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I can get a gdb bt full out and install debug packages! #32

Open Mikaela opened 2 years ago

Mikaela commented 2 years ago

While someone else has to actually interpret the bt full getting it out and installing debug packages to hopefully have it contain something useful are possible.

I realized this with the Telegram adventure, while I have to sleep instead of installing more packages it wanted.

I think this may also have date information in ZNC's wiki or then it's part of what WeeChat taught me.

Different ways of debug packages again are something that belong to the blog and there is likely more experienced writing on that already around.

Mikaela commented 2 years ago

Revision as of 15:19, 20 April 2014 by >Mkaysi (→‎Tracing crash bugs: Add instructions to log gdb output so copy-pasting isn't required.)