Mijyuoon / obsidian-ling-gloss

An Obsidian plugin for interlinear glosses used in linguistics texts.
MIT License
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Possible sub-example support? #6

Open Zenkai21 opened 5 months ago

Zenkai21 commented 5 months ago

I'm wondering if it would be possible/worth it to add some ability to set multiple gloss examples within the same block. For example, say I have three related glosses that I want to label 1a) b) and c) with related sentences. What I'm asking for is achievable in a roundabout way using the alternative 'ngloss' syntax, but it becomes really unintuitive to try to script. Here's an example of the code block I'd use to get the desired outcome:

\gl 1a) [ ] [b)] [ ] [c)]
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Let me know what you think, great work on this plugin - it's super useful!

Mijyuoon commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately there isn't an easy way to add this with how the plugin is currently structured. This would need a lot of refactoring that unfortunately I don't have the ability to do at the moment.