MikaelEdebro / vue-airbnb-style-datepicker

A VueJs datepicker with a similar look and functionality as the popular AirBnb datepicker.
MIT License
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Why not use a v-model for the dates? #121

Open yooouuri opened 4 years ago

yooouuri commented 4 years ago

I am using typescript.

Created two variables, start and end (dates). Update the variables with new dates:

@date-one-selected="val => { start = val }"
@date-two-selected="val => { end = val }"

Now I have to implement two watchers to know if the dates changed:

public onStartChanged(): void {
  this.$emit('input', {
    start: this.start,
    end: this.end,

public onEndChanged(): void {
  this.$emit('input', {
    start: this.start,
    end: this.end,

If we use a v-modal to hold the dates, no events are needed to update the new dates and we can only use one watcher to check if one of the dates changed.


So dates will be an object holding start and end.