Closed Miista closed 5 months ago
For expanding coverage for MethodRewriter
we need to introduce test cases covering all (necessary) members of System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType
. Below is an overview of the relationship between OpCode, OperandType, and Operand class:
Instruction.OpCode.Code|Instruction.OpCode.OperandType|Instruction.Operand class
Ldarg_S |ShortInlineArg |ParameterDefinition
Ldarga_S |ShortInlineArg |ParameterDefinition
Starg_S |ShortInlineArg |ParameterDefinition
Ldloc_S |ShortInlineVar |VariableDefinition
Ldloca_S |ShortInlineVar |VariableDefinition
Stloc_S |ShortInlineVar |VariableDefinition
Ldc_I4_S |ShortInlineI |sbyte <===== NOTE: special case
Ldc_I4 |InlineI |int32
Ldc_I8 |InlineI8 |int64
Ldc_R4 |ShortInlineR |single
Ldc_R8 |InlineR |float (64 bit)
Jmp |InlineMethod |MethodReference
Call |InlineMethod |MethodReference
Calli |InlineSig |CallSite
Br_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Brfalse_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Brtrue_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Beq_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Bge_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Bgt_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Ble_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Blt_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Bne_Un_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Bge_Un_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Bgt_Un_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Ble_Un_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Blt_Un_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Br |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Brfalse |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Brtrue |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Beq |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Bge |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Bgt |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Ble |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Blt |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Bne_Un |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Bge_Un |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Bgt_Un |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Ble_Un |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Blt_Un |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Switch |InlineSwitch |Instruction array
Callvirt |InlineMethod |MethodReference
Cpobj |InlineType |TypeReference
Ldobj |InlineType |TypeReference
Ldstr |InlineString |string
Newobj |InlineMethod |MethodReference
Castclass |InlineType |TypeReference
Isinst |InlineType |TypeReference
Unbox |InlineType |TypeReference
Ldfld |InlineField |FieldReference
Ldflda |InlineField |FieldReference
Stfld |InlineField |FieldReference
Ldsfld |InlineField |FieldReference
Ldsflda |InlineField |FieldReference
Stsfld |InlineField |FieldReference
Stobj |InlineType |TypeReference
Box |InlineType |TypeReference
Newarr |InlineType |TypeReference
Ldelema |InlineType |TypeReference
Ldelem_Any |InlineType |TypeReference
Stelem_Any |InlineType |TypeReference
Unbox_Any |InlineType |TypeReference
Refanyval |InlineType |TypeReference
Mkrefany |InlineType |TypeReference
Ldtoken |InlineTok |IMetadataTokenProvider
Leave |InlineBrTarget |Instruction
Leave_S |ShortInlineBrTarget |Instruction
Ldftn |InlineMethod |MethodReference
Ldvirtftn |InlineMethod |MethodReference
Ldarg |InlineArg |ParameterDefinition
Ldarga |InlineArg |ParameterDefinition
Starg |InlineArg |ParameterDefinition
Ldloc |InlineVar |VariableDefinition
Ldloca |InlineVar |VariableDefinition
Stloc |InlineVar |VariableDefinition
Unaligned |ShortInlineI |byte
Initobj |InlineType |TypeReference
Constrained |InlineType |TypeReference
No |ShortInlineI |byte
Sizeof |InlineType |TypeReference
I am seeing lines of code which are not covered by any tests. I would like to have as many lines as possible covered.
This includes:
At the same time we can annotate several methods with
e.g.Shim.With(Delegate replacement)
as this method simply forwards toWithImpl(Delegate replacement)
which is fully covered.