.00 +G_M63751_IG29: + mov rdx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'type' + cmp rsi, rdx + je SHORT G_M63751_IG30 + test rsi, rsi + je G_M63751_IG35 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi + mov edx, dword ptr [rsi+0x08] + cmp edx, 4 + jne G_M63751_IG34 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rax + add edx, edx + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E + mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + lea rdi, bword ptr [rcx+0x0C] + mov r8, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [r8]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + test eax, eax + mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + je SHORT G_M63751_IG35 + ;; size=89 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 33.00 G_M63751_IG30: - mov r11, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] - jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG33 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 0.75 + mov r8, 0xD1FFAB1E ; '' + mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x48] + cmp rcx, r8 + je SHORT G_M63751_IG31 + test rcx, rcx + je SHORT G_M63751_IG33 + mov edx, dword ptr [rcx+0x08] + test edx, edx + jne SHORT G_M63751_IG32 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rax + add edx, edx + lea rsi, bword ptr [r8+0x0C] + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], rcx + lea rdi, bword ptr [rcx+0x0C] + mov r8, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [r8]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + test eax, eax + mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + je SHORT G_M63751_IG35 + ;; size=78 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 35.50 G_M63751_IG31: - mov r11, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] - jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG33 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 1.50 -G_M63751_IG32: + lea rdi, bword ptr [r13+0x10] + mov rsi, rax + call CORINFO_HELP_ASSIGN_REF mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] - jmp G_M63751_IG62 - ;; size=9 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 + jmp G_M63751_IG59 + ;; size=21 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 9.50 +G_M63751_IG32: + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], rcx + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG35 + ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 G_M63751_IG33: - cmp r10d, 4 - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG38 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 1.25 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], rcx + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG35 + ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 G_M63751_IG34: - mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E - cmp qword ptr [rsi+0x0C], rdi - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG38 - ;; size=16 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.12 + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + ;; size=4 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 1.00 G_M63751_IG35: - test r11, r11 - je SHORT G_M63751_IG38 - ;; size=5 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 2.50 + mov rdx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'length' + cmp rsi, rdx + je SHORT G_M63751_IG36 + test rsi, rsi + je G_M63751_IG48 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi + mov edx, dword ptr [rsi+0x08] + cmp edx, 6 + jne G_M63751_IG40 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rax + add edx, edx + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E + mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + lea rdi, bword ptr [rcx+0x0C] + mov r8, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [r8]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + test eax, eax + mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + je G_M63751_IG48 + ;; size=93 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 33.00 G_M63751_IG36: - cmp dword ptr [r11+0x08], 0 + mov r8, 0xD1FFAB1E ; '' + mov rcx, r8 + mov r8, gword ptr [rbp-0x48] + cmp r8, rcx + je SHORT G_M63751_IG37 + test r8, r8 + je SHORT G_M63751_IG39 + mov edx, dword ptr [r8+0x08] + test edx, edx jne SHORT G_M63751_IG38 - ;; size=7 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 4.00 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rax + add edx, edx + lea rsi, bword ptr [rcx+0x0C] + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], r8 + lea rdi, bword ptr [r8+0x0C] + mov rcx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [rcx]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + test eax, eax + mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + je G_M63751_IG48 + ;; size=85 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 36.00 G_M63751_IG37: - lea rdi, bword ptr [r13+0x10] - mov rsi, rax - call CORINFO_HELP_ASSIGN_REF - mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] - jmp G_M63751_IG62 - ;; size=21 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 9.50 -G_M63751_IG38: - cmp r10d, 6 - jne G_M63751_IG50 - ;; size=10 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 1.25 -G_M63751_IG39: - mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E - xor rdi, qword ptr [rsi+0x0C] - mov ecx, dword ptr [rsi+0x14] - xor ecx, 0xD1FFAB1E - or rdi, rcx - jne G_M63751_IG50 - ;; size=32 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 3.38 -G_M63751_IG40: - test r11, r11 - je G_M63751_IG50 - ;; size=9 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 2.50 -G_M63751_IG41: - cmp dword ptr [r11+0x08], 0 - jne G_M63751_IG50 - ;; size=11 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 4.00 -G_M63751_IG42: test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63751_IG43 - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x60], rax + je SHORT G_M63751_IG41 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rax cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 0 sete dil movzx rdi, dil - jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG44 + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG42 ;; size=23 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 17.00 -G_M63751_IG43: +G_M63751_IG38: + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], r8 + jmp G_M63751_IG48 + ;; size=9 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 +G_M63751_IG39: + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], r8 + jmp G_M63751_IG48 + ;; size=9 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 +G_M63751_IG40: + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + jmp G_M63751_IG48 + ;; size=9 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 +G_M63751_IG41: mov edi, 1 - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x60], rax + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rax ;; size=9 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 2.50 -G_M63751_IG44: +G_M63751_IG42: test edi, edi - je SHORT G_M63751_IG45 + je SHORT G_M63751_IG43 xor esi, esi - jmp G_M63751_IG49 + jmp G_M63751_IG47 ;; size=11 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 7.00 -G_M63751_IG45: +G_M63751_IG43: mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; const ptr mov rdi, gword ptr [rdi] mov rcx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_NumberFormat():System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:this call [rcx]System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_NumberFormat():System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:this - mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x60] + mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] test rcx, rcx - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG46 + jne SHORT G_M63751_IG44 xor esi, esi - jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG49 + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG47 ;; size=38 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 20.00 -G_M63751_IG46: +G_M63751_IG44: lea rdx, bword ptr [rcx+0x0C] mov r8d, dword ptr [rcx+0x08] - mov bword ptr [rbp-0x88], rdx + mov bword ptr [rbp-0x80], rdx mov dword ptr [rbp-0x34], r8d test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63751_IG47 + je SHORT G_M63751_IG45 mov rdi, rax mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:g__GetProviderNonNull|58_0(System.IFormatProvider):System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo call [rax]System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:g__GetProviderNonNull|58_0(System.IFormatProvider):System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo - jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG48 - ;; size=41 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 22.50 -G_M63751_IG47: + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG46 + ;; size=38 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 22.50 +G_M63751_IG45: mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:get_CurrentInfo():System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo call [rax]System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:get_CurrentInfo():System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo ;; size=12 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 6.50 -G_M63751_IG48: - mov rdi, bword ptr [rbp-0x88] +G_M63751_IG46: + mov rdi, bword ptr [rbp-0x80] mov esi, dword ptr [rbp-0x34] lea r8, [rbp-0x30] mov rcx, rax mov edx, 7 mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.Number:TryParseBinaryIntegerStyle[ushort,long](System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ushort],int,System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo,byref):int call [rax]System.Number:TryParseBinaryIntegerStyle[ushort,long](System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ushort],int,System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo,byref):int test eax, eax - jne G_M63751_IG68 + jne G_M63751_IG65 mov rsi, qword ptr [rbp-0x30] - ;; size=46 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 17.00 -G_M63751_IG49: + ;; size=43 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 17.00 +G_M63751_IG47: mov rdi, r13 mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationLink:set_Length(long):this call [rax]System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationLink:set_Length(long):this mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] - jmp G_M63751_IG62 + jmp G_M63751_IG59 ;; size=24 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 13.00 +G_M63751_IG48: + test rsi, rsi + je SHORT G_M63751_IG49 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi + mov edx, dword ptr [rsi+0x08] + cmp edx, 5 + jne SHORT G_M63751_IG51 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rax + add edx, edx + mov rdi, gword ptr [rbp-0xA0] + lea rsi, bword ptr [rdi+0x0C] + mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + lea rdi, bword ptr [rcx+0x0C] + mov r8, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [r8]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + test eax, eax + mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + jne SHORT G_M63751_IG50 + ;; size=67 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 32.50 +G_M63751_IG49: + mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x48] + mov rdi, gword ptr [rbp-0x98] + cmp rcx, rdi + jne SHORT G_M63751_IG52 + mov r8d, 1 + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG55 + ;; size=24 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 11.00 G_M63751_IG50: - cmp r10d, 5 - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG53 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 1.25 + mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] + jmp G_M63751_IG59 + ;; size=9 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 G_M63751_IG51: - mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E - xor rdi, qword ptr [rsi+0x0C] - mov ecx, dword ptr [rsi+0x12] - xor ecx, 0xD1FFAB1E - or rdi, rcx - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], r11 - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG54 - ;; size=32 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 3.88 + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG49 + ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 G_M63751_IG52: - mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] - jmp G_M63751_IG62 - ;; size=9 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 0.75 + test rcx, rcx + je SHORT G_M63751_IG53 + mov edx, dword ptr [rcx+0x08] + cmp edx, 29 + je SHORT G_M63751_IG54 + ;; size=13 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 9.00 G_M63751_IG53: - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], r11 - ;; size=4 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 0.50 + xor r8d, r8d + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG55 + ;; size=5 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 4.50 G_M63751_IG54: - mov r11, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] - test r11, r11 - je SHORT G_M63751_IG57 - ;; size=9 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 4.50 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rax + add edx, edx + lea rsi, bword ptr [rdi+0x0C] + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], rcx + lea rdi, bword ptr [rcx+0x0C] + mov r8, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [r8]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + mov r8d, eax + mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] + mov rcx, gword ptr [rbp-0x48] + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + ;; size=50 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 21.50 G_M63751_IG55: - cmp dword ptr [r11+0x08], 29 - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG57 - ;; size=7 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 4.00 -G_M63751_IG56: - vmovups ymm0, ymmword ptr [r11+0x0C] - vpxor ymm0, ymm0, ymmword ptr [reloc @RWD00] - vmovups ymm1, ymmword ptr [r11+0x26] - vpxor ymm1, ymm1, ymmword ptr [reloc @RWD32] - vpor ymm0, ymm1, ymm0 - vptest ymm0, ymm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG58 - ;; size=47 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 11.29 -G_M63751_IG57: - xor edi, edi - ;; size=2 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 0.25 -G_M63751_IG58: - test edi, edi - jne G_M63751_IG67 - mov rcx, rax + test r8d, r8d + jne G_M63751_IG64 + mov rdx, rax mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] cmp byte ptr [r15+0x34], 0 - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], r11 - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x60], rcx - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rsi - je G_M63751_IG62 - lea rdx, bword ptr [r13+0x38] - mov bword ptr [rbp-0x70], rdx - mov r8, gword ptr [rdx] - test r8, r8 - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x78], r8 - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG59 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], rcx + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rsi + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rdx + je G_M63751_IG59 + lea r8, bword ptr [r13+0x38] + mov bword ptr [rbp-0x68], r8 + mov r9, gword ptr [r8] + test r9, r9 + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x70], r9 + jne SHORT G_M63751_IG56 mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName,System.String] call CORINFO_HELP_NEWSFAST - mov r8, rax - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x80], r8 - mov rdi, r8 + mov r9, rax + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x78], r9 + mov rdi, r9 xor esi, esi xor rdx, rdx mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.__Canon,System.__Canon]:.ctor(int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1[System.__Canon]):this call [rax]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.__Canon,System.__Canon]:.ctor(int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1[System.__Canon]):this - mov rdi, bword ptr [rbp-0x70] - mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x80] + mov rdi, bword ptr [rbp-0x68] + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x78] call CORINFO_HELP_ASSIGN_REF - mov r8, gword ptr [rbp-0x80] - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x78], r8 - ;; size=120 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 53.50 -G_M63751_IG59: + mov r9, gword ptr [rbp-0x78] + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x70], r9 + ;; size=121 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 53.50 +G_M63751_IG56: mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName call CORINFO_HELP_NEWSFAST - mov gword ptr [rbp-0x68], rax - mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] + mov gword ptr [rbp-0x60], rax + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x48] test rsi, rsi - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG60 - mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; '' - ;; size=38 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 9.50 -G_M63751_IG60: + jne SHORT G_M63751_IG57 + mov rcx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; '' + mov rsi, rcx + ;; size=41 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 10.00 +G_M63751_IG57: lea rdi, bword ptr [rax+0x08] call CORINFO_HELP_ASSIGN_REF - mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] test rsi, rsi - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG61 - mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; '' - ;; size=28 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 8.00 -G_M63751_IG61: - mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x68] + jne SHORT G_M63751_IG58 + mov rcx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; '' + mov rax, rcx + mov rsi, rax + ;; size=34 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 9.00 +G_M63751_IG58: + mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x60] lea rdi, bword ptr [rax+0x10] call CORINFO_HELP_ASSIGN_REF - mov rdi, gword ptr [rbp-0x78] + mov rdi, gword ptr [rbp-0x70] cmp byte ptr [rdi], dil - mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x68] - mov rdx, gword ptr [rbp-0x60] + mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x60] + mov rdx, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] mov ecx, 2 mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.__Canon,System.__Canon]:TryInsert(System.__Canon,System.__Canon,ubyte):ubyte:this call [rax]System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.__Canon,System.__Canon]:TryInsert(System.__Canon,System.__Canon,ubyte):ubyte:this mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] ;; size=49 bbWeight=2 PerfScore 26.00 -G_M63751_IG62: +G_M63751_IG59: mov rdi, rbx call [rax+0x38]System.Xml.XmlReader:MoveToNextAttribute():ubyte:this test eax, eax jne G_M63751_IG09 ;; size=14 bbWeight=4 PerfScore 18.00 -G_M63751_IG63: +G_M63751_IG60: mov rdi, rbx mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'enclosure' - mov rdx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; '' + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; '' + mov r15, rax + mov rdx, r15 mov rax, qword ptr [rbx] mov rax, qword ptr [rax+0x90] call [rax+0x30]System.Xml.XmlReader:ReadStartElement(System.String,System.String):this test r12d, r12d - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG65 - ;; size=41 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 9.00 -G_M63751_IG64: + jne SHORT G_M63751_IG62 + ;; size=47 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 9.50 +G_M63751_IG61: mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbx] mov rax, qword ptr [rax+0x98] call [rax+0x10]System.Xml.XmlReader:ReadEndElement():this ;; size=16 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 3.62 -G_M63751_IG65: +G_M63751_IG62: mov rax, r13 ;; size=3 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 0.25 -G_M63751_IG66: - vzeroupper - add rsp, 104 +G_M63751_IG63: + add rsp, 120 pop rbx pop r12 pop r13 pop r14 pop r15 pop rbp ret - ;; size=18 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 5.25 -G_M63751_IG67: + ;; size=15 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 4.25 +G_M63751_IG64: mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] - jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG62 + jmp SHORT G_M63751_IG59 ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 -G_M63751_IG68: +G_M63751_IG65: cmp eax, 1 - jne SHORT G_M63751_IG69 - mov rdi, bword ptr [rbp-0x88] + jne SHORT G_M63751_IG66 + mov rdi, bword ptr [rbp-0x80] mov esi, dword ptr [rbp-0x34] mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.Number:ThrowFormatException[ushort](System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ushort]) call [rax]System.Number:ThrowFormatException[ushort](System.ReadOnlySpan`1[ushort]) int3 - ;; size=28 bbWeight=0 PerfScore 0.00 -G_M63751_IG69: + ;; size=25 bbWeight=0 PerfScore 0.00 +G_M63751_IG66: mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.Number:ThrowOverflowException[long]() call [rax]System.Number:ThrowOverflowException[long]() int3 ;; size=13 bbWeight=0 PerfScore 0.00 -RWD00 dq 0070007400740068h, 0077002F002F003Ah, 0077002E00770077h, 0072006F002E0033h -RWD32 dq 00670072006F002Eh, 003000300032002Fh, 006D0078002F0030h, 002F0073006E006Ch - -; Total bytes of code 1497, prolog size 28, PerfScore 525.21, instruction count 361, allocated bytes for code 1497 (MethodHash=e13506f8) for method System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Rss20FeedFormatter:ReadMediaEnclosure(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Uri):System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationLink:this (FullOpts) +; Total bytes of code 2146, prolog size 28, PerfScore 870.88, instruction count 524, allocated bytes for code 2146 (MethodHash=e13506f8) for method System.ServiceModel.Syndication.Rss20FeedFormatter:ReadMediaEnclosure(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Uri):System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationLink:this (FullOpts) ```

Note: some changes were skipped as they were too large to fit into a comment.

Larger list of diffs: https://gist.github.com/MihuBot/fde68a4e21dee7b249bf829a5117eee3

MihuBot commented 3 months ago

Top method improvements

-273 (-14.64 % of base) - System.Data.XmlTreeGen:AddXdoProperty(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor,System.Object,System.Xml.XmlElement):this ```diff ; Assembly listing for method System.Data.XmlTreeGen:AddXdoProperty(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor,System.Object,System.Xml.XmlElement):this (FullOpts) ; Emitting BLENDED_CODE for X64 with AVX - Unix ; FullOpts code ; optimized code ; rbp based frame ; partially interruptible ; No PGO data -; 0 inlinees with PGO data; 11 single block inlinees; 1 inlinees without PGO data +; 0 inlinees with PGO data; 17 single block inlinees; 3 inlinees without PGO data ; Final local variable assignments ; -; V00 this [V00,T06] ( 3, 2.50) ref -> r13 this class-hnd single-def +; V00 this [V00,T08] ( 3, 2.50) ref -> r13 this class-hnd single-def ; V01 arg1 [V01,T00] ( 23, 13.50) ref -> rbx class-hnd single-def ; V02 arg2 [V02,T02] ( 8, 5.50) ref -> r15 class-hnd single-def ; V03 arg3 [V03,T03] ( 7, 4.50) ref -> r14 class-hnd single-def -; V04 loc0 [V04,T04] ( 8, 4.50) ref -> [rbp-0x48] class-hnd spill-single-def -; V05 loc1 [V05,T44] ( 3, 2 ) ubyte -> [rbp-0x2C] -; V06 loc2 [V06,T09] ( 6, 3.50) ref -> [rbp-0x50] class-hnd -; V07 loc3 [V07,T29] ( 4, 2.50) ubyte -> [rbp-0x30] -; V08 loc4 [V08,T25] ( 4, 3 ) ubyte -> [rbp-0x34] -; V09 loc5 [V09,T42] ( 4, 2 ) ref -> r15 class-hnd single-def -; V10 loc6 [V10,T55] ( 2, 1 ) ref -> r12 class-hnd exact single-def -; V11 loc7 [V11,T49] ( 3, 1.50) ref -> rax class-hnd exact single-def +; V04 loc0 [V04,T05] ( 8, 4.50) ref -> [rbp-0x48] class-hnd spill-single-def +; V05 loc1 [V05,T20] ( 3, 2 ) ubyte -> [rbp-0x2C] +; V06 loc2 [V06,T06] ( 8, 4.50) ref -> [rbp-0x50] class-hnd +; V07 loc3 [V07,T13] ( 4, 2.50) ubyte -> [rbp-0x30] +; V08 loc4 [V08,T11] ( 4, 3 ) ubyte -> [rbp-0x34] +; V09 loc5 [V09,T14] ( 4, 2 ) ref -> r15 class-hnd single-def +; V10 loc6 [V10,T40] ( 2, 1 ) ref -> r12 class-hnd exact single-def +; V11 loc7 [V11,T15] ( 4, 2 ) ref -> rdi class-hnd exact single-def ;# V12 OutArgs [V12 ] ( 1, 1 ) struct ( 0) [rsp+0x00] do-not-enreg[XS] addr-exposed "OutgoingArgSpace" -; V13 tmp1 [V13,T11] ( 5, 4.50) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -; V14 tmp2 [V14,T30] ( 2, 2 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -; V15 tmp3 [V15,T12] ( 5, 4.50) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -; V16 tmp4 [V16,T31] ( 2, 2 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -; V17 tmp5 [V17,T13] ( 5, 4.50) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -; V18 tmp6 [V18,T32] ( 2, 2 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -; V19 tmp7 [V19,T14] ( 5, 4.50) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -; V20 tmp8 [V20,T33] ( 2, 2 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -; V21 tmp9 [V21,T15] ( 5, 4.50) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -; V22 tmp10 [V22,T34] ( 2, 2 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -; V23 tmp11 [V23,T16] ( 5, 4.50) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -; V24 tmp12 [V24,T35] ( 2, 2 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -; V25 tmp13 [V25,T17] ( 5, 4.50) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -; V26 tmp14 [V26,T36] ( 2, 2 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -; V27 tmp15 [V27,T18] ( 5, 3 ) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -;* V28 tmp16 [V28,T51] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "spilling unroll qmark" -; V29 tmp17 [V29,T19] ( 5, 4.50) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -; V30 tmp18 [V30,T37] ( 2, 2 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -; V31 tmp19 [V31,T20] ( 5, 3 ) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -;* V32 tmp20 [V32,T52] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "spilling unroll qmark" -; V33 tmp21 [V33,T21] ( 5, 4.50) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -; V34 tmp22 [V34,T38] ( 2, 2 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -; V35 tmp23 [V35,T22] ( 5, 4.50) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -; V36 tmp24 [V36,T39] ( 2, 2 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -; V37 tmp25 [V37,T27] ( 4, 3.50) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -; V38 tmp26 [V38,T40] ( 2, 2 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -; V39 tmp27 [V39,T23] ( 5, 4.50) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -; V40 tmp28 [V40,T41] ( 2, 2 ) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -; V41 tmp29 [V41,T50] ( 2, 1 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" -; V42 tmp30 [V42,T07] ( 4, 4 ) ref -> [rbp-0x58] class-hnd exact spill-single-def "Inlining Arg" -; V43 tmp31 [V43,T08] ( 4, 4 ) ref -> [rbp-0x60] class-hnd spill-single-def "Inlining Arg" -; V44 tmp32 [V44,T43] ( 4, 2 ) ref -> rax class-hnd single-def "Inline stloc first use temp" -; V45 tmp33 [V45,T28] ( 4, 2.50) ref -> rax single-def "spilling varStr" -; V46 tmp34 [V46,T54] ( 2, 0.50) int -> rdi "spilling unroll qmark" -;* V47 tmp35 [V47 ] ( 0, 0 ) ref -> zero-ref class-hnd exact "Inlining Arg" -; V48 tmp36 [V48,T24] ( 5, 3 ) ref -> rdi single-def "spilling varStr" -;* V49 tmp37 [V49,T53] ( 0, 0 ) int -> zero-ref "spilling unroll qmark" -; V50 tmp38 [V50,T45] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rsi single-def "argument with side effect" -; V51 tmp39 [V51,T46] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" -; V52 tmp40 [V52,T47] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rsi single-def "argument with side effect" -; V53 tmp41 [V53,T26] ( 3, 3 ) ref -> rdx single-def "argument with side effect" -; V54 tmp42 [V54,T48] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rcx single-def "argument with side effect" -; V55 cse0 [V55,T01] ( 16, 8 ) long -> [rbp-0x40] spill-single-def "CSE #02: aggressive" -; V56 cse1 [V56,T10] ( 6, 3 ) ref -> rdx multi-def "CSE #03: conservative" -; V57 cse2 [V57,T05] ( 7, 4.50) long -> r12 "CSE #01: moderate" -; V58 rat0 [V58,T56] ( 3, 3 ) simd16 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" -; V59 rat1 [V59,T57] ( 3, 3 ) simd16 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" -; V60 rat2 [V60,T58] ( 3, 3 ) simd16 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" -; V61 rat3 [V61,T59] ( 3, 3 ) simd16 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" -; V62 rat4 [V62,T60] ( 3, 3 ) simd16 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" -; V63 rat5 [V63,T61] ( 3, 3 ) simd16 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" -; V64 rat6 [V64,T62] ( 3, 3 ) simd16 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" -; V65 rat7 [V65,T63] ( 3, 3 ) simd16 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" -; V66 rat8 [V66,T64] ( 3, 3 ) simd16 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" -; V67 rat9 [V67,T65] ( 3, 3 ) simd16 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" -; V68 rat10 [V68,T66] ( 3, 3 ) simd16 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" -; V69 rat11 [V69,T67] ( 3, 3 ) simd16 -> mm0 "ReplaceWithLclVar is creating a new local variable" +; V13 tmp1 [V13,T39] ( 2, 1 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" +; V14 tmp2 [V14,T09] ( 4, 4 ) ref -> [rbp-0x58] class-hnd exact spill-single-def "Inlining Arg" +; V15 tmp3 [V15,T10] ( 4, 4 ) ref -> [rbp-0x60] class-hnd spill-single-def "Inlining Arg" +; V16 tmp4 [V16,T16] ( 4, 2 ) ref -> rax class-hnd single-def "Inline stloc first use temp" +; V17 tmp5 [V17,T17] ( 2, 1 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V18 tmp6 [V18 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +; V19 tmp7 [V19,T04] ( 6, 6 ) ref -> rdi class-hnd exact single-def "Inlining Arg" +; V20 tmp8 [V20,T18] ( 2, 1 ) ubyte -> rax "Inline return value spill temp" +;* V21 tmp9 [V21 ] ( 0, 0 ) byref -> zero-ref "impAppendStmt" +; V22 tmp10 [V22,T21] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rsi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V23 tmp11 [V23,T22] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V24 tmp12 [V24,T23] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V25 tmp13 [V25,T24] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V26 tmp14 [V26,T25] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V27 tmp15 [V27,T26] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V28 tmp16 [V28,T27] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V29 tmp17 [V29,T28] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V30 tmp18 [V30,T29] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V31 tmp19 [V31,T30] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V32 tmp20 [V32,T31] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V33 tmp21 [V33,T32] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V34 tmp22 [V34,T33] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V35 tmp23 [V35,T34] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V36 tmp24 [V36,T35] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V37 tmp25 [V37,T36] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V38 tmp26 [V38,T37] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rsi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V39 tmp27 [V39,T12] ( 3, 3 ) ref -> rdi single-def "argument with side effect" +; V40 tmp28 [V40,T38] ( 2, 2 ) ref -> rcx single-def "argument with side effect" +; V41 cse0 [V41,T01] ( 16, 8 ) long -> [rbp-0x40] spill-single-def "CSE #02: aggressive" +; V42 cse1 [V42,T07] ( 7, 4.50) long -> r12 "CSE #01: moderate" +; V43 cse2 [V43,T19] ( 4, 2 ) int -> rdx "CSE #05: conservative" ; ; Lcl frame size = 56 G_M63482_IG01: push rbp push r15 push r14 push r13 push r12 push rbx sub rsp, 56 lea rbp, [rsp+0x60] mov r13, rdi mov rbx, rsi mov r15, rdx mov r14, rcx ;; size=31 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 7.75 G_M63482_IG02: mov rdi, rbx mov r12, qword ptr [rbx] mov rax, qword ptr [r12+0x50] call [rax+0x30]System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor:get_PropertyType():System.Type:this mov gword ptr [rbp-0x48], rax xor ecx, ecx mov dword ptr [rbp-0x2C], ecx xor rdx, rdx mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], rdx xor r8d, r8d mov dword ptr [rbp-0x30], r8d xor r9d, r9d mov dword ptr [rbp-0x34], r9d mov rsi, r15 mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; System.Data.DataColumn mov r10, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for CORINFO_HELP_ISINSTANCEOFCLASS call [r10]CORINFO_HELP_ISINSTANCEOFCLASS test rax, rax je SHORT G_M63482_IG04 ;; size=74 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 18.25 G_M63482_IG03: mov gword ptr [rbp-0x50], r15 mov dword ptr [rbp-0x2C], 1 movzx r8, byte ptr [r15+0xC3] mov dword ptr [rbp-0x30], r8d movzx r9, byte ptr [r15+0xC4] mov r8d, r9d mov dword ptr [rbp-0x34], r8d ;; size=38 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 4.12 G_M63482_IG04: cmp dword ptr [rbp-0x34], 0 jne SHORT G_M63482_IG06 ;; size=6 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 3.00 G_M63482_IG05: mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'System.String' mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x48] cmp rsi, rdi je SHORT G_M63482_IG06 mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'System.Boolean' cmp rsi, rdi je SHORT G_M63482_IG06 mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'System.Type' cmp rsi, rdi je SHORT G_M63482_IG06 mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'System.Object' cmp rsi, rdi je SHORT G_M63482_IG06 mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'System.Globalization.CultureInfo' cmp rsi, rdi je SHORT G_M63482_IG06 mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'System.Int64' cmp rsi, rdi je SHORT G_M63482_IG06 mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'System.Int32' cmp rsi, rdi - jne G_M63482_IG61 + jne G_M63482_IG21 ;; size=113 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 5.75 G_M63482_IG06: mov rdi, rbx mov rsi, r15 mov r9, qword ptr [r12+0x60] call [r9]System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor:ShouldSerializeValue(System.Object):ubyte:this test eax, eax je SHORT G_M63482_IG08 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [r12+0x40] call [rax+0x30]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Attributes():System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection:this mov gword ptr [rbp-0x60], rax mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; global ptr test byte ptr [rdi], 1 - je G_M63482_IG65 + je G_M63482_IG23 ;; size=52 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 8.62 G_M63482_IG07: mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; data for System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute:Visible mov rcx, gword ptr [rdi] mov gword ptr [rbp-0x58], rcx cmp byte ptr [rax], al test rcx, rcx je SHORT G_M63482_IG08 mov rdi, rcx call System.Object:GetType():System.Type:this mov rsi, rax mov rdi, gword ptr [rbp-0x60] mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] mov rax, qword ptr [rax+0x40] call [rax+0x30]System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection:get_Item(System.Type):System.Attribute:this test rax, rax je SHORT G_M63482_IG08 mov rdi, rax mov rsi, gword ptr [rbp-0x58] mov rax, qword ptr [rax] mov rax, qword ptr [rax+0x40] call [rax+0x10]System.Object:Equals(System.Object):ubyte:this test eax, eax jne SHORT G_M63482_IG09 ;; size=75 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 13.88 G_M63482_IG08: cmp dword ptr [rbp-0x30], 0 - je G_M63482_IG61 + je G_M63482_IG21 ;; size=10 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 1.50 G_M63482_IG09: mov rdi, rbx mov rsi, r15 mov rcx, qword ptr [r12+0x58] call [rcx+0x18]System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor:GetValue(System.Object):System.Object:this mov r15, rax mov rsi, r15 mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for CORINFO_HELP_ISINSTANCEOFCLASS call [rax]CORINFO_HELP_ISINSTANCEOFCLASS test rax, rax - jne G_M63482_IG61 + jne G_M63482_IG21 mov rsi, r15 mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; System.Data.PropertyCollection mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for CORINFO_HELP_ISINSTANCEOFCLASS call [rax]CORINFO_HELP_ISINSTANCEOFCLASS test rax, rax - jne G_M63482_IG61 + jne G_M63482_IG21 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [r12+0x48] mov qword ptr [rbp-0x40], rax call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63482_IG12 - ;; size=105 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 11.62 -G_M63482_IG10: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 9 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG12 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG11: - vmovups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0C] - vpxor xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD00] - vmovups xmm1, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0E] - vpxor xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD16] - vpor xmm0, xmm1, xmm0 - vptest xmm0, xmm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - test edi, edi - jne G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=51 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 8.92 -G_M63482_IG12: + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'Namespace' + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + test eax, eax + jne G_M63482_IG21 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63482_IG15 - ;; size=15 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.75 -G_M63482_IG13: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 10 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG15 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG14: - vmovups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0C] - vpxor xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD32] - vmovups xmm1, xmmword ptr [rax+0x10] - vpxor xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD48] - vpor xmm0, xmm1, xmm0 - vptest xmm0, xmm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - test edi, edi - jne G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=51 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 8.92 -G_M63482_IG15: + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'PrimaryKey' + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + test eax, eax + jne G_M63482_IG21 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63482_IG18 - ;; size=15 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.75 -G_M63482_IG16: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 10 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG18 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG17: - vmovups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0C] - vpxor xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD64] - vmovups xmm1, xmmword ptr [rax+0x10] - vpxor xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD80] - vpor xmm0, xmm1, xmm0 - vptest xmm0, xmm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - test edi, edi - jne G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=51 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 8.92 -G_M63482_IG18: + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'ColumnName' + ;; size=209 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 20.75 +G_M63482_IG10: + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + test eax, eax + jne G_M63482_IG21 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63482_IG21 - ;; size=15 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.75 -G_M63482_IG19: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 12 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG21 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG20: - vmovups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0C] - vpxor xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD96] - vmovups xmm1, xmmword ptr [rax+0x14] - vpxor xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD112] - vpor xmm0, xmm1, xmm0 - vptest xmm0, xmm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - test edi, edi - jne G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=51 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 8.92 -G_M63482_IG21: + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'DefaultValue' + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + test eax, eax + jne G_M63482_IG21 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63482_IG24 - ;; size=15 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.75 -G_M63482_IG22: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 9 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG24 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG23: - vmovups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0C] - vpxor xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD128] - vmovups xmm1, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0E] - vpxor xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD144] - vpor xmm0, xmm1, xmm0 - vptest xmm0, xmm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - test edi, edi - jne G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=51 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 8.92 -G_M63482_IG24: + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'TableName' + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + test eax, eax + jne G_M63482_IG21 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63482_IG27 - ;; size=15 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.75 -G_M63482_IG25: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 11 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG27 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG26: - vmovups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0C] - vpxor xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD160] - vmovups xmm1, xmmword ptr [rax+0x12] - vpxor xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD176] - vpor xmm0, xmm1, xmm0 - vptest xmm0, xmm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - test edi, edi - jne G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=51 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 8.92 -G_M63482_IG27: + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'DataSetName' + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + test eax, eax + jne G_M63482_IG21 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63482_IG30 - ;; size=15 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.75 -G_M63482_IG28: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 11 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG30 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG29: - vmovups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0C] - vpxor xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD192] - vmovups xmm1, xmmword ptr [rax+0x12] - vpxor xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD208] - vpor xmm0, xmm1, xmm0 - vptest xmm0, xmm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - test edi, edi - jne G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=51 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 8.92 -G_M63482_IG30: + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'AllowDBNull' + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + ;; size=207 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 19.25 +G_M63482_IG11: + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + test eax, eax + jne G_M63482_IG21 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63482_IG33 - ;; size=15 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.75 -G_M63482_IG31: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 6 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG33 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG32: - mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E - xor rdi, qword ptr [rax+0x0C] - mov eax, dword ptr [rax+0x14] - xor eax, 0xD1FFAB1E - or rdi, rax - je G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=31 bbWeight=0.12 PerfScore 0.84 -G_M63482_IG33: + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'Unique' + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + test eax, eax + jne G_M63482_IG21 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63482_IG36 - ;; size=15 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.75 -G_M63482_IG34: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 15 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG36 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG35: - vmovups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0C] - vpxor xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD224] - vmovups xmm1, xmmword ptr [rax+0x1A] - vpxor xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD240] - vpor xmm0, xmm1, xmm0 - vptest xmm0, xmm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - test edi, edi - jne G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=51 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 8.92 -G_M63482_IG36: + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'NestedInDataSet' + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + test eax, eax + jne G_M63482_IG21 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63482_IG39 - ;; size=15 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.75 -G_M63482_IG37: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 6 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG39 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG38: - mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E - xor rdi, qword ptr [rax+0x0C] - mov eax, dword ptr [rax+0x14] - xor eax, 0xD1FFAB1E - or rdi, rax - je G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=31 bbWeight=0.12 PerfScore 0.84 -G_M63482_IG39: + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'Locale' + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + test eax, eax + jne G_M63482_IG21 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63482_IG42 - ;; size=15 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.75 -G_M63482_IG40: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 13 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG42 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG41: - vmovups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0C] - vpxor xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD256] - vmovups xmm1, xmmword ptr [rax+0x16] - vpxor xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD272] - vpor xmm0, xmm1, xmm0 - vptest xmm0, xmm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - test edi, edi - jne G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=51 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 8.92 -G_M63482_IG42: + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'CaseSensitive' + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + ;; size=194 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 20.50 +G_M63482_IG12: + test eax, eax + jne G_M63482_IG21 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je SHORT G_M63482_IG45 - ;; size=15 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.75 -G_M63482_IG43: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 14 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG45 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG44: - vmovups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0C] - vpxor xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD288] - vmovups xmm1, xmmword ptr [rax+0x18] - vpxor xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD304] - vpor xmm0, xmm1, xmm0 - vptest xmm0, xmm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - test edi, edi - jne G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=51 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 8.92 -G_M63482_IG45: + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'RemotingFormat' + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + test eax, eax + jne G_M63482_IG21 cmp dword ptr [rbp-0x2C], 0 - je G_M63482_IG60 + je G_M63482_IG20 mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je G_M63482_IG57 - ;; size=29 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 4.25 -G_M63482_IG46: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 8 - jne G_M63482_IG57 - ;; size=10 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG47: - vmovups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0C] - vpxor xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD320] - vptest xmm0, xmm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - test edi, edi - je G_M63482_IG57 + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'DataType' + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + test eax, eax + je G_M63482_IG19 mov r15, gword ptr [rbp-0x50] mov rdi, gword ptr [r15+0x28] mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.Data.XmlTreeGen:XmlDataTypeName(System.Type):System.String call [rax]System.Data.XmlTreeGen:XmlDataTypeName(System.Type):System.String + mov rdi, rax cmp dword ptr [rbp-0x30], 0 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG48 - mov rdx, gword ptr [r15+0x28] - mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'System.Numerics.BigInteger' - cmp rdx, rdi - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG49 - ;; size=79 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 12.12 -G_M63482_IG48: - mov rdx, gword ptr [r15+0x28] - mov rdi, rdx - mov rax, qword ptr [rdx] + jne SHORT G_M63482_IG13 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'System.Numerics.BigInteger' + cmp gword ptr [r15+0x28], rax + jne SHORT G_M63482_IG14 + ;; size=159 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 18.50 +G_M63482_IG13: + mov rdi, gword ptr [r15+0x28] + mov rax, qword ptr [rdi] mov rax, qword ptr [rax+0x50] call [rax+0x20]System.Type:get_FullName():System.String:this mov rcx, rax mov rdi, r14 mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'DataType' mov rdx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' mov rax, qword ptr [r14] mov rax, qword ptr [rax+0x88] call [rax+0x38]System.Xml.XmlElement:SetAttribute(System.String,System.String,System.String):System.String:this - jmp G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=61 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 9.62 -G_M63482_IG49: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - or edi, dword ptr [rbp-0x34] - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG55 - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 7 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG54 - ;; size=23 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 5.62 -G_M63482_IG50: - mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E - xor rdi, qword ptr [rax+0x0C] + jmp G_M63482_IG21 + ;; size=58 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 9.50 +G_M63482_IG14: + mov edx, dword ptr [rdi+0x08] + test edx, edx + sete sil + movzx rsi, sil + or esi, dword ptr [rbp-0x34] + jne G_M63482_IG17 + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'anyType' + cmp rdi, rsi + je SHORT G_M63482_IG15 + cmp edx, 7 + jne SHORT G_M63482_IG16 + add edx, edx mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E - xor rsi, qword ptr [rax+0x12] - or rdi, rsi - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - test dil, dil - je SHORT G_M63482_IG54 - ;; size=44 bbWeight=0.12 PerfScore 1.16 -G_M63482_IG51: + add rdi, 12 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [rax]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + test eax, eax + je SHORT G_M63482_IG16 + ;; size=74 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 7.25 +G_M63482_IG15: mov rdi, gword ptr [r15+0x90] + mov rdx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'anyType' + cmp rdi, rdx + je SHORT G_M63482_IG16 test rdi, rdi - je SHORT G_M63482_IG55 - ;; size=12 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 1.62 -G_M63482_IG52: + je SHORT G_M63482_IG17 cmp dword ptr [rdi+0x08], 7 - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG55 - ;; size=6 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG53: + jne SHORT G_M63482_IG17 + mov edx, dword ptr [rdi+0x08] + add edx, edx mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E - xor rsi, qword ptr [rdi+0x0C] - mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E - xor rax, qword ptr [rdi+0x12] - or rsi, rax - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG55 - ;; size=33 bbWeight=0.12 PerfScore 0.97 -G_M63482_IG54: - mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'System.DateTimeOffset' - cmp rdx, rdi - jne G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=19 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 0.75 -G_M63482_IG55: + add rdi, 12 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + call [rax]System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual(byref,byref,ulong):ubyte + test eax, eax + je SHORT G_M63482_IG17 + ;; size=68 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 8.00 +G_M63482_IG16: + mov rdx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'System.DateTimeOffset' + cmp gword ptr [r15+0x28], rdx + jne G_M63482_IG21 + ;; size=20 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.12 +G_M63482_IG17: + mov rdx, gword ptr [r15+0x28] mov rdi, r13 mov rsi, r14 mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.Data.XmlTreeGen:SetMSDataAttribute(System.Xml.XmlElement,System.Type):this - ;; size=16 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 0.38 -G_M63482_IG56: + ;; size=20 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 1.38 +G_M63482_IG18: add rsp, 56 pop rbx pop r12 pop r13 pop r14 pop r15 pop rbp tail.jmp [rax]System.Data.XmlTreeGen:SetMSDataAttribute(System.Xml.XmlElement,System.Type):this ;; size=17 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.62 -G_M63482_IG57: +G_M63482_IG19: mov rdi, rbx mov r13, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [r13+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this - test rax, rax - je G_M63482_IG64 - ;; size=20 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.75 -G_M63482_IG58: - cmp dword ptr [rax+0x08], 9 - jne G_M63482_IG63 - ;; size=10 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 1.00 -G_M63482_IG59: - vmovups xmm0, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0C] - vpxor xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD336] - vmovups xmm1, xmmword ptr [rax+0x0E] - vpxor xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [reloc @RWD352] - vpor xmm0, xmm1, xmm0 - vptest xmm0, xmm0 - sete dil - movzx rdi, dil - test edi, edi - jne SHORT G_M63482_IG61 - ;; size=47 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 8.92 -G_M63482_IG60: + mov rdi, rax + mov rsi, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'Attribute' + mov edx, 4 + mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + call [rax]System.String:Equals(System.String,System.String,int):ubyte + test eax, eax + jne SHORT G_M63482_IG21 + ;; size=45 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 4.75 +G_M63482_IG20: mov rdi, rbx mov rax, qword ptr [r12+0x50] call [rax+0x10]System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor:get_Converter():System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter:this mov rdi, rax mov rsi, r15 mov rax, 0xD1FFAB1E ; code for System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter:ConvertToString(System.Object):System.String:this cmp dword ptr [rdi], edi call [rax]System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter:ConvertToString(System.Object):System.String:this mov r12, rax mov rdi, rbx mov r13, qword ptr [rbp-0x40] call [r13+0x10]System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor:get_Name():System.String:this mov rsi, rax mov rdi, r14 mov rcx, r12 mov rdx, 0xD1FFAB1E ; 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' mov rax, qword ptr [r14] mov rax, qword ptr [rax+0x88] call [rax+0x38]System.Xml.XmlElement:SetAttribute(System.String,System.String,System.String):System.String:this ;; size=77 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 12.25 -G_M63482_IG61: +G_M63482_IG21: nop ;; size=1 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 0.12 -G_M63482_IG62: +G_M63482_IG22: add rsp, 56 pop rbx pop r12 pop r13 pop r14 pop r15 pop rbp ret ;; size=15 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 2.12 -G_M63482_IG63: - jmp SHORT G_M63482_IG60 - ;; size=2 bbWeight=0.12 PerfScore 0.25 -G_M63482_IG64: - jmp SHORT G_M63482_IG60 - ;; size=2 bbWeight=0.25 PerfScore 0.50 -G_M63482_IG65: +G_M63482_IG23: mov rdi, 0xD1FFAB1E mov esi, 12 call CORINFO_HELP_GETSHARED_NONGCSTATIC_BASE mov rax, gword ptr [rbp-0x60] jmp G_M63482_IG07 ;; size=29 bbWeight=0 PerfScore 0.00 -RWD00 dq 0065006D0061004Eh, 0063006100700073h -RWD16 dq 00730065006D0061h, 0065006300610070h -RWD32 dq 006D006900720050h, 004B007900720061h -RWD48 dq 00720061006D0069h, 00790065004B0079h -RWD64 dq 0075006C006F0043h, 0061004E006E006Dh -RWD80 dq 006E006D0075006Ch, 0065006D0061004Eh -RWD96 dq 0061006600650044h, 00560074006C0075h -RWD112 dq 00560074006C0075h, 00650075006C0061h -RWD128 dq 006C006200610054h, 006D0061004E0065h -RWD144 dq 0065006C00620061h, 0065006D0061004Eh -RWD160 dq 0061007400610044h, 004E007400650053h -RWD176 dq 0074006500530061h, 0065006D0061004Eh -RWD192 dq 006F006C006C0041h, 004E004200440077h -RWD208 dq 004200440077006Fh, 006C006C0075004Eh -RWD224 dq 007400730065004Eh, 006E004900640065h -RWD240 dq 007400610044006Eh, 0074006500530061h -RWD256 dq 0065007300610043h, 0073006E00650053h -RWD272 dq 00690073006E0065h, 0065007600690074h -RWD288 dq 006F006D00650052h, 0067006E00690074h -RWD304 dq 006F00460067006Eh, 00740061006D0072h -RWD320 dq 0061007400610044h, 0065007000790054h -RWD336 dq 0072007400740041h, 0074007500620069h -RWD352 dq 0069007200740074h, 0065007400750062h - -; Total bytes of code 1865, prolog size 19, PerfScore 276.65, instruction count 445, allocated bytes for code 1865 (MethodHash=71d40805) for method System.Data.XmlTreeGen:AddXdoProperty(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor,System.Object,System.Xml.XmlElement):this (FullOpts) +; Total bytes of code 1592, prolog size 19, PerfScore 192.00, instruction count 363, allocated bytes for code 1592 (MethodHash=71d40805) for method System.Data.XmlTreeGen:AddXdoProperty(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor,System.Object,System.Xml.XmlElement):this (FullOpts) ```

Note: some changes were skipped as they were too large to fit into a comment.

Larger list of diffs: https://gist.github.com/MihuBot/8064f20f86de5dc527d194c9d50b4c22

MihuBot commented 3 months ago
