Mijick / PopupView

Popups presentation made simple (SwiftUI)
MIT License
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no animation on dismiss #88

Closed bukira closed 3 months ago

bukira commented 3 months ago

There is no animation when dismissing a popup, which is a bit of shame as the animation on insert is great

FulcrumOne commented 3 months ago

hey @bukira,

Actually there is but we had to make it faster. Here's why: SwiftUI has a problem with resetting @State values - it takes around ~0.3 seconds to reset the cache. So, in other words, if we use the same animation speed as for the entry, there may be a (very rare, but still) situation where you see the cached @State value, from the previous popup "session". This can be fixed by the developer, by manually clearing the @State value on popup disappear, but we wanted to avoid it, as this problem is really hard to detect.

Nevertheless, if you understand the problems related to this, you can fork the and change the code in one place: File AnimationType, line 24; just copy the value from line 17.

Thanks for your feedback and feel free to ask the further questions 😉

bukira commented 3 months ago

Thanks, what @Sate am I clearing? I am only showing 1 popup at a time

FulcrumOne commented 3 months ago

Let's say you have @State value declared in your popup, like on the picture below: CleanShot 2024-04-09 at 15 15 59

This value is both displayed and changed by some element of the popup. If you would close the popup and then open in again within 1 second, you will see not an empty string (as you expect to), but the value from the previous session. For this reason, we made closing animation significantly faster.

bukira commented 3 months ago

ah ok, I have an init() on my popup where I inject the data to build the popup from so all @State inside the popup comes from the injected data

FulcrumOne commented 3 months ago

yeah, so you can play with the value a bit, but please keep this problem in your mind. Here's for example how it would work with this animation: .spring(response: 0.6, dampingFraction: 1, blendDuration: 0.1)


FulcrumOne commented 3 months ago

And if you or anyone else has an idea on how to fix this, please share it with us; because I too find it as a very difficult compromise 😉