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[ufw?] Family graphical support notes #179

Open Mikaela opened 4 years ago

Mikaela commented 4 years ago

Remotely, assuming the graphical user is logged in

  1. https://mikaela.info/ufw
  2. sudo apt-get install x11vnc
  3. sudo su - graphicaluser
  4. x11vnc -forever (has no password so warning that anyone can use it, but in the ufw post it has been limited to specific Yggdrasil IPv6 addresses and the server is CTRL-C:ed when not in use, so I think it's good enough)
    • -forever, because it kept quitting when I quit due to Remmina apparently not speaking the same language.

Locally: use tigervncviewer. Escape from full screen is F8 to bring up menu.

Remote CUPS support? ssh -L 9999: to bring cups to http://localhost:631/

Mikaela commented 3 years ago

s/language/dialect/g ?

Mikaela commented 2 years ago

Keyword: vnc

Sway: wayvnc

Mikaela commented 1 year ago

And migrating to wayland seems to have deprecated and broken this before I ever got around to documenting it properly somewhere.